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BOF 8/6/13 minutes
       302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

                              BOF        MINUTES
                              REGULAR MEETING                                                                                        AUGUST 6, 2013  7:00 P.M.
                  First Floor Conference Room Town Hall

BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman           Barry O’Nell    
  Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman
  Derrik Kennedy
         Tom Stevenson
        John O’Brien
         Breck Lindley

          In Attendance
           Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
          Bob Fish, Treasurer
          Larry Bonin, Public Works
          Michael Spera, Chief of Police
          Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Mr. LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. LaMay led in the pledge.

  • PUBLIC COMMENT   -    None
  • APPROVAL OF MINUTES  7/16/13 Mtg.
Mr. LaMay asked for a motion to approve the minutes.  Mr. O’Brien noted that he voted “opposed” to the JAG Grant Appropriation.

A Motion to approve the July 16, 2013 minutes as amended was made by Mr. Thorpe and seconded by Ms. Lindley.  Mr. Kennedy abstained.  Motion passed: 5-0-1

Mr. Bonin handed out to the Board a memo from David Campbell of Nathan Jacobson & Associates with regard to the Aquifer Protection Area/Industrial Stormwater.  It noted that the Public Works Facility needs to maintain compliance with regulations for being in an aquifer protection area as well as the requirements of the general permit for the discharge of stormwater associated with industrial activities as follows:
  • Site equipment should be stored inside under cover;
  • Canopy to cover the fueling station;
  • Seal all concrete floors to protect against petroleum products;
  • Pave over the Town Garage driveway which is full of cracks;
  • New gates;
  • Canopies for the three open top containers in use at the Transfer Station;
  • Stormwater treatment controls for the Public Works Garage and Transfer Station runoff.
An estimated total for this work is $704,610 – 729,610.  Mr. Fortuna suggested that perhaps a subcommittee from the Board of Finance could be chosen to track this work.

Mr. Bonin reported that Majestic Electric will do all of the electrical work at the Town Garage including the underground electric.  He noted that eventually the floor will be heated.  He noted that this work could be done right after the Town Meeting  if it is approved.  Mr. Bonin will do the plumbing and sheet rock and down the road tap into city water.  Mr. Stevenson asked if a sprinkler system would have to be installed.  Mr. Bonin noted that there are no mechanicals so that wouldn’t be necessary.  Mr. LaMay inquired about work and storage areas.  There is no storage area.  Mr. Kennedy questioned the prices of the work from Jacobson vs Mr. Bonin.  Mr. Kennedy inquired if the Board of Finance could create an account to be funded every year.  Mr. LaMay inquired to Mr. Fortuna about the subcommittee.  Mr. Fortuna wanted to speak with Mr. O’Nell who was not at the meeting.

Mr. Fortuna also brought to the Board’s attention the sidewalks on Pennywise Lane.

Superintendent of Schools Jan Peruccio introduced herself.  She reported that the BOE returned $28,916.00 to the General Fund at the end of the fiscal year.  Ms. Peruccio reported that Matthew Walton was appointed Principal of The Middle School.  School will open on August 28, 2013.  She noted that at the entry a security system was installed in the Middle School and Goodwin School and that a level of security was added to the high school.  Mr. Stevenson asked if the doors allowed you to get out.  The answer is yes and he also asked if the BOE got a new vehicle to which Ms. Peruccio answered yes.

Mr. LaMay thanked Ms. Peruccio for coming to the meeting.

Mr. Fish reported on his general fund operating budgets fiscal year 2012-2013 ending June 30, 2013.  He noted that we under spent by approximately $216,878.00 and there was a surplus in revenues.  Mr. Fish also gave the monthly report for fiscal year 2013-2014 ending July 31, 2013, noting the town garage electrical work in the amount of $56,529.  He reported to the Board that he added it to the budget to track it.  Mr. O’Brien inquired if it was in the original budget presented for this year.  

Mr. Fish drew the Board’s attention to the general fund expenditures and proposed transfers to be approved at town meeting.  The items he recommended are: Water System for $40,826; and Employee Benefits $72,057.  Mr. Kennedy inquired if we have a retirement plan broker to which Mr. Fish replied Brown & Brown.  Ms. Lindley inquired about debt.  Mr. Fortuna noted that we did and that he would talk about bonds at a later meeting.

A motion was made by Mr. LaMay to approve the budget transfers as presented, seconded by Mr. Thorpe.  Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Mr. Kennedy to move the approved budget transfers to the Board of Selectmen to be put on the agenda for town meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Kennedy inquired as to why we got more money from the State.  Mr. Fish noted that it was from Municipal Revenue Sharing.  The State sent us more than what we budgeted.

Ms. Carver reported on the following:
  • Supplemental claim for storm Irene; received $21,916.  Deposited into “Insurance Exchange Fund” (off budget account);
  • CIRMA: Received annual distribution check $27,411. for Workers Comp. claims.  Amount received is based on severity of claims;
  • OSHA training in September;
  • Finance Director and Chief Spera forming a Safety Committee; noted new doors with windows;
  • Working with Christine Nelson and John DeCristoforo re EDC Director; EDC of Newtown came in;
  • IT Manager: Larry Hayden; 4.5 hrs/day; very responsive; very proactive;
  • Next BOS meeting – Vehicle Leasing; sought prices from Ford Credit; First Niagara;
Chief Spera explained to the board about the vehicle leasing.  He handed out to the Board the Current Fleet Status as well as the Police Fleet Replacement Schedule from the year 2013 – 2022.  He told the Board that the goal was to never increase the size of the fleet.  A long discussion ensued.  Chief Spera explained the progress of the lease purchase agreement and how it would work.  Mr. O’Brien noted that he was against financing an operational expense.  Funding was discussed; interest was discussed; Mr. LaMay asked for a complete schedule.  He also asked why the money couldn’t be taken from the general fund balance.  Mr. Stevenson asked if this was the best package and interest rate for the cars.  Mr. Thorpe asked for an explanation of the structure of the replacement schedule, which Chief Spera outlined for the Board.

After a long discussion, Ms. Lindley inquired if the town would appropriate $93K every year for the fleet and this is what the BOF would approve.

Mr. Fortuna noted the appropriation clause in the Lease Purchase Agreement with First Niagara.  He noted that this is a Board of Selectmen decision.

Mr. Fortuna reported on the following:
  • Police negotiations proceeding;
  • State Garage on Bokum Road; polluted;$435K to purchase; $34K/yr. to lease;
  • Charter Revision PH at BOS tonight; vote to send to ballot in November;
  • Max’s Place breaking ground next week;
  • Introduced Mike McDonald of Downs Construction who was awarded the OSPD contract;
  • OSPD building only: $10,788,000.  Mr. Fortuna supports $10M; Mr. Thorpe inquired about the “soft costs” for OSPD; $1.2M which 50% architectural; 50% move and furniture;
 Ms. Lindley inquired should we be thinking about this in conjunction with The Preserve;

  • Work plan for Schools: Middle School Roof; Goodwin School Windows:
Board of Ed will meet on August 20, 2013 to take action on this plan;

  • 6 Seawalls in Cornfield Pt.
  • 4 bidders; Shumack Engineering & Construction was awarded bid for 5 seawalls;
  • 1 seawall bid came in $4K;
  • Total cost for the seawalls $431,744.80 plus additional engineering expenses of 40K – 100K;
Mr. Fortuna asked the BOF to appropriate funds.

A motion was made by Mr. Kennedy seconded by Mr. Thorpe to move to town meeting the appropriation of $593,745K for the repair of 6 Seawalls in Cornfield Point to be paid for from the following fund balances: 25% Capital non-recurring fund balance and 75% Undesignated fund balance.

Discussion:  Chief Spera noted that these are town roads and if these were not designated “recreational areas” we would not get funding.  Mr. Fortuna noted that if there were no designated recreational areas, the town would have to provide 10 years of inspection reports.

Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Fortuna noted that the Town Meeting was set for August 19, 2013, 7:00 p.m., Middle School.

Mr. LaMay thanked everyone.  

A complete recording of this meeting is on CD in the Town Clerk's Office

A Motion to adjourn at 9:18 p.m. was made by Mr. Thorpe and seconded by Mr. Kennedy and was so voted unanimously.


Gerri Lewis, Clerk