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Randi Bradbury, Chairman, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Members Present                                 Members Absent                  
Randi Bradbury, Chairman                        Lisa LeMonte, Regular Member
Diane Aldi DePaola, Reg. Member         Richard Peters, Alternate Member
Tamara Miglio, Regular Member
Jeffrey Meotti, Regular Member          
Mark Carruthers, Alternate Member       
Eugene Creighton, Alternate Member      

Staff Present
Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk

A.          Meeting Minutes
MOTION: to approve the minutes of Thursday, September 17, 2009 as written; MOVED: D. Aldi DePaola; SECONDED: J. Meotti; IN FAVOR: R. Bradbury, J. Meotti, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Carruthers, E. Creighton, T. Miglio; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 6-0-0.

        B.        Correspondence

At tonight’s meeting, Commission members received a copy of a fax dated 11/18/09 for a Request for Exemption From Certificate of Appropriateness for 55 North Cove Road, the Robert Bull House, for landscaping repair. This has not yet been reviewed and signed by either the Building Official or the Zoning Enforcement Officer. R. Bradbury will check with them to see if this is just to keep HDC members up to date or if further action on their part is required at this time.

C.      Committee, Representative  & Staff Reports

        1.          Review of By-Laws and Regulations

R. Bradbury and D. Aldi DePaola met to discuss changes to the Historic Commission By-Laws. R. Bradbury thanked D. Aldi DePaola for her time and hard work in reviewing the By-Laws, the Process and Procedures Booklet and the Historic District Regulations.

R. Bradbury explained that anything written in the By-Laws is based on the state statutes and that whatever is in the statutes cannot be changed in the by-laws.

D. Aldi DePaola went through each item page by page to explain the reasons for the changes and to get feedback from other Commission members. Certain items such as dock regulations, the HDC’s lack of jurisdiction over trees and landscaping, and the language changes for the “North Cove Historic District Commission” versus the “Old Saybrook Historic District Commission” generated much discussion.

R. Bradbury explained that the Historic District Regulations cannot be changed by the Commission alone, but that there is a process by which this must occur which includes review by Town Counsel and a town vote.
                2.          Fee Structure

R. Bradbury distributed an HDC Motion, Time & Cost Summary of Administrative Clerk Duties Per Application for Certificate of Appropriateness. HDC members discussed the costs associated with holding an HDC meeting, and how this affects the rate they should charge applicants requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness. Members agreed that they would like to see a

more detailed breakdown of hours, labor and materials. R. Bradbury said she would talk with Christine Nelson about this and ask her to e-mail this information to them for their review before they recommend a fair and reasonable fee amount.

                3.          Discussion of Nomination for Regular Member Position
Tamara Miglio’s term as a Regular Member of the Historic District Commission is expiring in December 2009. T. Miglio explained that while she has enjoyed her time on the HDC, she is very committed to her work with “Wind Over Wings”, and she often has scheduling conflicts because the two groups often meet on Thursday evenings. Because of this, she has decided to step down from the Historic Commission when her term expires.

Randi explained that T. Miglio is an out of district Regular Member of the HDC, and that both M. Carruthers and E. Creighton would be eligible to apply for the position. She suggested that if they are interested in the position, they send a letter of interest/intent to the First Selectman’s office.

        D.        Schedule of Meetings for 2010

MOTION: to approve the Schedule of Meetings for the Historic District Commission for 2010; MOVED: E. Creighton; SECONDED: D. Aldi DePaola; IN FAVOR: R. Bradbury, J. Meotti, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Carruthers, E. Creighton, T. Miglio; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 6-0-0.
MOTION: to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room;  MOVED: D. Aldi DePaola; SECONDED: J. Meotti; IN FAVOR: R. Bradbury, D. Aldi DePaola, J. Meotti, M. Carruthers, T. Miglio, E. Creighton; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 6-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk