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Robert Wendler called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Members Present                                                 
Robert Wendler, Chairman        
Randi Bradbury, Vice Chairman  
Tamara Miglio, Regular Member   
Lisa LeMonte, Regular Member
Diane Aldi DePaola, Regular Member

Staff Present
Christine Nelson, Town Planner
Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk


A.      Certificate of Appropriateness as to Construction of a Structure-Dock
                103 North Cove Road (Map 32/ Lot 2-1)
Applicants:  Jeffrey and Mary Meotti, Owners
Agent: Robert Shickel

R. Wendler opened the Public Hearing.

Robert Shickel presented for the applicant. He explained that this is a standard dock design. He has a permit from the DEP for this dock. There is an old stone wall along the water, and because he does not know about the integrity of that wall, he wanted to design access to the water with a fixed pier not attached to the stone wall. R. Shickel explained that the materials being used are lumber marine grade construction materials.

R. Wendler stated that for the purpose of this Commission, R. Shickel need only explain the landward structure which is the 4’ X 10’ ramp.

R. Bradbury asked to go on record as stating that this Commission is only passing judgment on that section of the structure that is landward of the high tide line which is the ramp.

R. Wendler closed the Public Hearing.

MOTION  to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness as to Construction of the 4’ X 10’ ramp on the landward side of the  Structure - Dock
103 North Cove Road (Map 32/ Lot 2-1)
Applicants: Jeffrey and Mary Meotti, Owners
Agent: Robert Shickel
MOVED: by D. Aldi DePaola; SECONDED: by L. LeMonte:
IN FAVOR:  R. Bradbury, L. LeMonte, R. Wendler, D. Aldi DePaola T. Miglio; OPPOSED:none ;ABSTAINED:none;APPROVED: 5-0-0.



A.          Meeting Minutes – July 17, 2008

 MOTION  to approve the minutes of July 17, 2008 as presented
 MOVED: by R. Bradbury; SECONDED: by T. Miglio
IN FAVOR:  L. LeMonte, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Bradbury, R. Wendler, T. Miglio OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED: 5-0-0
        B.        Correspondence

Commission members received a copy of a Request for Exemption From Certificate of Appropriateness for 91 North Cove Road (Map 32 / Lot 1) owned by Donna DiBella involving boxing in the bottom of 3 windows and continuing the clapboard across. This was denied by Don Lucas on August 8, 2008 because it is not a “like for like” replacement.

Commission members discussed this, and felt that it was not a significant enough change to require the applicant to come in for a Public Hearing.

MOTION  to grant the Request For Exemption From Certificate of Appropriateness for 91 North Cove Road (Map 32/ Lot 1) pursuant to the North Cove Historic District Commission’s regulations Section 8 “Variations” paragraph A and Section 7-147G “Variations Permissible When”, thus she does not need to return to this Commission for a Certificate of Appropriateness.
Applicant: Donna DiBella, Owner
MOVED: by R. Bradbury; SECONDED: by L. LeMonte:
IN FAVOR:  R. Bradbury, L. LeMonte, R. Wendler, D. Aldi DePaola T. Miglio; OPPOSED:none ;ABSTAINED:none;APPROVED: 5-0-0.

D. Aldi DePaola said she has been contacted by neighbors who would like the Historic District Commission to support the neighborhood and write to the First Selectman to ask him to do something to beautify the rusty barrier on North Cove Road.

R. Wendler offered to write a letter on behalf of the Historic District Commission.

MOTION  to write a letter of support regarding beautifying the rusty barrier with plantings and sending the letter to the Board of Selectmen.
MOVED: by D. Aldi DePaola; SECONDED: by L. LeMonte
IN FAVOR:  L. LeMonte, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Bradbury, R. Wendler, T. Miglio; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0

C.        Committee, Representative & Staff Reports -

                Application Fees

C. Nelson talked with Commission members about what other town boards and commissions charge for various application fees. She discussed material costs and labor costs.

R. Bradbury asked C. Nelson if she could check with other Historic District Commissions in the area to see what their fee structure is before this Commission makes any decisions about appropriate fees.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at  8:36 p.m.until the next regular meeting on Thursday September 18, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room MOVED: D. Aldi DePaola; SECONDED: L. LeMonte
IN FAVOR:  R. Wendler, R. Bradbury, L. LeMonte, D. Aldi DePaola, T. Miglio
OPPOSED:  none. ABSTAINED: none. APPROVED:  5-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk