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BOF 5/6/2014 Minutes
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

                                            BOF MINUTES
                                                   REGULAR   MEETING
                                                 MAY 6, 2014 7:00 P.M.
                                           First  Floor Conference Room
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
  Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman             David LaMay, Chairman
  Tom Stevenson
        John O’Brien
        Greg Gernhardt
         Barry O’Nell
        Breck Lindley
         In Attendance
         Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
         Lisa Carver, Finance Director
        Bob Fish, Treasurer
        Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
        Sarah Becker, Town Clerk
        Michael Spera, Chief of Police
        Gerri Lewis, Clerk  

Mr. Thorpe called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Thorpe led in the pledge.  

Barbara Maynard and Bill Peace spoke in favor of the purchase of The Preserve.

IV.        MINUTES
A motion to approve the minutes of April 20, 2014 was made by Mr. O’Nell, seconded by Mr. O’Brien and motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Carver explained the Retirement Pay-out Account and asked for a motion to add a pay-out of $16,600 to Sgt. Hull.  She also noted that there were an accumulation of sick days for Ms. Duffy, the retiring Director of Parks and Recreation.

A motion to add a pay-out of $16,600 from the undesignated fund balance for Sgt. Hull was made by Mr. Gernhardt, seconded by Mr. O’Brien and was so VOTED unanimously.

Ms. Carver also reported the following:
  • Personnel Handbooks are distributed
  • ICMA – Provider of 457 Plan came in to speak with Finance Director & Selectman
  • Potential retirees
Mr. Fish passed out the General Fund Operating Budget.  He noted that the State of Connecticut revenues were coming in higher than expected.  He offered to answer questions on the budget line items. Mr. Fish noted that our bond refinancing gave us a $43K advantage this year.  He noted that back taxes collected are twice as much as we expected.  Mr. Thorpe thanked Mr. Fish.

Mr. O’Brien inquired about an update on the Town Garage.  Mr. Fortuna reported that the floor may be poured this week.

        Mr. Fortuna reported on the following:
  • Reminded all of the Referendum on May 13th
  • A tenant at the L&M Building
At this time, Mr. Fortuna introduced Graham Stevens of the DEEP to speak about the Preserve and the State’s potential joint ownership of the land.  Also Ms. Brown spoke on behalf of The Trust for Public Land.  Mr. Stevens noted that the State was putting $3.3M toward the funds for the purchase of the land.  Mr. Fortuna noted that the Senate passed a bill to authorize co-sponsorship with the town of Old Saybrook.  He read a paragraph in the Bill.  Mr. Stevens also noted that the State has set aside $250K for maintenance and stewardship of the property.  He noted that this would not be the case if the State was not co-owner of the property.  

A long discussion ensued with inquiries from Mr. Thorpe, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. O’Brien, Mr. O’Nell, Mr. Gernhardt and Ms. Lindley including bond offerings; other borrowing options; attorney negotiations for purchase; appraisals; price negotiation; town’s contribution; town’s role; more sources of funding, etc.

Also in the audience was Professor Fred V. Carstensen from the School of Business at UCONN.  
He suggested that a comprehensive Land Use Study be done.

This entire meeting was recorded and is on a CD in the Town Clerk’s office at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.

Mr. Thorpe thanked everyone for their input.  He reminded the Board that the next meeting, May 20th would take place at The Middle School so that they could hold a Public Hearing re The Preserve.

A Motion to adjourn was made and seconded at 9:10 p.m.

Gerri Lewis, Clerk