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BOF 6/17/2014 Minutes
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

                                            BOF MINUTES
                                         REGULAR   MEETING
                                       JUNE 17, 2014 7:00 P.M.
                                     First  Floor Conference Room
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman           Breck Lindley
  Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman             John O’Brien
        Tom Stevenson                                   Greg Gernhardt
         Barry O’Nell

        In Attendance
         Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
         Michael Spera, Chief of Police
        Gerri Lewis, Clerk
Mr. LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. LaMay led in the pledge.  

A motion was made by Mr. LaMay, seconded by Mr. Thorpe to add Public Comment to the agenda.  Motion passed.

Mr. LaMay inquired of the public if there was any comment.  There was none.

A motion to approve the minutes of May 6, 2014, was made by Mr. Thorpe, seconded by Mr. O’Nell and motion passed with 1 abstention.

A motion to approve the minutes of  May 13, 2014 was made by Mr. Thorpe, seconded by Mr. LaMay and motion passed.

A motion to approve the minutes of  May 20, 2014 was made by Mr. Thorpe, seconded by Mr. O’Nell and motion passed.
A motion to approve the minutes of  June 3, 2014 was made by Mr. O’Nell, seconded by Mr. LaMay and motion passed.

        Mr. Bonin gave an update on the Town Garage as follows:
  • Floor poured;
  • Lights in 2 weeks;
  • End of month all bills paid in electric; $7K rebate;
  • Need boiler to run the heat system;
  • What’s left:  Insulation and siding.
Mr. LaMay inquired when it will be finished to which Mr. Bonin replied end of Summer.   He also inquired regarding a sump pump.  Mr. Stevenson inquired regarding the water to the building; Mr. O’Nell inquired regarding the equipment and coverage from outside elements for the same; he also inquired about “bottom line” financial estimate after all is done.  Mr. Bonin noted that they will need a loader. Mr. Bonin will put in a request for next year’s budget.  Mr. Thorpe inquired about the water table; containers at the Transfer Station; canopy over fuel pumps and paving.  

Mr. Stevenson noted that a flat bed to haul waste out of town will be needed.  It was noted that the cost to lease is approximately $27K/yr.  Mr. Stevenson noted that 2 lights were out at Gardiner Park.  Mr. Bonin noted that there may not be power and would take it up with Mr. Allen at Park and Recreation.  Mr. Stevenson inquired about the curbing on Main Street.  He inquired regarding the underpass on Elm Street.  Mr. Fortuna noted that he has had email correspondence with a contact from Amtrak.  Mr. LaMay inquired regarding paving on Elm Street.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Bonin.

        Mr. Fortuna reported on the following:
  • Fence at Riverside Cemetery; he passed out the deed and noted that the town gives $2K to the cemetery for the upkeep per year;
  • Cypress Cemetery on College Street; noted that the roads are very bad;
  • Benches on Main Street;
  • NC Historic District guard rail;
  • Historic Resources Grant; OS accepted as Historical Government; BOS signed contract to do research.
  • Historic Whittelsey House
At this time a motion was made by Mr. Thorpe, seconded by Mr. LaMay to appropriate monies for the repair and replacement of fencing at certain areas of Riverside Cemetery and motion passed.

A motion to appropriate $10K toward the repair of roads in Cypress Cemetery was made by Mr. Stevenson, seconded by Mr. Thorpe and motion passed.

A motion to table the appropriation requested for the benches on Main Street was made by Mr. Stevenson, seconded by Mr. O’Nell and motion passed.

A motion to table the guardrail appropriation request was made by Mr. Stevenson and seconded by Mr. Thorpe.
Discussion:  The board would like to hear from a representative from the North Cove District.
Motion passed.

For the purposes of discussion of the Historic Resources Grant Contract, a motion to add this to the agenda was made by Mr. O’Nell, seconded by Mr. LaMay.  Motion passed.  After discussion the following motion was made:

A motion to recommend to town meeting the grant amount of $30K to be used for research by a historian or someone who is qualified according to the Connecticut General Statues, Section 10-415(b) guidelines was made by Mr. Thorpe, seconded by Mr. O’Nell and motion passed.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fortuna.

Mr. O’Nell reported that the WPCA is still investigating AT Systems.  He noted that the budget needs to be revisited and that he would like to have them come in before the BOF.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. O’Nell.

Chairman’s Comments:

Chairman LaMay noted that there will not be a meeting on July 1st.  He also noted that at the July 15th meeting we would invite WPCA.

Motion to adjourn made by Brad Thorpe and seconded by Mr. O’Nell  at 8:35 p.m.

This meeting was recorded in its entirety and is on CD in the Town Clerk’s office.


Gerri Lewis, Clerk