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BOF 3/18/2014 Minutes
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

                                             MARCH  18, 2014 7:00 P.M.
                                                  Middle School Library

BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman           John O’Brien
  Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman             
  Tom Stevenson
        Breck Lindley
         Barry O’Nell
         Greg Gernhardt

         In Attendance
         Carl Fortuna, First Selectman (via phone)
         Jan Perruccio, Superintendent of Schools
        Julie Pendleton, Director of Finance & Operations
        Michael Spera, Chief of Police
        Mario Gaboury, Chairman, BOE
        Gerri Lewis, Clerk
Mr. Gaboury called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Gaboury led in the pledge.  

Mr. LaMay asked if there was any Public Comment.  There were no comments offered.

2014-2015 Budget Discussion

Chairman Gaboury thanked the Board of Finance for attending this meeting to review
the Board of Education proposed budget. Each year the board works to present a budget
that is responsible to the needs of the district and responsive to the input provided by
the Board of Finance and community.

Superintendent Perruccio handed out a packet so that the BOF could follow along with the slide presentation.  She spoke to the budget building process implemented this year as follows:

Last fall a sustained services budget for 2014-2015 was developed based on strategic
plan needs, state and federal mandates, and projections for fixed costs. The District
Leadership Team then began meeting with teachers, reviewing programs, and working
together to define priorities; what had to be accomplished during the 2014-2015 school
year, what should be done, and what could be postponed to the following year. Cost
saving opportunities were sought and obtained in contract negotiation with teachers,
insurance consortium, and utility services. Enrollment figures and program projections
were analyzed and opportunities for sources of revenue from grants, donations, and out
of district tuition were sought.

The Sustained Services budget increase was 3.02%, the Principals Budget proposed
increase was 4.40%, the Superintendent’s Budget was a 2.84% increase and the Board
of Education has approved an increased budget of 2.84%. This is the lowest budget
proposal in the last three years: 2012-2013 increased 4.10%, 2013-2014 increased
3.94% and the 2014-2015 proposed increased is 2.84%. The proposed increase is also
below the 3.18% state average reported by school districts to date.

Per pupil costs are calculated following the required state formula. Costs for students
attending Old Saybrook Schools is in keeping with other districts in our DRG. District
enrollment this year has decreased by approximately 50 students spread over all grade

The district is on the verge of developing a new technology plan but before that plan is
written or dollars expended it is appropriate to complete a technology audit to evaluate
where we are and where we need to go and how to get there. On the horizon is the new
student testing (SBAC) that will require large numbers of students to be on wireless at
the same time. We need the infrastructure to support this initiative. We are also
planning to redesign our district and school websites from their current home-grown
versions to ones that are more comprehensive, easier to navigate and updated with
information in a more timely fashion.

The budget also responds to the initiatives defined in the district’s five-year Strategic
Plan. It also presents the best estimates for Special Education services based on what
we know today. These expenditures can have a significant impact on the budget and
can change unexpectedly. Another variable will be the tuition the district must assume
for students who elect to attend a magnet school.

Members of the Board of Finance asked for more information on specific line items and
topics including; staffing levels, impact of magnet school tuition on our budget, hiring
and exiting of personnel, cost per pupil over time, increasing special education costs
and mandated instruction, special education reimbursement level, defining district
administrative costs, grant applications and award status, overload teacher assignments,
enrollment requires for physical education classes, plan to hire a new Athletic Director,
technology plan and budget, stipend positions, and expenses for individual athletic
teams. The same firm chosen by the Selectmen to complete the audit of town
expenditures audits the Board of Education accounts annually. By statute, the auditing
firm must change every three years.

The Board of Education was also asked to identify any large capitol expenses that will
have to be addressed in the near future. The items identified include electrical controls,
sealing and striping the paved areas at the schools, new generator for the middle school
and high school, which also is used as the town shelter site.

First Selectman Carl Fortuna stated that every conference he attends with other state
representatives raises the question of state funding for special education costs. Other
school districts have had to ask their constituents for special appropriations to fund their
budget overages.

Chairman Gaboury thanked the members of the Board of Finance for their attendance
and participation in this meeting. At the Public Hearing on April 6, 2014 the Board of
Education budget will be presented in detail to the community.

A motion to adjourn was made and seconded at 8:25 p.m.

Gerri Lewis, Clerk