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Historic District
Regular Meeting
Thursday, September 20, 2007
7:30 p.m.
Acton Public Library
60 Old Boston Post Road

I.         CALL TO ORDER

Chairman Robert Wendler called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II.        ROLL CALL

Attendant Members
Robert Wendler, Chairman        
Randi Bradbury, Vice Chair                              
Tamara Miglio, Regular Member
Louise Tietjen, Alternate Member        

Attendant Staff                                                        
Maura Farbotka, Recording Clerk
Christine Nelson, Town Planner


A.      Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features
Erection of Structure – Guide Rail on North Cove Road
North side of North Cove Road (on corner by “clothesline yacht club”)
Applicant: Town of Old Saybrook Agent: Lawrence Bonin, Director of Public Works
ACTION: Consider and act by 11/15/07

Larry Bonin, Director of Public Works was present for the applicant. He reviewed the proposed project to the commission which consists of adding guide rails to the north side of North Cove Road.  He brought a sample to show the commission which is rusted steel, approximately 2 feet in height.   There will be openings in the guardrails for access to the stairways. There is no treatment required, and these guardrails have been used in other areas in town. T. Miglio questioned using cedar/wooden guardrails.  Mr. Bonin advised the commission that the DOT will no longer accept wooden guardrails with cable. There is a metal guardrail made with a wooden front, but it costs over $130.00/foot.  
The Commission agreed the guardrails are necessary for this area.
No further questions from the commission.
                        Chairman Wendler closed the public hearing at 7:40 p.m.

MOTION to approve Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features Erection of Structure – Guide Rail on North Cove Road; North side of North Cove  Road; Applicant: Town of Old Saybrook.  MADE by R. Bradbury. SECONDED by T. Miglio. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Wendler, R. Bradbury, T. Miglio, L. Tietjen;  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.

B.      Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features
Alteration of Structure – Driveway Materials
158 North Cove Road (Map 32 / Lot 57)
Applicant: John Mack and Sharlyn Carter, Owners; Agent: P. Kwasniewki, Contractor       
ACTION: Consider and act by 11/15/07.
          L. Tietjen stepped down for this public hearing.
                        Mr. P. Kwasniewski of Kwas Landscaping and Design was present for the applicant.
                        Mr. Kwasniewski reviewed the proposal which consists of building a circular           
                        driveway in the front of the property along with a stone wall to retain shrubs and
                        grass.  The driveway would be made with ½ inch crushed stone or pavers set in sand.
                       It would be lined with cobblestones.    
                        L. Tietjen, a neighbor of the property raised concerns regarding this application, in-
                       cluding existing shrubbery on the property line, and the location of the proposed
                       new driveway.  Discussion was held at length with regard to these issues. Mr. Kwas
                       offered to meet with Mrs. Tietjen at her home to review her concerns.
MOTION to approve Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features Alteration of Structure – Driveway Materials; 158 North Cove Road (Map 32/Lot 57) Applicant: John Mack and Sharlyn Carter; with the condition that the new driveway on the east side of the property be at least 6 feet away from the neighbor’s property line.  MADE by R. Bradbury. SECONDED by T. Miglio. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Wendler, R. Bradbury, T. Miglio.;  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

                      L. Tietjen was reseated.

IV.     OLD BUSINESS – none.

V.      NEW  BUSINESS – none.

A.      Minutes –

MOTION to approve as presented the minutes of July 19, 2007.  MADE by T. Miglio;  SECONDED by R. Bradbury. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Wendler, R. Bradbury, T. Miglio.  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: L. Tietjen;  APPROVED: 3-0-1.

Chairman Wendler advised the Commission Diane Aldi DePaola will be joining the Commission as an Alternate Member.

B.      Correspondence – Chairman Wendler reviewed the Annual Report to be submitted
to the State Commission on Culture and Tourism.  

            C.  Committee, Representative, and Staff Reports – none

VII.    WORKSHOP        

A.      DRAFT Statement of Exemption (on Application Form)

Chairman Wendler read Attorney Cronin’s 08/16/07 letter into the record.  Discussion held with regard to the Statement of Exemption on the application form.

MOTION approve the amended Application for Certificate of Appropriateness which would strike number 4 from the list of exemptions  which states “erection or alteration of exterior architectural features that does not involve a change in appearance or design”.
MADE: by T. Miglio.  SECONDED:  by R. Bradbury. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Wendler, R. Bradbury, T. Miglio, L. Tietjen.  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.


MOTION to adjourn meeting at 8:25 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, October 18, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the Acton Public Library, 60 Old Boston Post Road.  MADE by R. Wendler.  SECONDED by R. Bradbury.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Wendler, R. Bradbury, T. Miglio, L. Tietjen.  OPPOSED: none;  ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 4-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Maura Farbotka, Recording Clerk