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Historic District Commission
Executive Board
Robert Welsh, Chairman
Robert Wendler, Vice Chairman
Richard Morrison, Clerk
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-3125

Monday, December 5, 2005 at 7:30p.m.
Acton Public Library
60 Old Boston Post Road
Randi Bradbury
Joan Rimkus
Alternate Members
Henri M. David, Jr.
Patricia Osborne
Louise Tietjen


The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Present                                         Absent
Robert Welsh, Chairman                          Pat Osborne, Alternate Member
Robert Wendler, Vice-Chairman                           
Richard Morrison, Secretary/Clerk                                 
Randi Bradbury, Member
Joan Rimkus, Member
Louise Tietjen, Alternate Member
Henri David Jr., Alternate Member

Also Present
Christine Nelson, Town Planner
Whitney Moore, Recording Clerk


A.      Minutes

Robert Welsh opened the meeting and requested a postponement in the consideration of the last meeting’s minutes (dated October 17, 2005) because more detail is needed for the concluding discussion, which is presently in the process of being transcribed.   Chairman Robert Welsh moved that approval be undertaken at the next meeting instead of this one, and Joan Rimkus seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion was unanimously approved (5-0-0).

MOTION to postpone approval of the minutes of October 17th at the next meeting instead of this one.  Moved by R. Welsh; Seconded by J. Rimkus;  Approved by R. Welsh, R. Wendler, R. Morrison,  J. Rimkus,
R. Bradbury; Opposed by none; Abstained by none; (5-0-0).

B.      Correspondence

The Chairman apologized for not having read a letter from Bill Childress into the record during the last meeting, when three other letters from attorneys were read into the record.  Bill understands that the oversight was not intentional, but believes that the entire bundle of information is what should constitute the record.   That is why the advance packets for this meeting included a copy of his letter, and the Chairman requested its inclusion in the permanent meeting record.

The draft Schedule of Meetings for 2006, which had been included in each Commissioner’s pre-meeting packets, was brought up for consideration.  Randi Bradbury clarified that a recent vote of the HDC mandates six regular meetings, not four “regular” and two “special.”  Rich Morrison moved that the schedule be approved with that modification; Joan Rimkus seconded the motion, and a vote was taken.  The schedule was unanimously approved (5-0-0).

MOTION to approve the Schedule of Meetings for 2006 with modification to change all six meeting to regular meetings.  Moved by R. Morrison; Seconded by J. Rimkus.    Approved by R. Morrison, R. Wendler, R. Welsh, R. Bradbury, J. Rimkus; Opposed by none; Abstained by none (5-0-0).

There was brief discussion regarding how best to communicate with all North Cove neighbors, and the Town Planner cited options that are available to the Commission, including use of a website that is currently being developed at Town Hall.  Joan Rimkus suggested there be an announcement in the newspapers when the site becomes available, as this will streamline outreach and offer ready access to information about activity in all the Town’s various  boards and commissions.

C.       Civil Summons

The Chairman also reported that he has been reviewing lawyers to handle the pending legal appeal and that there would be a need to convene an Executive Session after the public hearing.

D.      Elevation and Appointments of Alternates and Members

The Chairman raised the issue that additional members will be needed for the HDC and that anyone interested in being appointed should contact First Selectman Mike Pace.  The Chairman acknowledged that a valued commissioner, Pat Osborne, will soon be leaving the HDC.  It was moved by the Chairman that we give Pat a “big hurrah!” for all she has done for the Town and for the HDC.  Robert Wendler seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously (5-0-0).

MOTION to acknowledge departing member Pat Osborne with a “big hurrah!” for all she has done for the Town and for the HDC.    Moved by R. Welsh; Seconded by R. Wendler.    Approved by R. Morrison, R. Wendler, R. Welsh, R. Bradbury, J. Rimkus; Opposed by none; Abstained by none; (5-0-0).

E.      Election of Officers

The Chairman opened the floor to nominations.  For Chairman, two nominations were received: one from Robert Wendler, who nominated Robert Welsh with a second from Rich Morrison; the other from Joan Rimkus, who nominated Randi Bradbury.  

MOTION to approve Robert Welsh as Chairman for the coming year.    Moved by R. Wendler; Seconded by R. Morrison.   Approved by R. Morrison, R. Wendler, R. Welsh; Opposed by R. Bradbury, J. Rimkus; Abstained by none; (3-2-0).

Robert Welsh nominated Robert Wendler for Vice-Chairman and Rich Morrison seconded.  No other nominations were made.
MOTION to approve Robert Wendler as Vice-Chairman for the coming year.   Moved by R. Welsh; Seconded by R. Morrison.    Approved by R. Morrison, R. Wendler, R. Welsh, R. Bradbury, J. Rimkus; Opposed by none; Abstained by none; (5-0-0).

For Secretary, Randi Bradbury nominated Rich Morrison with a second from Joan Rimkus.  

MOTION to approve Rich Morrison as Secretary for the coming year.    Moved by R. Bradbury; Seconded by J. Rimkus.    Approved by R. Morrison, R. Wendler, R. Welsh, R. Bradbury, J. Rimkus; Opposed by none; Abstained by none; (5-0-0).


A.       Robert Welsh opened the public hearing portion of the meeting, explaining that he has withdrawn his own application for COA in order to re-submit at a later time.

B.      “Captain Dolbeare House” (1850) Application for Certificate of Appropriateness
Demolition and Reconstruction of Guest Cottage & Carriage House
70 North Cove Road (Map 31 / Lot 15-2)
Owner: Daniel S. Matos           Agent: Rebeccah Tuscano-Moss, Designer

Robert Welsh recused himself as a neighbor of the Dolbeare residence and seated Vice Chairman Wendler to lead the public hearing.  The Vice-Chairman seated Louise Tietjen as alternate member for  Mr. Welsh.  Mr. Matos presented his application, informing the HDC that the Zoning Board of Appeals is now also going to be involved, as there are non-conforming uses emerging from the discovery that the cinder block foundation is not worthy to carry the structure.  Even if the HDC approves the COA, approval from the ZBA is now needed as well.  If the ZBA denies approval, they will have to work with the existing foundation.  

Other changes in the Matos design involve a maple tree, whose root has grown into the Carriage House foundation.  The applicant does not want to damage the tree, so he is requesting the flexibility to move the Carriage House backward (one to five feet).  The applicant has talked with the neighbors, and submitted a letter of support from John Aldi and his wife.  Clarifications were made regarding the second floor garage loft and the hatchway to the basement, which will be replaced by a bulkhead not visible to the street.  If the applicant does demolish the existing structure, there is also an old chimney that would not be replaced.  The applicant described the materials needed for the basement, which will be the same (concrete), and the point was made that all the mechanicals be underground.  

MOTION to approve the “Captain Dolbeare House” (1850) Application for Certificate of Appropriateness Demolition & Reconstruction of Guest House & Carriage House at 70 North Cove Road (Map 31/Lot 15-2). Moved by R. Morrison; Seconded by R. Bradbury;  Approved by R. Wendler, R. Morrison, L. Tietjen, J. Rimkus, R. Bradbury, Opposed by none; Abstained by none; (5-0-0).

C.      “William Tully House” (1750) Application for Certificate of Appropriateness
Erection of New Accessory Structure-Dock
135 North Cove Road (Map 32 / Lot 5)
Owner: LL Family                      Agent: Sabrina Foulke, Architect

Randi Bradbury recused herself because her husband has represented the applicant in the past.  The Chairman seated Louise Tietjen, Alternate Member, in her place.  Architect Sabrina Foulke explained that the applicant would like to put some fencing up to better protect the trees, the house and the yard from beating by the wind.  They also want to enclose an existing generator, the trash receptacles, and to continue the fencing around the corner and down to the water.

Barbara Genther, 55 North Cove Road, said the enclosures should not be a bone of contention, as the generator and trash receptacles should be covered.  Jim Kenney, North Cove Circle, asked for clarification as to whether there would be fencing in the front beyond the existing fence which will remain.  He was concerned about the public’s view of the water being potentially blocked.   Barbara Genther added her concern about six-feet fences being added, saying she would hate to see the “compounds” being erected all around.

Robert Wendler stated that there is already a fence existing so the proposed fencing would be an extension.  It was clarified by Rich Morrison that the proposed fencing is a different picket from the existing fencing so, therefore, is not an extension.  Mr. Wendler added that there is already a vegetative screen of arbor vitae trees, which he hoped the applicant would keep trimmed to the level of the fence.  Joan Rimkus agreed, and asked that that be put in writing.

Bill Childress, 192 North Cove Road, said the HDC can only address structures, and that, according to State statutes, issues of landscaping may not even be valid.  

Louise Tietjen stated that people are already upset about the tree obstacles, but that the HDC does have control over the fence.  Rich Morrison referred to the HDC guidelines which specify consistency within the neighborhood.  Robert Wendler reiterated that the trees are already in place, and Bill Childress said these guidelines go beyond State authority.

The Vice-Chairman closed the hearing and deliberations began.  Louise Tietjen suggested that this house is probably our most valuable historic structure and that is has already been a blow to have so much change in that particular house.  She asked if this fencing was really a necessary item for the applicant.  Joan Rimkus had no comments.  Robert Wendler said there is already a fence in front, so this is just an extension of what’s already been approved; the arbor vitae are already there and will grow as high as they want without a fence. Therefore, he said, he is in favor of approving the fencing that has been proposed.

Rich Morrison continued to express concern about the whole fencing proposal as being inconsistent with the history of the structure.  Robert Welsh said he was hearing overall concern about the fence and suggested moving to a vote on the matter.  Robert Wendler moved to approve the application, but was no second.  Another motion was made to approve the application with modifications to delete the fencing proposed along the road and down to the water.

MOTION to approve with modifications the “William Tully House” (1750) Application for Certificate of Appropriateness Erection of New Accessory Structure-Dock 135 North Cove Road (Map 32/Lot 5) to allow fencing around the generator and the trash receptacles but to deny fencing along the roadway or down to the water because this would be inconsistent with HDC guidelines, which were set forth prior to this application. Moved by R. Morrison; Seconded by J. Rimkus;  Approved by R. Welsh, R. Wendler,  R. Morrison, L. Tietjen, J. Rimkus; Opposed by none; Abstained by none; (5-0-0).




Robert Wendler reported that there was a 50% return on the reply cards sent to residents living in the area proposed for a new historic district. With only 42 responses (23 in favor; 7 against) while the Town will need a minimum of 63 households (two-thirds) to approve the eventual adoption of the new district.  Vice-Chairman Wendler feels the response does not give the HDC clear enough direction, and so he suggested getting on the phone to the other half of the residents affected by this proposal.  Going into a full presentation to the State seems premature, so he requested permission to do some phoning to the other half (thirty-plus) residents.   It was agreed that the Vice-Chairman should continue his efforts to create this second historic district.  His report is included in the meeting record.


MOTION to enter Executive Session to consider pending litigation and personnel matters.  This session was adjourned with a motion by Rich Morrison and seconded by Robert Wendler.

MOTION to adjourn the Executive Session.  Moved by R. Morrsion, Seconded by R. Wendler.  Approved by R. Welsh, R. Wendler,  R. Morrison, R. Bradbury, J. Rimkus; Opposed by none; Abstained by none (3-0-0).

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.  Moved by R. Wendler, Seconded by R. Morrison.  Approved by R. Welsh, R. Wendler,  R. Morrison; Opposed by none; Abstained by none (3-0-0).

Old Saybrook Planning Commission                June 4, 2003 Meeting Agenda

Respectfully submitted,

Whitney McKendree Moore, Recording Clerk