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BOF Minutes 07/18/2017
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
                           BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES
                                         REGULAR   MEETING
                                     JULY 18, 2017 at 7:00 P.M.
BOF Attendant Members                   Absent Members
David LaMay, Chairman                   Breck Lindley
Brad Thorpe, Vice Chairman
Tom Stevenson
John O’Brien
Barry O’Nell                          
Carol Rzasa
In Attendance
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Dan Moran, Facilities Manager
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Call to order:
Chairman LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance:  
Chairman LaMay led the pledge.

A motion to approve the minutes of June 20, 2017 was made by Mr. Thorpe seconded by Ms. Rsaza and motion passed 6-0-0.

Treasurer Report:
Treasurer Fish presented his General Fund Operating Budgets fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.  He briefly discussed the General Fund Revenues.  Treasurer Fish noted that each month the payables come in he will keep the board up to date.  Chairman LaMay thanked Treasurer Fish.
Finance Director Report:  None
A.   Discussion and action to present to town meeting the board of selectmen recommendation to transfer funds received from Southern Connecticut Gas co., to pave Cricket Court in the amount of $67,571 from the FY 17 Administrative Exchange fund to the FY18 highway and streets capital expenditure.
After a brief discussion, the following motion was made:
A motion to transfer funds received from Southern Connecticut Gas Co. to pave Cricket Court in the amount of $67,571 dollars from the FY17 administrative exchange fund (730-1005) to the FY18 Highway and Streets Capital expenditure 430300-57400, was made by Mr. LaMay, seconded by Ms. Rzasa.  
Discussion:  It was noted that the board had not seen any paving and maintenance records and until that time, some members felt that there was not enough information to make a decision.
Motion FAILED:  2-4-0.
Mr. O’Brien and Mr. Stevenson asked that Mr. Bonin attend our next meeting to discuss paving projects.
B.    Discussion and action to present to town meeting the board of selectmen recommendation of using the town’s portion of a rebate check from CIRMA in the amount of $33,633 toward removing the town hall/parks & recreation parking lot lights and replacing or relocating lighting.
Selectman Fortuna noted that this discussion is off the table.
C.     Discussion and action to present to town meeting the board of selectmen recommendation to perform lead abatement and reconstruction of the youth & family services building and move this recommendation to town meeting for a vote. Amount requested: $123,000 from the town’s capital non-recurring account
Mr. Moran presented two bid requests that were issued to replace the exterior of the Y&FS building.  The first bid was advertised for the abatement and disposal of the lead coated siding, trim and porch materials, while the second bid pertained to the installation of new siding, trim and replacement of deteriorated porch structures, windows and the painting of the entire building.
The grand total of funds requested is $123,000, which is inclusive of the $51,200 to complete the removal and disposal of the lead coated materials, $39,810 for the reconstruction of the siding, $20,000 for the purchase of the specified siding materials through Beard Lumber and $11,990 for a contingency of the approximately 10%.  
The board suggested not painting the exterior siding because it would not be a savings in the long run and didn’t make much sense when the siding colors could be special ordered.  After further discussion the following motion was made:
A motion to approve the Board of  Selectman recommendation to perform the lead abatement and reconstruction of the Y&FS building in the total amount of $123K and to move this recommendation to Town Meeting for a vote was made by Mr. Thorpe, seconded by Mr. O’Brien.
Discussion:  The board requested and Selectman Fortuna agreed to report back to the Board of Finance if there is any change in the number.
Motion PASSED: 6-0-0.
Mr. Stevenson and the board thanked Mr. Moran for his good work.
Chairman LaMay thanked Mr. Moran for his report.
Selectman Report:
Selectman Fortuna reported on the following:
  • Cupola on the Chamber Building has a leak;
  • Maintenance:  Kate; Elevator; Pavilion; Library;
  • Town Hall facilities; Parks & Recreation leaks;
  • Benches were delivered;
  • CT Port Authority moved to Old Saybrook;
  • FRA:  No by-pass on Shoreline;
  • Building Office:  Clerk out on medical leave;
  • Building Inspector phasing out;
  • Temporary Fire Marshal;
  • Providing coverage upstairs;
Mr. O’Brien noted that there is trimming to be done in Gardiner Park.  Also the new bench in the gazebo at the beach seemed very low.
Mr. Stevenson inquired who owns the flag pole at the end of College Street near the Saybrook Point Inn.  
Chairman LaMay thanked Selectman Fortuna.
Public comment:     
Audience praised Dan Moran for the good work that he is doing.
Mr. O’Nell commented on the OSPD vehicle list.  He noted that the OSPD request was for 8 vehicles and now there is 9.  He requested to have OSPD in for the next meeting.
Comments from the Chair: Chairman LaMay thanked everyone for coming and noted that he would have Mr. Bonin and Chief Spera at the next meeting.
A motion to adjourn made by Mr. O’Nell at 8:11 p.m. was seconded by Ms. Rzasa and so VOTED unanimously.

This meeting in its entirety was video taped and can be viewed on Town Website YouTube.

Gerri Lewis, Clerk