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BOF Minutes 03/31/2015 Amended
  302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
           BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES (amended)
                           SPECIAL   MEETING
                    MARCH 31, 2015 7:00 P.M.
          First  Floor Conference Room Town Hall
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
        Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman                       David LaMay, Chairman                   
        Tom Stevenson                                                          
        Breck Lindley
        John O’Brien
         Barry O’Nell                                                                         
        Gregory Gernhardt

        In Attendance
        Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
        Scott Giegerich, Selectman
        Bob Fish, Treasurer
        Michael Spera, Chief of Police
        Jan Perruccio, Superintendent of Schools
        Julie Pendleton, Director of Facilities & Operations
        Mandy Ryan, Principal Middle School
        Matt Walton, Associate Principal Middle School
        Sheila Brown, Goodwin School
        Kathy Bai, Director of Pupil Services
        Joe Anastasio, Associate Principal High School
Mr. Thorpe called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Thorpe led in the pledge.  

The following was discussed by Ms. Perruccio with regard to the BOE budget:
  • State of Connecticut – Common Core: Significant changes in curriculum;
  • Mr. Stevenson asked about cutting staff; multi level teachers have multiple positions; they must have multiple certifications;
  • Ms. Lindley asked about Summer School; is it different teachers?  There is a variety of teachers including para support staff;
  • Mr. O’Nell asked there was a cost for Summer School; there is not;
  • Mr. O’Brien inquired about full time employee savings; savings .8 = $49K; retirement is figured into this savings;
  • Mr. O’Brien asked about legal; this is included under “professional” line item;
  • It was noted that 15% increase struggling students who need attention;
  • Ms. Lindley asked about Special Ed. Needs; 1 student costs approximately $70K;
  • Mr. Thorpe: Any retirements/resignations: No;  What about reimbursable transportation from the State:  $70K; buses $24K;
  • Fuel and transportation locked in for next year;
  • Mr. Gernhardt: How is Common Core going in our schools? There is a magnitude of work.  Other area schools meet and pull resources from each other;  How many AP classes at the high school – 12.  Also early college experience (ECE) at the high school.  This is large compared to other schools.
  • Mr. O’Brien inquired about regionalization to which Ms. Perruccio replied that it wasn’t as clean and easy as one would think;
  • Ms. Lindley; what about the needs of all of the students? We offer several opportunities; students on the upper range do not suffer any opportunities;
  • Ms. Lindley gave kudos to the engineering program;
  • Ms. Ryan, Principal of Middle School noted that they are always looking for more relevant experiences; special class at Middle School level once per day;
  • Ms. Brown, Principal of Goodwin School commented that they make sure all ages are ready and equipped to handle Middle School.
Mr. O’Brien noted the 32% increase in Capital Expenditures.  Ms. Perruccio noted that they are in need of the following:
  • A used van/truck/tractor at a cost of approximately $25K.  
  • The elementary school upgraded telephone system for $25K.  This is a safety upgrade.  The boiler will have to be replaced.  It is 50 years old.  There is an underground tank.
  • Doors replacement Middle School
  • Two sets of doors $20K
Mr. Thorpe thanked Ms. Perruccio


Mr. Allen discussed his budget briefly. He spoke about the renovation of the Town Beach Pavilion.

Mr. Stevenson noted the $9,500 for water for the Splash Pad at Trask Park was excessive.  He noted that there are people who need warm clothing and food and felt that amount of money spent on a Splash Pad was out of line.  Mr. Stevenson also inquired about the hours of the night time supervisors.  They work 4:30 – 8:30.  He asked about the cell phone usage.  Mr. Allen noted that the town pays for his and his assistant’s cell phone usage.  Mr. Allen noted that equipment and utilities needed for the new park were going out to bid within the next two weeks.  Mr. O’Brien noted the -1% in the Personnel line in the Park & Recreation budget.  

Mr. Thorpe thanked Mr. Allen.

Mr. Fortuna introduced retired professional engineer Jim Vanoli.  Mr. Vanoli moved to OS on 2012.  He is now one of the site managers.  He was the town engineer in Mt. Pleasant, NY.

Mr. Vanoli reported that out of 1900 properties, almost 500 properties have been addressed.  The plan is to do 500 more properties over the next 2 years.  Mr. Vanoli noted that the budget is modest given the size of the program.  Salaries are funded partially by the town and partially by the Clean Water Fund.  

Mr. O’Brien asked how many site inspectors there were to which Mr. Vanoli replied 4.  He also noted that funding for Phase II just went thru today.  Mr. O’Nell inquired why the mileage went up so much.  It was noted that the mileage referred to was accrued by employees who use their own vehicles.  Mr. Stevenson inquired about fuel to which Mr. Vanoli replied that a “key fob” is used at the town garage.  Mr. Stevenson asked if the WPCA had a liaison to the BOF.  No, they do not.  Mr. Stevenson also inquired about the postage.  Ms. Gratia Lewis replied that between 5 – 6 newspaper ads and invitations to bid the $8K is a true number.  WPCA is now mailing twice per year for benefit assessment.  Mr. O’Brien inquired if there were any new hires to which Mr. Vanoli replied no.  Mr. O’Brien inquired about a typical work day hour wise.  Mr. Vanoli noted that his hours are typically 7:00 – 5:00 and does not stay in one place all day.  Mr. Stevenson asked about the software WPCA office asked for last year.  Ms. Lewis reported that it was wonderful and working great.  The annual maintenance fee is approximately $1,800.  Mr. Fortuna noted that he will email postage use and fuel use to the board.  Mr. O’Brien asked how long it took to complete an installation.  Mr. Vanoli noted that it took 1 ½ days, plus restoration.  It was noted that installations could be done 10-11 months annually.

Mr. Thorpe thanked Mr. Vanoli.

Mr. Bonin passed out specs for road resurfacing.  Mr. Bonin discussed the difference between Asphalt; Chip Seal and Cape Seal.  He also included the replacement cost at 5 miles of roadway per year.  Mr. Bonin also passed out a vehicle inventory to the board.  He noted that he could lease a loader for $28K per year.

Mr. Bonin commented that the town is getting farther behind in keeping up with the roads.  Mr. Fortuna noted that Public Works brought in a “0” budget this year.  They are 2 men down at the Transfer Station.  Road resurfacing was discussed.  Mr. Gernhardt inquired about the 14-15 year.  Mr. Bonin noted that there was more chip sealing than paving.  The cost for just under a mile is $22K.  Mr. Stevenson asked if this was contracted out to which Mr. Bonin replied  yes.  The town owns the curbing.

Mr. Bonin told the board that he was looking into leasing vehicles.  He brought the board’s attention to the vehicle inventory.  Purchase or lease was discussed for a loader-back hoe.  

Mr. Thorpe thanked Mr. Bonin.

Ms. McNeil discussed her budget.  Ms. McNeil passed out to the board a chart of 2015 disbursements from client fees thru 3/13/15.  She also passed out a chart that showed source of funds.  Ms. McNeil noted that YFS provided over 2K hours of counceling sessions this budget year.  She told the board about the training at the Middle School and Goodwin School.  Mr. Gernhardt asked how much YFS receives from United Way to which Ms. McNeil replied $8.5K.  He suggested looking into pushing that number up.

Mr. Thorpe thanked Ms. McNeil.

Mr. Fortuna thanked the board for their ongoing work on the budget and given the hour, he had nothing more for the board.

IX.   CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS:  Mr. Thorpe reminded everyone that the Public Hearing is April 7, 2015 at the Middle School Auditorium.

These minutes are recorded in their entirety on CD in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Thorpe and seconded by Ms. Lindley at 10:12 p.m.
Gerri Lewis, Clerk