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BOF Minutes 03/17/2015
           302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
                          BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES
                                      REGULAR   MEETING
                              MARCH 17, 2015 7:00 P.M.
                    First  Floor Conference Room Town Hall
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
        David LaMay, Chairman          Greg Gernhardt
         Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman                       
         Tom Stevenson                                                          
        Breck Lindley
        John O’Brien
         Barry O’Nell                           
        In Attendance
        Carl Fortuna, Selectman
        Bob Fish, Treasurer
        Lisa Carver, Finance Director
        Michael Spera, Chief of Police
        Jay Rankin, Fire Chief
        Larry Bonin, Public Works Director
Mr. LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Mr. LaMay led in the pledge.  

At this time, Chief Spera apologized to the Board of Finance for his behavior at a previous meeting.

III.    MINUTES  03/03/15
          A motion was made by Ms. Lindley, seconded by Mr. Thorpe to approve the minutes of March 3, 2015.  Motion passed.

Gentleman from 36 Cricket Court spoke in favor of the Police Budget and Fire Dept. Budget.

Mr. Duhig spoke against the Police Budget.

Chief Rankin noted that his budget was less than last year’s budget.  Mr. Thorpe asked what happens to the old fire truck.  Chief Rankin reported that it will go out to bid.  He noted that in some states it would have to meet NPA standards.  Mr. Stevenson asked how the fueling was verified.  Chief Rankin noted that a report was generated from the Selectman’s office and that the maintenance was done by mileage.  Mr. Thorpe inquired if the OSFD had a mutual aide pack.  Chief Rankin commented that they do with Valley Shore.  Mr. LaMay asked about other big capital expenses coming up.  Chief Rankin noted that the exhaust system at the fire house will need to be addressed in the near future at a cost of about $130K.  Chief Rankin noted that the fire department has an open invitation for tours.

Mr. LaMay thanked Chief Rankin.

Ms. Carver reported to the board that the grant from OPM was successful.  It will be used to provide financial software system consulting services.  The board made the following motion:

A motion to appropriate $21K from the undesignated fund balance for consulting services for a financial software system and preparation of an RFP for the same, was made by Mr. O’Nell, seconded by Mr. Thorpe.  Motion passed with Mr. O’Brien abstaining.

Mr. Fortuna discussed sewers in Old Lyme and the Governor’s budget.

At this time Mr. Fish passed out a copy of his answer to information requested by Mr. LaMay from the Board.  He noted the 100-Fund (General Fund) revenues were given to the Board of Finance at the March 3rd meeting for the current fiscal year to date, broken down by department line items.  The best sources for the same information for the previous two years are the Audited Financial Statements dated June 30, 2014, and June 30, 2013 in Schedules 1 and 2.  He noted that he has those documents if the board is missing any of them.

He reported that he had summaries for Board of Education off-budget data.  He also noted that the Town Clerk does not have off-budget funds.  There is a special checking account for the Town Clerk that is part of the 100-Fund.  He noted that the Building Department does not have off-budget funds.

The memo went on to say that Park & Rec, Youth & Family, and the Police have quite a few off-budget funds.  The GASB 54 list that relates the fund numbers to Schedules 4 & 5 in the Audited Financial Statements for June 30, 2014 was given to Board of Finance members earlier this year with the Statements.  Mr. Fish noted that he has trial balances for each of these three off –budget funds which he could provide to the Board.  He commented that if the Board required more detailed information about where revenues come from and how they are spent, he recommended speaking directly with these department heads.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fish.

At this time, the Board of Finance was asked to wait for Chairman Finch of the Police Commission so that he could participate in the Police Services budget discussion.

Before the Board took a short break, Mr. LaMay noted that the Board of Finance would be inviting Emergency Management to a meeting.  Mr. Thorpe requested of Chief Spera that he bring the entire inventory to that meeting.

Meeting break 8:05

Meeting resumed 8:17


The Board was asked to note the budget summary which consists of 88% Personnel; 10.25% Supplies and 1.75% Professional Services.  It was noted that a large expense was gasoline, which was locked in for the 2015-2016 year.  Contractual percentage increases: 3 % Police Union; Dispatchers  2.9%.

Mr. Finch asked the Board to keep in mind that the Police are first responders.  Ms. Lindley asked about personnel and Mr. Thorpe asked specifically about IT personnel.  Mr. O’Nell asked what the criteria was for more police personnel.   

Mr. Stevenson asked if there was a liaison from the Police Commission to the Board of Finance.  There is not.  He asked if any of the commissioners had a specific challenge to which the answer was no.  He asked about gas for cars and how that was tracked.  Answer: new fob device and reports generated from the First Selectman’s office.  He asked where the medical supplies were purchased.  Mr. Finch noted that they were purchased from Common Sense EMS.  Mr. Stevenson asked about accident reports and the cost.

Mr. Thorpe asked which cars are K-9 cars.  Answer: Cars 8 & 9.  Mr. Thorpe asked for the initial date of service for Car 4; checking on maintenance.  He commented that clerical time was part time and now full time.  

Ms. Lindley asked about extra personnel for special events.  She also asked about the finger printing machine and why the OSPD couldn’t lease instead of purchase.  It was noted that it was a state mandate.  

IX.   CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS:  Mr. LaMay noted that there will be a special meeting on 3/24 and 3/31.  The Board of Education, Marine Patrol, WPCA and Public Works will be invited.

At this time, Mr. Stevenson referred to the memo to the “Board of Selectmen” from the Board of Finance   The memo is dated March 3, 2015 and is incorporated in those minutes.

Mr. Stevenson made a formal request that the Board of Finance recommend that the Board of Selectmen enact a policy concerning all past and future grants and applications for grants within the last three years be on file with the Selectman’s Office and reviewed for any obligations that encumber this town.    


These minutes are recorded in their entirety on CD in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Thorpe and seconded by Ms. Lindley at 10:40 p.m.

Gerri Lewis, Clerk