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BOF Minutes 10/21/2014
          302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
                           BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES
                                          REGULAR   MEETING
                                OCTOBER 21, 2014 7:00 P.M.
                                First  Floor Conference Room
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                   Greg Gernhardt
  Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman             
        Tom Stevenson                                      
         Barry O’Nell
        John O’Brien
        Breck Lindley

        In Attendance
         Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
         Lisa Carver, Finance Director
        Bob Fish, Treasurer
        Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
        Michael Spera, Chief of Police
        Gerri Lewis, Clerk
Mr. LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. LaMay led in the pledge.  

III.    MINUTES  9/16/2014;   10/07/2014
A motion by Mr. Thorpe to approve the minutes of 9/16/14 was seconded by Ms. Lindley and was so VOTED unanimously.

A motion by Mr. O’Nell to approve the minutes of 10/07/14 was seconded by Mr. O’Brien.  Motion passed with Ms. Lindley abstaining.

The following members from the public spoke in favor of the Port Security Grant: Scott Masse; Jim Palmieri; Grant Westerson; Robert Finch.

The gentleman who spoke against the grant did not give his name.

It was requested that Public Comment be added to the agenda after the Selectman’s Report, so that after the power point presentation, the public could comment further.

A motion to add Public Comment after the Selectman’s Report was made by Mr. Thorpe, seconded by Mr. O’Nell and it was so VOTED unanimously.

A memo from Superintendent Jan Perruccio relayed the following message dated November 14, 2014:
“This week, work continued on the tennis courts. As of today, the surfaces of the courts are
completed, fencing is completed with the exception of the installation of the mid-rail fence
support and we are waiting to take delivery of the nets.

Removal of the field base continued since last Friday. This part of the project should be
completed over the coming days and the process for replacing that base material will begin
soon after. There will be testing conducted by the contractor and engineer periodically
throughout the next phases of the project. This work should proceed over the coming weeks
as long as there are no major snow events. Minor snow events that melt away or cold snaps
that cause freezing over night will not interfere with the work. If weather allows, the turf
will be placed before winter sets in. If weather doesn’t permit, the turf will be stored
appropriately at the recommendation of the turf manufacturer and installation team, and put
in place in the spring as soon as possible after snow and ice melt.

We are so pleased to see progress and are hoping for limited bad weather so the work can
continue. Our next Turf, Track and Tennis Court sub-committee meeting will be held on
December 3 at 6:15 p.m. at Old Saybrook Public Schools’ central office.”

At this time, a power point presentation was made by Sergeant Ryan Walsh and Sergeant Jeffrey DePerry.  This PPP was presented by the Strategic Planning Committee of the Marine Division.  The presentation covered the following:
  • Committee Tasks;
  • Committee Members; Detective Sergeant Eugean Heiney; Master Sergeant Jay Rankin; Sergeant Jeffrey DePerry; Sergeant Ryan Walsh; Grant Westerson; Scott Masse.
  • Equipment; Current Vessel;
  • Current OSPD Marine 1 – Concerns; (20+ years old; dated equipment; paint & aluminum corrosion; current motor 850 hrs.; non-skid paint failure);
  • New Vessel Funding Sources;
  • Port Security Grant Program; example of funded projects;
  • FEMA Approved Projects;
  • OSPD Proposal to FEMA;
  • Proposed Vessel: Cost Breakdown;
  • Oak Leaf Marina Maintenance Estimate for Upgraded Patrol Vessel; Estimated Change in Operating Costs;
  • Project Timeline.
Mr. O’Nell had a problem with the size of the boat; possibly more operators; more spending?  Mr. Stevenson inquired who is going to follow the project; who will build the vessel; will there be an RFP?  Mr. LaMay inquired the existing 23’ to the new 28’ and reasons why.  Mr. Thorpe inquired providing services to other communities; is training part of the grant?  Mr. O’Brien questioned costs and asked Mr. Fortuna as to the source of the monies requested.  He noted that OSPD is 27% of the town budget.  Mr. Fortuna noted that the current OSPD rent is $166K annually.

Motion to approve the Board of Selectmen’s request that the Board of Finance recommend to Town meeting an appropriation of $361,570.00 Port Security Grant to be matched by a Town share in an amount of $90,393.00, for the purchase of a police boat (Total appropriation is $361,570.00) by Ms. Lindley, seconded by Mr. LaMay.

Discussion:  Mr. Fortuna encouraged the Board of Finance to send this to Town Meeting.  

Motion failed:  Mr. LaMay; Ms. Lindley; Mr. Thorpe voted in the affirmative;
                   Mr. Stevenson; Mr. O’Brien; Mr. O’Nell opposed.

Mr. Fortuna briefly explained this grant to the board as mentioned at a previous meeting to conduct a site assessment of nine properties on Route 1 East.”
Motion to approve the Board of Selectmen request that the Board of Finance recommend to Town meeting an appropriation of $155,000, which funds will be reimbursed to the Town by DECD to conduct a site assessment grant of nine properties on Route 1 East was made by Mr. O’Nell, seconded by Mr. Thorpe and motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Fortuna reported on the following:
  • Town Meeting is November 24th;
  • CCM (Connecticut Conference of Municipalities) did an RFP for LED lights; will have report for board at next meeting;
Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fortuna.

IX.             PUBLIC COMMENT cont.

Comments in favor the the Port Security Grant appropriation continued.  Selectman Gernhardt commented in favor as did Police Commission Chairman Mr. Finch.  One gentleman continued to speak in opposition.

Chief Spera answered questions during the evening and respectfully urged the board to reconsider to send the appropriation to town meeting and let the town vote.  He again explained that 75% of the new police boat costs would be reimbursed by the Port Security Grant and the town’s grant match would be $90,393.00.  Mr. Spera noted that federal government grant committee persons would not look favorably on a town that refused a grant.  Mr. Spera noted that if the board did not reconsider their vote, he would use the OSPD’s legal funds to initiate a petition for a town meeting to act on this issue.

The Board of Finance discussed whether or not to reconsider their initial vote.

A motion to reconsider the action with regard to the Port Security Grant was made by Ms. Lindley, seconded by Mr. LaMay and motion passed: Mr. LaMay; Ms. Lindley; Mr. Thorpe; Mr. O’Nell in favor; Mr. Stevenson; Mr. O’Brien opposed.

Mr. LaMay noted that the motion passed and asked for another motion.

A motion to approve the Board of Selectmen’s request that the Board of Finance recommend to Town meeting an appropriation of $361,570.00 Port Security Grant to be matched by a Town share in an amount of $90,393.00, for the purchase of a police boat (Total appropriation is $361,570.00) was made by Mr. Thorpe, seconded by Ms. Lindley and motion passed 5-1-0.  Mr. O’Brien opposed.

Chairman’s Comments:      None

Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Thorpe and seconded by Mr. O’Brien at 9:05 p.m.
This meeting was recorded in its entirety and cd is on record in the Town Clerk’s Office.  

Gerri Lewis, Clerk