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Regular Meeting
Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.
Acton Public Library, 60 Old Boston Post Road

I.         CALL TO ORDER

Chairman, Robert Wendler, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II.        ROLL CALL

Attendant Members       Absent Members
Robert Wendler, Chairman                                Randi Bradbury, Vice Chairman
Tamara Miglio, Regular Member   
Louise Tietjen, Alternate Member
Attendant Staff                                                        
Christine Nelson, Town Planner
Donald Lucas, Building Official
Christine Costa, Enforcement Officer
Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk                               

        A.      “Bushnell Kirtland House”
                Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features
                Erection of Accessory Building – 160 ft.2 Shed (0.59 ac.)
                110 North Cove Road (Map 32 / Lot 64)
                Applicant: Sarah E. Ayotte, Owner
                ACTION: Consider and act by 6/21/07 (NLT 7/13/07).

The applicant was not in attendance. The Commission reviewed the applicant’s site plan and noted that the shed is not visible from the street.

MOTION to approve “Bushnell Kirtland House” Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features Erection of Accessory Building – 160 ft.2 Shed (0.59 ac.) 110 North Cove Road (Map 32 / Lot 64) Applicant: Sarah E. Ayotte, Owner.  MADE by R. Wendler. SECONDED by L. Tietjen. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Wendler, L. Tietjen, T. Miglio OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 3-0-0.

        B.      Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features
                Erection of Accessory Building – 144 ft. 2   Shed (0.52 ac.)
                142 North Cove Road (Map 32 / Lot 60-6)
                Applicant: Elizabeth L. Thompson, Owner
                ACTION: Consider and act by 7/19/07 (NLT 8/9/07).

The applicant was present at the meeting. The Commission noted that the proposed shed will be located in the top left corner of the lot and is not visible from the road.

MOTION to approve Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features Erection of Accessory Building – 144 ft.2 Shed (0.52 ac.) 142 North Cove Road (Map 32 / Lot 60-6) Applicant: Elizabeth L. Thompson, Owner.  MADE by R. Wendler. SECONDED by T. Miglio. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Wendler, L. Tietjen, T. Miglio OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 3-0-0.

        C.      Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features
                Alteration of Principal Building –Change in Roofing  Materials
                158 North Cove Road (Map 32 / Lot 57)
Applicant: Sharlyn Carter/John Mack Carter, Owners  
Agent: P.  Kwasniewski, Contractor
ACTION: Consider and act by 7/19/07 (NLT 8/3/07).

Mr. Kwasniewski presented for the applicants who were not in attendance. He showed the Commission samples of the Lifetime Architectural Shingles proposed for the roof.

MOTION to approve Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features Alteration of Principal Building – Change in Roofing Materials 158 North Cove Road (Map 32 / Lot 57) Applicant: Sharlyn Carter/John Mack Carter, Owners Agent: P. Kwasniewski  MADE by R. Wendler. SECONDED by L. Tietjen. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Wendler, L. Tietjen, T. Miglio OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 3-0-0.




        A.      Minutes

MOTION to approve as presented the minutes of March 15, 2007.  MADE by R. Wendler. SECONDED by L. Tietjen. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Wendler, L. Tietjen, T. Miglio OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 3-0-0.

        B.      Correspondence

                Presented to the Commission: Application for Cert. Of  Appropriateness  
for 110 North Cove Road dated 5/9/07, letter to HDC from Sarah E. Ayotte dated 5/9/07, Application for Cert. Of Appropriateness for 142 North Cove Road dated 6/5/07, Application for Cert. Of Appropriateness for 158 North Cove Road dated 5/30/07, copy of letter from State of CT, CT Historical Commission dated 4/14/03 re: North Cove Historic District Commission’s draft design guidelines, the Planning Commissioners Journal dated Spring 2007 entitled, “Housing for All?” , The American Planning Association Spring 2007 newsletter, a copy of Conflict of Interest and Predisposition  by Austin K. Wolf, and a draft of the memo from Chris Costa, Enforcement Officer and Donald Lucas, Building Official dated 6/5/07 re: exemptions for Cert. Of Appropriateness.

        C.      Committee, Representative, and Staff Reports


                A.      Exemptions

C. Nelson presented to the Commission the draft of a memorandum which would  help to formalize the process for Certificate of Appropriateness exemption.

D. Lucas and C. Costa both spoke, sharing ideas that they thought would further simplify and clarify the process of filing for a Certificate of Appropriateness exemption.

D. Lucas suggested adding a bullet point to the memorandum to address the issue of handicapped ramps and railings and a reasonable time frame for removal of these  items after they are no longer needed by the occupants.

After discussion, it was decided that further changes will be made to the drafted memorandum, and ultimately, if there are still questions about a Certificate of Appropriateness exemption, the applicant will be required to come before the Commission.



MOTION to adjourn meeting at 8:20 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, July 19, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the Acton Public Library, 60 Old Boston Post Road.  MADE by L. Tietjen.  SECONDED by T. Miglio  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Wendler, T. Miglio, L. Tietjen OPPOSED: none;  ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 3-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Noyes
Recording Clerk