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BOF 9/17/13 Minutes
      302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

                                              BOF  MINUTES
                                           REGULAR MEETING
                                     SEPTEMBER 17, 2013  6:00 P.M.
                                           Middle School Library

BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                   
  Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman
  Barry O’Nell
  Derrik Kennedy
         Tom Stevenson
        John O’Brien
         Breck Lindley

        In Attendance
         Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
        Lisa Carver, Finance Director
        Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
        Michael Spera, Chief of Police
        Christina Burnham, Chairman Police Commission
        Jan Perruccio, Superintendent of Schools
        Julie Pendleton, Director of Finance and Operations
        Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Mr. LaMay called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

Mr. LaMay led in the pledge.

  • PUBLIC COMMENT                                  
Mario Gaboury, Chairman of the Board of Education thanked the BOF for having their meeting at a time and place that could accommodate the Board of Education members.  He also noted that the Board of Education interrupted their meeting to be at the BOF meeting and that several members on that board would be leaving to resume their meeting after their presentation.   

One member of the audience noted the placement of “Public Comment” on the agenda and asked for it to be placed on the agenda after the presentation so that the public could comment.

Mr. LaMay asked for a motion to approve the minutes.  

A Motion to approve the September 3, 2013 minutes was made by Mr. Kennedy and seconded by Mr. Thorpe.  
Discussion:  Mr. Stevenson noted that there was a typo in Mr. O’Brien’s name.
Motion passed: 7-0-0.


Ms. Pendleton reported on the following:
  • 1st quarter projections: looking at all staffing, hires, retirees;
  • Benefit account tight;
  • Encumbering all known expenditures;
  • Locked in fuel; gas & electric
Mr. Thorpe inquired re enrollment; and special education changes;
Mr. Stevenson inquired re costs; Mr. O’Brien inquired re High School roof.

        Ms. Carver noted that the auditors were in the office this week.  She wanted to defer to the PPT presentation in the interest of time.

VII.   SELECTMAN REPORT – Town projects discussion; action requested.

Mr. Fortuna noted that the Police Station presentation will be presented by Mike McDonald of Downes Construction.  A hard copy of the presentation can be seen in the Selectman’s office.

Mr. McDonald noted that there was a space needs assessment done in October, 2012; a space needs assessment conclusion done in January, 2013.  A sight plan was done as was a floor plan.  A rendering was shown in the power point presentation.
Mr. McDonald reported the following:
  • The 1975 PD building at 225 Main Street is damaged beyond repair due to flooding.
  • The temporary facility at 6 Custom Drive is being rented ($166K this year, extension to be negotiated for next year) and does not meet many law enforcement standards as recommended by the State;
  • The Department of Police Services should be located in the downtown center;
  • Bond rates are near historic lows, construction costs are beginning to escalate.  Delays will increase costs;
  • Occupancy projected for April 1, 2015.
  • Budget: Hard Cost:  $8,882,000.
  •              Soft Cost:   $1,043,000.
  •               Total:         $9,925,000.
Mr. McDonald noted that Downes Construction will guarantee their price through a performance bond with Travelers Indemnity Company.

Ms. Perruccio and Ms. Pendleton passed out a document of “Proposed School Projects – FAQ’s” so that citizens and board of finance could read along with the power point presentation.  The projects are: Goodwin School Windows; Middle School re-roofing; High School Track and High School Tennis Courts replacement, and installation of an Artificial Turf field.  There were several citizens of the town including parents and coaches that commented on the above proposal of projects, specifically the artificial turf field.  Some of the pros and cons discussed were maintenance costs; replacement costs; hidden costs; geese problem; health and safety concerns; affordability; additional playing hours vs. having to go out of town, and research of Astroturf.

It was noted that the Middle School roof is original to the building and costs to repair it have increased as much as $5K annually.  The Goodwin School windows are original making them over 50 years old and there is a significant heat loss; they are cold and drafty; caulking is cracked and the frames are old and rotting.  The Track and Tennis courts are over 22 years old and the repairs are very costly and last only a short time.  The cracks and splits in both surfaces are a safety hazard and over $80K has been spent to repair them in the past two years.  
  • Middle School Roof:     $1.95 M
  • Goodwin Windows:        $1.4 M
  • Turf field:             $1.2 M
  • Track:                  $250K
  • Tennis Courts:  $300K
Ms. Lindley inquired if a contingency was built into the 9.925M for the PD.  It was noted: Yes, 8%;
Mr. Stevenson inquired if it was looked into eliminating the Tennis Courts; It was noted that we have tennis teams;
Mr. LaMay inquired re the process of replacing the Track & Tennis Courts; It was noted that the courts get taken up; ground; compacted and re-surfaced;  Mr. LaMay also inquired if the location was efficient.  It was noted Yes.
Mr. O’Nell inquired of the total inventory of all fields.  It was noted that there are 5 regular fields (multi-use).  He also inquired of how many fields Park & Rec has.  It was noted that they have none.

At this time, Mr. O’Brien asked for a breakdown of the resolutions into 3 parts.  He felt that there needed to be more transparency.  He asked what would be the process.  Mr. Fortuna noted that there would be 3 Resolutions instead of 2.  The building and all but the turf field would be according to State guidelines.  The Turf field would go out to bid.  Mr. O’Brien inquired re equipment; man hours; long range plan for more turf fields or lights.

Mr. Stevenson inquired bringing in revenue, i.e. $200/game.  

Because of the several questions that the board had, Mr. O’Brien recommended that they take some time and perhaps have another meeting to vote on this.

Ms. Pendleton noted that the school projects are 2 years out.  Mr. Giegerich explained that when we have a “shovel ready” project, then we are eligible for grant money.

At this time, Mr. Kennedy asked that someone walk the board through the design of the OSPD.  Brian Humes, architect noted that a space needs assessment is done.  He then talks to the department to gather information.  He then benchmarks this against other towns.  They are looking at 50-75 year growth potential.  Mr. Kennedy noted that his biggest concern was the timing of the projects and inquired if it was necessary right now.  Mr. Fortuna noted that Ms. Carver and he were working with a financial advisor, Mark Chapman.  He also noted that the reval was coming up.  


Mr. O’Nell noted that the WPCA pay back would start in 2014.  Mr. Fortuna noted that the town is asking for an extension.  Mr. O’Nell asked re an administrator.  Mr. Fortuna noted that he was interviewing tomorrow.

Mr. Thorpe inquired if we had a huge storm hit us and the effects thereof.  Mr. Fortuna reported that he is exploring insurance.

Mr. Stevenson inquired the effects of flooding on a turf field.

Mr. Kennedy inquired of the design of the PD and if it was LEED “green” to which the answer was yes.  Mr. Hume noted that there are different levels of quality for rebates and incentives with utility companies as well.  Mr. Kennedy inquired re heating which is natural gas right now because it is lowest cost.

At this time, Mr. O’Brien made a motion to have a special meeting to vote on the resolutions and Mr. O’Nell seconded it and the motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made to add Public Comment by Mr. Kennedy and seconded by Mr. Thorpe and was so voted unanimously.

There were several questions, comments, and discussions from the public that lasted about 39 minutes regarding the power point presentation on the school projects.


Mr. LaMay suggested the special meeting for Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 6:00 p.m. at the town hall following the Selectmen’s meeting.  He handed out the first 4 pages of the budget that had been requested by Mr. O’Brien at a previous meeting.  Mr. LaMay thanked everyone for their input and for coming.

Ms. Maynard and Mr. Westerson urged everyone to go out and vote for these projects.


A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Thorpe at 9:26 p.m. and seconded by Mr. Kennedy and it was so voted unanimously.


Gerri Lewis, Clerk