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BOF Minutes 03/24/2015
         302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
                                 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES
                                                    SPECIAL   MEETING
                                                 MARCH 24, 2015 7:00 P.M.
                                  First  Floor Conference Room Town Hall
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
        David LaMay, Chairman                  
         Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman                       
         Tom Stevenson                                                          
        Breck Lindley
        John O’Brien
         Barry O’Nell                           
         Greg Gernhardt
        In Attendance
        Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
        Scott Giegerich, Selectman
        Bob Fish, Treasurer
        Michael Spera, Chief of Police
        Jay Rankin, Fire Chief
Mr. LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Mr. LaMay led in the pledge.  

At this time, Chief Spera apologized to the Board of Finance for his behavior at a previous meeting.

III.    MINUTES  03/03/15
          A motion was made by Ms. Lindley, seconded by Mr. O’Nell to approve the minutes of March 3, 2015.  Motion passed.

The minutes of 3/17/2015 were tabled.

It was noted that Emergency Management is a function of the First Selectman.  It was also noted that there is no change in the budget.  The issue is storage for the Emergency Management supplies.  Mr. O’Brien, Mr. O’Nell, Mr. LaMay and Mr. Thorpe looked at the storage of emergency supplies.  They felt $30K was too much to spend on a storage facility.  Mr. O’Brien suggested storing the supplies in the new Police facility and to try to find alternatives during that time.  

Mr. O’Nell suggested doing an inventory of the supplies to see what space is needed.  Ms. Lindley noted that it was difficult to separate the authority of the Police Chief with Emergency Management.  She asked why the supplies couldn’t be stored in the new police facility.  Mr. Thorpe suggested that 2K square feet might be adequate to store supplies.  Mr. O’Nell noted that, again, there is no plan for this last minute request.  

The Emergency Management truck storage issue came up.  Mr. Gernhardt commented that due diligence needs to be done to find a building.  Mr. Thorpe asked why the building committee didn’t provide space.  Mr. O’Brien inquired if there is a committee looking into getting space for the truck to which Mr. Fortuna replied yes.  Mr. Stevenson asked where the EM Headquarters was.  It is in the basement of the Town Hall.  It was noted that the electricity line item pays for 3 radio sites.  The electricity comes from the towers.  It was noted that Larry Hayden is looking into the phone lines.  Chief Spera noted that they could not be part of the town lines.  He noted that $1,500 per year is spent on shelter supplies, and maintenance.

Chief Spera discussed the equipment of the telecommunications infrastructure.  There is emergency oxygen; small bottles of oxygen.  There are generators at the Fire Department, Police Department, Public Works and Schools.  The generators are all diesel.

Ms. Lindley asked about the funds for public safety vehicles.  Chief Spera noted that these funds are for when you lose an antenna or a cable or something of this nature.  Mr. Thorpe asked if there was a surplus in this budget to which Chief Spera replied that there probably wasn’t.

Mr. Fortuna commented that if we are inclined to have a Marine Patrol boat, we have a couple of choices:  we could put money away or take money from Capital non-recurring budget.  Chief Rankin commented to the Board that there is a responsibility to protect our community on the water and the boat has to be replaced.  Mr. Westerson noted that the current boat has been maintained well for 20 years.  Going forward we will be maintaining something that is not going to do the job.

Ms. Lindley inquired about hours.  Sargent DePerry reported that they use 1 civilian boat handler and 1 police boat handler.  The total hours are 515 at $70/hr.  Mr. Stevenson asked how the schedule works.  It was noted that it is scheduled through the Police Department.  He asked who decides where the boat is kept.  It is kept next to the fire boat and they have a regular maintenance person.

Putting aside capital monies was suggested.  Mr. O’Nell would like to see a survey of what is needed first.  Mr. Stevenson asked if there was a liaison from Marine Patrol to the finance board to which the answer is no.

Mr. Fortuna introduced retired professional engineer Jim Vanoli.  Mr. Vanoli moved to OS on 2012.  He is now one of the site managers.  He was the town engineer in Mt. Pleasant, NY.

Mr. Vanoli reported that out of 1900 properties, almost 500 properties have been addressed.  The plan is to do 500 more properties over the next 2 years.  Mr. Vanoli noted that the budget is modest given the size of the program.  Salaries are funded partially by the town and partially by the Clean Water Fund.  

Mr. O’Brien asked how many site inspectors there were to which Mr. Vanoli replied 4.  He also noted that funding for Phase II just went thru today.  Mr. O’Nell inquired why the mileage went up so much.  It was noted that the mileage referred to was accrued by employees who use their own vehicles.  Mr. Stevenson inquired about fuel to which Mr. Vanoli replied that a “key fob” is used at the town garage.  Mr. Stevenson asked if the WPCA had a liaison to the BOF.  No, they do not.  Mr. Stevenson also inquired about the postage.  Ms. Lewis replied that between 5 – 6 newspaper ads and invitations to bid the $8K is a true number give or take.  WPCA is now mailing twice per year for benefit assessment.  Mr. O’Brien inquired if there were any new hires to which Mr. Vanoli replied no.  Mr. O’Brien inquired about a typical work day hour wise.  Mr. Vanoli noted that his hours are typically 7:00 – 5:00 and does not stay in one place all day.  Mr. Stevenson asked about the software WPCA office asked for last year.  Ms. Lewis reported that it was wonderful and working great.  The annual maintenance fee is approximately $1,800.  Mr. Fortuna noted that he will email postage use and fuel use to the board.  Mr. O’Brien asked how long it took to complete an installation.  Mr. Vanoli noted that it took 1 ½ days, plus restoration.  It was noted that installations could be done 10-11 months annually.

a.  Making Places Grant

Mr. Fortuna discussed the “Making Places” grant. He handed out information to the board for their information.  After meetings with CT Trust staff members, property owners, Old Saybrook Land Use staff, the Old Saybrook Historical Society and a state-approved consultant, The Town of Old Saybrook requested a $50K MPG for the consultant to perform market and demographic analysis to determine the best potential uses the old Shoreline Electric Railway Power House located at 2 – 20 Ferry Place.  A preliminary proposal from Goman+York estimates a cost of $49,750 for consultant services.

A motion to appropriate and recommend to town meeting the sum of $49,750 for the Making Places grant consultant services was made by Mr. LaMay, seconded by Mr. Thorpe.  Motion passed 6-1-0.

b.  JAG Grant

Chief Spera explained this JAG Violent Crime Prevention (VCP) Grant Program and handed out paperwork for the board’s information.  He noted that this year’s allocation is $24K.  He noted that the name “leased technology” was probably the name in the budget and it was for a finger printing machine.

A motion to appropriate $22K which is reimbursable by the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) from OPM was made by Mr. Thorpe, seconded by Mr. O’Brien.
Discussion:  Mr. Stevenson asked if this had to be approved tonight.  He noted that this just came before them tonight.
Motion passed 6-1-0.

IX.   CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS:  Mr. LaMay noted that the Board of Education, Public Works, Park and Recreation and Youth & Family Services will be invited to meetings.

These minutes are recorded in their entirety on CD in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Thorpe and seconded by Ms. Lindley at 10:01 p.m.

Gerri Lewis, Clerk