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BOF 4/2/13 Minutes
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

                                     REGULAR MEETING
                                             APRIL 2, 2013  7:00 P.M.
                                Town Hall First Floor Conference Room

CALL TO ORDER:  Mr. LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                   
  Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman  (7:30 P.M.)
  Barry O’Nell
        Tom Stevenson
        John O’Brien
         Derrik Kennedy
         Breck Lindley

          In Attendance
           Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
          Bob Fish, Treasurer
          Lisa Carver, Finance Director
          Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
          Michael Evangelisti, WPCA Project Manager
           Michael Spera, Chief of Police
          Larry Bonin, Public Works Director
          John T. Dunn, Fire Chief     
          Gerri Lewis, Clerk

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Mr. LaMay led in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Ms. Manning reported that she attended the WPCA meeting and noted the minutes that were several pages long.  She noted that the WPCA board was way out of hand and needed guidance.  She agreed with Mr. Fortuna that a Program Manager should be hired.  Mr. Goduti noted the town indebtedness in bonding and asked the BOF to consider the underdeveloped WPCA budget and he also agreed with Mr. Fortuna in that the Town should hire a Program Manager.  Mr. Swan spoke about the septic systems and the inconsistency and pricing and communication between the homeowner and WPCA.  Ms. Hanson noted the need for a Program Manager.  Mr. Kinder noted the simpler system than what was blueprinted.  Mr. Metzak reported that he hadn’t received a reply from his letter.  

Mr. Duhig recited the percentage of increases over the budget from past years.  He noted that the elderly and retirees do not get increases and that one of the primary functions of the BOF was to take this into consideration.  He urged the BOF to consider no increases in the budget.

Motion:  To approve the minutes of March 19, 2013.

Moved: B. O’Nell                                Second: J. O’Brien

Discussion: None

Approved:  B. O’Nell; J. O’Brien; B. Thorpe; D. LaMay; T. Stevenson; B. Lindley
Abstained:  D. Kennedy

Motion:  To approve the minutes of March 26, 2013 Special Meeting.

Moved: D. Kennedy                  Second: J. O’Brien

Discussion: Mr. O’Brien questioned the item referred to in the minutes under OSPD budget discussion: IT person added to personnel line item.  Ms. Carver explained that this was referring to Sergeant Gardner and was incorrectly labeled in the minutes.

Approved:  7-0-0

At this time, Mr. LaMay called upon Police Chief Spera and Fire Chief Dunn to discuss the Emergency Management budget as follows:
  • Large increase attributed to final phase of implementation of the CAD system;
  • Contractual: 99% is the CAD system; there will be future increases;
  • Small reduction in electric;
  • New facility – the radio maintenance and service will be reduced drastically;
  • OS does well with monies coming in from the State to Emergency Mgmt.;
After a brief question and answer period, Mr. LaMay thanked Chief Spera and Chief Dunn.

Mr. Fortuna noted that the WPCA budget funds everyone who currently works in the WPCA office.  He noted that there is no money for a Program Manager but he commented that the new position could possibly be funded by the Clean Water Fund.  He told the BOF that he is beginning to receive applications for Program Manager.  Mr. Fortuna told the BOF that Site Manager and Program Manager are two different positions.  The Board wanted to know how sure Mr. Fortuna was that the new position was being paid out of Clean Water Fund.  Mr. Fortuna assured the Board that he and Ms. Carver will be coming to the BOF with more details on this and the position.

At this time, Gratia Lewis, WPCA Finance Manager, handed out the following:
  • WPCA Operating Budget 2013-2014 Summary;
  • WPCA Requisition Summary; Period: 3/6/11 – 3/20/13, with attached Summary Report;
The Board had several questions with regard to the Grant; General Obligation Loan; and Benefit Assessment Loan.  

Mr. Evangelisti touched upon the soil based systems and explained the method of soil testing.  A long discussion ensued with regard to Site Manager vs. Program Manager.  Mr. Evangelisti noted that he was doing the job he was asked to do.  He also commented that he spends hours of his own time in the field for which he does not get paid.

Mr. O’Nell passed out a Tentative Cost Allocation Summary of the Decentralized Wastewater Management Program that was revised in August 12, 2008.  The Board had several questions with regard to the development of the program; research phase; AT System selection process; design and construction of upgrades; design reviews and construction administration.

Ms. Carver reported on the following:
  • P-Cards are being used and it is going well;
  • Flood insurance claim for $59K for the Pavilion;
  • Working on the budget;
Mr. Fortuna reported that the internal controls on the town side are working well as is the BOE administration side as well.

Mr. LaMay thanked Ms. Carver.

Mr. Fish noted that this report is 75% of the fiscal year.  He noted that the expense side will not be over budget.  He noted that on the revenue side taxes were coming in well as was the State of CT revenue and the local revenue.

The Board had no questions.  Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fish for his report.  

SELECTMAN’S REPORT:  Mr. Fortuna reported on the following:
  • Referendum passed;
  • Closing on 36 Lynde Street one week from tomorrow;
  • RFQ due April 17, 2013;
  • State Garage discussion;
  • Public Hearing on budget April 11, 2013; Middle School Auditorium; 7:00 p.m.
Mr. LaMay thanked everyone for coming out to the meeting. He noted that Mr. O’Nell is the liaison for WPCA and Ms. Lindley is now the liaison for the Police Commission.

A motion to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. was made by Mr. Kennedy and seconded by Mr. Thorpe.

Respectfully submitted,

Gerri Lewis, Clerk