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BOF Minutes 03/09/2015 Special Mtg.
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

                           BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES
                                              SPECIAL   MEETING
                                        MARCH 9, 2016 at 6:00 P.M.
BOF Attendant Members                   Absent Members
David LaMay, Chairman                   Greg Gernhardt
Brad Thorpe, Vice Chairman
Breck Lindley
Tom Stevenson                           
John O’Brien                                  
Barry O’Nell
In Attendance
Selectman Carl Fortuna
Carol Conklin, Selectman
Lee Ann Palladino, Finance Director
Jan Perruccio, Superintendent of Schools

Call to order
Mr. LaMay called the special meeting to order at 6:00 PM

Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. LaMay led the pledge.

General Government budget discussion:

Ms. Paladino noted the following talking points for the board:

· The proposed personnel budget for FY17 is $6,831,965, and increase of $225,517 (3.4%) over FY16 approved budget
·The base personnel budget approved for FY16 was $6,606,448.~ Using this as our starting point and assuming that everyone received a 2.25% increase, the personnel line would increase $148k
·That leaves a $77k (1.16%), associated with step increases, increased hours, and other increases, such as overtime and coverage that has been included in this year’s budget.
  • $32k is associated with more accurate budgeting for police department coverage, as required by collective bargaining
  • $29k is associated with increased hours ~ 26.5 hours/week across various depts.
§  Building – increase clerical~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $3,681~~~~~~~~~~~~ +3.5 hours
§  Land use – increase clerical~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  $3,343~~~~~~~~~~~~ +3 hours
§  Fire Marshal – increase clerical~~~~~~~~          $2,961~~~~~~~~~~~~ +3 hours
§  Social Services – ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$6,062~~~~~~~~~~~~ +5 hours
§  YFS – Program coordinator~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $2,847~~~~~~~~~~~~ +4 hrs (split  budget)
§  YFS – Program coordinator
·Budget correction~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $4,942 (4,796)
§  Library total~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $5,665
§  Total associated w/ hours~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ $29k
  • Incorrect starting points~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $18k
§  Note $32k + $29k + $18k = $79k (rounding and other offsets, etc.)
Library Detail:
·Library staff~ $5,665 (~8 hours week at $14/hr)
The difference between these numbers and the $77k is due to other minor changes, including reductions, in the personnel schedule.

Mr. Thorpe noted that he would like to see a bi-weekly payroll.  Ms. Paladino replied that they are looking into a bi-weekly payroll.  It would be done in house.

Mr. LaMay inquired of Mr. Fortuna if he had asked The Kate about cost sharing. Mr. Fortuna noted that he had not approached The Kate as of yet.

Ms. Lindley inquired about breaking out the numbers in the capital sinking funds.  Mr. Fish noted that he can give those numbers to the board monthly.

Mr. LaMay thanked Ms. Paladino and noted that they would be returning to the Board of Finance meetings for further discussions.

Board of Education budget discussion:

Ms. Perruccio introduced Ms. Listorti who was there in Ms. Pendleton’s absence due to illness.  Mr. LaMay noted that the board may have questions under the capital plan.

Mr. Thorpe asked for a total breakdown and more detail for the out years.  He questioned the  insurance.  He suggested looking at the premium/coverage/deductible.

Mr. O’Brien inquired of the actual cost savings of Medical/Dental insurance.  Ms. Perruccio noted that they anticipated  $300K in savings.

Mr. O’Nell asked regarding the AP classes.  Ms. Perruccio noted that there are 10 AP subjects and the class size varies from 6 – 25.  

Mr. Stevenson noted travel/conferences are time consuming and costly.  He asked of the percentage of special ed students was reflective of decline?

It was asked what the emphasis on the new math teacher was.  Ms. Perruccio reported that there are new demands in Math.  Of the CMT scores in the first 5 years only 70% are reaching goal.  Third through eighth graders take this test.  Ms. Perruccio felt that a better job needs to be done for the students.  She noted that when Common Core came along, the work was not getting easier to teachers and students.

Ms. Perruccio reported that there is still talk about a decrease in staff.  

Mr. O’Brien inquired about the Transportation.  It is out to bid for a 5 year contract.  

Mr. LaMay inquired about lights at the high school field.  Ms. Perruccio replied that there was no plan to have lights at this time.

Mr. Thorpe inquired if there would be a return of funds.  Ms. Perruccio noted that there could be more than last year….it would go back to the General Fund.

Mr. LaMay thanked Ms. Perruccio.  He asked the clerk to invite Public Works and Youth & Family Services to the next meeting.

Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Stevenson, seconded by Mr. Thorpe and it was so VOTED at 8:13 p.m.

This meeting was recorded in its entirety and on CD in the Town Clerk’s office.


Gerri Lewis