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BOF Minutes 12/02/2014
       302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
                                 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES
                                                   REGULAR   MEETING
                                            DECEMBER 2, 2014 7:00 P.M.
                                               First  Floor Conference Room
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                   Greg Gernhardt
        Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman                            John O’Brien
        Tom Stevenson                                      
         Barry O’Nell
        Breck Lindley
        In Attendance
         Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
         Michael Spera, Chief of Police
        Gerri Lewis, Clerk
Mr. LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. LaMay led in the pledge.  

III.    MINUTES  12/02/2014
A motion by Mr. O’Nell to approve the minutes of 11/18/14 was seconded by Ms. Lindley.
Discussion:  Page 2; paragraph 5, second line “It was noted that healthcare is offered to anyone working 30+ hours weekly.” Change “is offered” to “will be offered”. Motion passed.

Fern Tryon thanked the board for its fairness and asking good questions.  She noted that she was disappointed that the boat business was not on the town meeting agenda.

Mr. Thorpe commented that he felt that it should go to referendum.  Mr. Fortuna commented that the PD boat was not meant to go to town meeting.  He also noted that for $90K he was not inclined to have a referendum at the cost of $5K.

Mr. Fortuna handed out the Treasurer’s report in Mr. Fish’s absence.  General Government expenditures were normal.  Bonded indebtedness payments are on budget.  Taxes continue to come in well.  Payments from the State of CT are as expected.  Revenues continue to look higher than last year due to the success of the new Mini Golf Course.  Mr. Fish’s comment is that there is nothing in the data that indicates a problem.  


Mr. Fortuna noted that the bonds were sold.  He commented that he saw no other infrastructure that needs to be bonded.  He noted that we are building a healthy capital reserve account.  Ms. Lindley asked about the rate of return on the fund balance.  Mr. Fortuna explained the sweep account at Liberty Bank which return was about ½%.  Mr. Thorpe asked about the soft costs for PD building.  Mr. Fortuna replied that they would be in the budget.  Mr. Thorpe asked about the soft costs for schools.  Mr. Fortuna commented that he has heard nothing about that.  Mr. Fortuna reported that the town is looking at 2% raises.

Mr. Stevenson asked if Mr. Fortuna signed off on every grant?  He also asked if Mr. Fortuna signed off on the Fire Chief’s grants.  The answer was no.  Mr. Fortuna noted that Wagner & Associates does grants for the town, mainly the senior housing grants.  He also noted that the Economic Development Director did a grant for the town.  Mr. Stevenson asked if the town had a copy of every grant application to which Mr. Fortuna replied no.  The Fire Department houses their own grants.

Mr. Stevenson suggested having Mr. Wagner and Ms. Beckman to a meeting.

Mr. Thorpe asked about the process of disposing of assets like the house on Bokum Road and P&R across the street.  Also what about computers, generators, truck bodies.  Mr. Fortuna noted that we acquired the house on Bokum Road for $1.00, then it was referred to Planning.  Mr. O’Nell asked when they could expect a list of assets.  He also inquired about the Transfer Station.  Mr. Fortuna explained the process of disposing the cans/bottles at the Transfer Station.  He reported that the paneling, paving and lighting were complete at the Town Garage.  He said that he would get a list of assets to the board.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fortuna.

Mr. O’Nell reported that if the board googled OS Town Meeting, the WPCA meeting was video taped and you would be able to see it in its entirety.  He noted that the soft costs per person would be about $1,200.

At this time, Mr. LaMay made a motion to add Public Comment to the agenda, seconded by Mr. Thorpe and the motion passed.

Ms. Susan LaPlace commented that there was too much town spending.  If this continues, she noted, we will lose retirees.  The board should only consider emergencies.  Mr. LaMay thanked Ms. LaPlace.

Mr. Drew Hans commented on how differently other meetings were run.  Others don’t allow public comment.  Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Hans.

At 7:50 p.m., Mr. Thorpe made a motion to add “Executive Session” to the agenda for discussion of pending legal matters, seconded by Ms. Lindley.

A motion to enter Executive Session made by Mr. Thorpe, seconded by Ms. Lindley was so voted unanimously.
Executive Session ended at 8:04 p.m..


Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Thorpe and seconded by Mr. O’Nell at 8:15 p.m.

This meeting was recorded in its entirety and cd is on record in the Town Clerk’s Office.  
Submitted: Gerri Lewis, Clerk