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BOF 3/26/13 Special Meeting
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

                                     SPECIAL  MEETING
                                             MARCH 26, 2013  7:00 P.M.
                                Town Hall First Floor Conference Room

  • CALL TO ORDER:  Mr. LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman           Derrik Kennedy  
  Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman             
  Barry O’Nell
        Tom Stevenson
        John O’Brien  (7:20)
        Breck Lindley

          In Attendance
           Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
          Scott Giegerich, Selectman
          Steven Gernhardt, Selectman
          Lisa Carver, Finance Director
          Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
          Michael Spera, Chief of Police
          Larry Bonin, Public Works Director
          Christina Burnham, Chairman, Police Commission       
          Gerri Lewis, Clerk

  • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Mr. LaMay led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chief Michael Spera discussed his proposed budget.  He noted for the Board the 2013-14 proposed increases (from pie chart hand-out to Board) as follows:

Contractual Step Raises and Union Contract Settlements:  $ 82,513.00
Community Events:                                                               13,523.00
Expenses and Supplies/Contractual:                                    6,000.00
PT per diem SRO officers:                                                       69,904.00
                        TOTAL PROPOSED INCREASE:                   171,940.00

  • Noted several budget presentations beginning in Fall, 2012 to which BOF was invited;
  • Chief Spera presented budget to Police Commission;  Police Commission trimmed budget;
  • Board of Selectmen reduced budget as well;
  • IT person added to Personnel line item; added $11K+ to benefits;
  • 2 additional SROs in schools;
  • Staffing; scheduling; overtime;
  • Arbitration/Legal;
  • Wireless Provider for MDTs;
  • Police K-9;
  • Emergency Communications;
  • Computer support & Upgrade;
  • Police contract settlement;
  • CL&P Co.; Water Co.;
  • Uniforms;
  • Miscellaneous small equipment; gasoline;
  • Vehicle maintenance issues; financing program;
  • Police Explorer;
  • OSPD has 17 vehicles;
  • Fleet replacement program;
The Board had several questions with regard to the above.  A long discussion of questions ensued with regard to the fleet of vehicles. For the convenience of the Board, Chief Spera gave the Board a hand-out of the “Fleet Re-alignment” list of vehicles.   After a detailed discussion of questions and answers, Mr. LaMay asked the Board of they had further questions for Chief Spera.  Hearing none, he thanked Chief Spera for coming.

Mr. LaMay asked the Board of Selectmen to present their budget.

  • SELECTMEN’S BUDGET:  (9:12 – 9:43 p.m.)
Mr. Fortuna brought the Board up to date and discussed his budget as follows:

  • Small decrease in CL&P;
  • Cut back on overages;
  • Assessor: keeping status quo;
  • Building dept.: revenue side up $25K; increased o/t by $3,500.;
  • Catastrophic Reserve: Put $50K in this fund this year; took out of operating; put into COSF; (Capital Outlay Sinking Fund)
  • Retiree payout: put in COSF;
  • CIRMA;
  • Labor & Personnel contracts;
  • Political Subdivisions: COG dues went down $10K;
  • Tax Collector; can pay taxes on line now; getting a lot of usage;
  • Water bill line item has been under budgeted;
  • Looking into bi-weekly paychecks;
  • Pensions;
  • Road endings;
Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fortuna.

Mr. LaMay thanked everyone for coming out to the meeting. He noted that the WPCA and Emergency Management would be coming to discuss their budgets on the April 2, 2013 regular meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m.

        Respectfully submitted,

        Gerri Lewis, Clerk