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Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street

Historic District Commission

Chairman Robert Wendler called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
              Attendant Members                                                            Absent Members
Robert Wendler, Chairman                                                   
        Randi Bradbury, Vice Chairman
       Tamara Miglio, Regular Member
       Diane Aldi, Regular Member
       Lisa LeMonte, Regular Member

       Attendant Staff
       Kathy Noyes, Recording Clerk

A.      “Samuel Hart, Jr. House”
Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features
Alteration of Existing Structure – Open Porch Enclosure
64 Cromwell Place (Map 32/Lot 18)
Applicants: C.S. Gowrie, III & D. K. Gowrie, Owners     Denise Von Dassel, Agent
ACTION:  Approve, modify or deny by 5/15/08 (NTL 6/1/08)

Randi Bradbury recused himself for this matter because he is an abutting property owner – conflict of interest

Present at tonight’s meeting was Denise Von Dassel, Agent for the owners.  Last fall the board approved a porch on the south side of the house.  The owner would like to enlarge the family room, thus enclosing a portion of the porch.  Ms. Von Dassel presented drawings which showed that 2/5ths of the porch would be enclosed.  R. Wendler said he would like to keep the look as close as possible to what was originally approved, he would like the column to stand out a bit.  No other comments from the members.

MOTION to approve the “Samuel Hart, Jr. House” Application for Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features, Alteration of Existing Structure - Open Porch Enclosure
Moved by D. Aldi; Seconded by T. Miglio;  
In Favor: R. Wendler, T. Miglio, L. LeMonte, D. DePaola
Opposed: none; Abstained: R. Bradbury; Approved: 4-0-1

A.  Exemption from Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features
Erection of New Accessory Structures – Guest House & Garage
72 North Cove Road (Map 31/Lot 15-4)
Applicants:  Capt. Dolbeare, Inc., Owner        Diane Aldi DePaola, Agent
ACTION: Formalize Enforcement Officers’ decision, deny w/out prejudice, or applicant withdraw.

        Diane Aldi DePaola recused herself for this matter.
Diane and John Aldi said they would like to withdraw the application and apply next month with maps, etc…
Application withdrawn and rescheduled for the next meeting on May 15, 2008.
A.      Exemption – Bob Wendler distributed 2 draft forms: 1.) Application w/out Exemption; 2.) Request for Exemption.  The board discussed the forms and D. Aldi expressed a concern about the process and the need to make the process clear for everyone involved.  The board agreed that all exemptions should be brought before the board for a decision if they do not meet the specific exemption criteria stated on the forms.
MOTION to accept both forms as presented, Application with out Exemption and Request for Exemption forms.
Moved by R. Bradbury; Seconded by D. Aldi;  
In Favor: R. Wendler, T. Miglio, L. LeMonte, D. DePaola
Opposed: none;  Abstained: none;  Approved:  5-0-0

B.      Public Comments – Donna Dibella 91 North Cove Road – spoke regarding the guardrail installed along North Cove Road.  She feels it is an awful rusty metal barrier and the neighbors dislike it.  She saw a lovely wood barrier at Christy Heights that would could be used in place of the current guardrail.  She also questioned the pilings that were installed, and who approved them.  Paul Connolly 60 North Cove Road – spoke of the guardrail and the pilings.  He believes the Harbor Commission installed the pilings as an improvement.  R. Bradbury said that the HDC does not have jurisdiction over water below the high water mark.  Barbara Aubin 152 North Cove Road – spoke of the guardrail and its appearance.  R. Wendler said the guardrail was installed as a safety required by the town’s insurance.  The HDC was told that a wood rail would not be sufficient for safety.  At the time of approval an option for a metal rail with a wood face was available at a much higher cost.  R. Bradbury suggested the neighbors present a plan for a solution to cover the guardrail.
A.      Minutes – HDC Meeting of November 11, 2007
MOTION to approve minutes of November 15, 2007
Moved by R. Wendler; Seconded by D. Aldi;  
In Favor: R. Wendler, T. Miglio, D. DePaola
Opposed: none;  Abstained: none;  Approved:  3-0-0

B.      Correspondence – memo from 1st Selectman re: Preserve America
B.      Committee, Representative, and Staff Reports – Matos -  70 North Cove Rd. Request for Exemption for Certificate of Appropriateness.  Mr. Matos is replacing a rail on the second floor balcony due to rot and age.  Matters that involve ordinary maintenance or repair of exterior architectural features that does not involve a change in appearance or design are exempt from the requirement to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness. Mr. Mato is also erecting a tool and garbage shed behind the Carriage House which is also exempt because they are not visible from the street, water or public open space.  The Matos’ Request for Exemption for Certificate of Appropriateness was therefore approved by Enforcement Officers.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. until the next regular meeting on Thursday May 15, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main Street.
Moved by D. Aldi;        Seconded by T. Miglio.  
In Favor: B. Wendler, R. Bradbury, T. Miglio, L. LaMonte, D. Aldi;
Opposed: none;  Abstained: none;        Approved:  (5-0-0).

Old Saybrook Planning Commission                June 4, 2003 Meeting Agenda

Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Noyes, Recording Clerk