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BOF 2/5/13 minutes
FEBRUARY 5, 2013   8:00 P.M.
Board of Education Office
Sheffield Street

I.  CALL TO ORDER    Chairman LaMay called the meeting to order at 8:02 p.m.

BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                                   
Barry O’Nell
Tom Stevenson
Brad Thorpe
John O’Brien
Derrik Kennedy

In Attendance
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
Julie Pendleton,  Board of Education
Raymond V. Collins, Chairman HMC
Christina Burnham, Chairman Police Commission
Michael Spera, Chief of Police
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Chairman LaMay led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Several parents from the school district spoke out in support of SROs in the schools.

V.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1/15/13 Meeting:
      Chairman LaMay asked for a motion on the minutes.

Motion:  To approve the minutes of the January 15, 2013 as presented.

Moved:  B. Thorpe                                Second: B. O’Nell

Discussion:  Mr. O’Nell wished to see his comments with regard to Mr. Westerson included in the minutes.  It was decided to table the minutes.

Motion:  To table the minutes of January 15, 2013.

Moved: B. O’Nell                                Second: B. Thorpe

Discussion: None

Approved:  6-0-0

Mr. Fortuna explained that the funds to finance this project will come to the Town of Old Saybrook as a reimbursement STEAP Grant in said amount to the Town administered through the State of Connecticut DEEP .~ He further explained that the Town has received and accepted a competitive bid for modifications, repair and improvements for the existing wharf in the amount of $208,600.00.~ The remainder of the appropriation will be for payment for engineering and administrative services associated with this project.  He noted that the Chairman of Harbor Management Commission Ray Collins was present along with Mr. Goduti on that commission if anyone had any questions.

Motion:   To appropriate the sum of $250,000.00 for the purpose of rehabilitation and safety improvements to the ferry road docking facility owned by the town of Old Saybrook on Ferry Road on the Connecticut River.

Moved: B. O’Nell                                Second: B. Thorpe

Discussion: None

Approved:  6-0-0

Mr. Fortuna reported to the Board that he is working with Ms. Carver on a proposed budget.

Mr. LaMay asked the Board of they had any questions about the Treasurer’s Report that was emailed to them the previous week.  There were no questions.

Mr. Fortuna reported on the following:

  • Working on proposed budget; many capital requests; extreme budgetary issues; Board of Finance will have proposed budget on March 1st.;
  • State of CT revenue;
  • OSPD building on Lynde Street; PURA will be releasing a positive report so that AT&T will be able to sell building;
  • Town hired architect to do schematic for renovation of AT&T building;
  • Mr. Fortuna attended IWWC meeting re Tractor Supply application;
  • BIG Y may be ready this coming summer;
  • P-cards will be ready to use end of following week;
  • Mr. Fortuna attended the School Safety Walk – Goodwin School needs attention;
  • Storm Sandy; Road Endings (5); hired town engineer to do A2 survey;
  • Sea Walls; FEMA reimburseable? FEMA requires insurance; meeting with Governor’s office to talk about insurance;
  • Reval; will hit in 2014-2015;
  • North Main Street; IHZ; Affordable Housing;
  • Pavilion open 2/6/13;
  • Mini Golf Course;  Emergency Management hired Mini Golf Course designer; will put out to bid;  Spera meeting with FEMA recreation specialist;  Spera will pursue every federal dollar available;
  • Looking at State Garage – 11 bays – potentially in play to be acquired;
Mr. Thorpe suggested other venues for Tractor Supply such as the existing Standard Door building.  Mr. Stevenson inquired if the HVAC unit was on top of the Pavilion building.  Mr. O’Nell inquired if the Public Works building will stop if State Garage is pursued.  Mr. Fortuna commented that it could be used by WPCA and the PD.

Motion:  To adjourn at 8:53 p.m.

Moved: D. Kennedy                         Second: B. Thorpe

Discussion: None

Approved:  6-0-0

Please note that a recording of this meeting in its entirety is on disc.  You may request a copy from the Town Clerk.

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk