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BOF 12/4/12 Minutes
DECEMBER 4, 2012   7:00 P.M.
Old Saybrook Town Hall First Floor Conference Room

CALL TO ORDER    Chairman LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                   John O’Brien
Grant Westerson, V. Chairman            
Barry O’Nell
Tom Stevenson
Brad Thorpe
Derrik Kennedy

In Attendance
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
Lisa Carver, Finance Director
Michael Spera, Chief of Police
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Chairman LaMay led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment:    None

Approval of Minutes: 11/20/12:

Chairman LaMay asked for a motion on the minutes.

Motion:  To approve the minutes of November 20, 2012 as presented.

Moved:  G. Westerson                         Second: B. O’Nell

Discussion:  None

Approved:  5-0-1
Abstained: 1

Board of Education:     No Report

At this time Mr. Stevenson wanted to take the opportunity to update the board on what he read on the Board of Ed website.   It seems that the Tuesday meeting schedule is still up in the air.  Mr. Stevenson will also find out who went to the Suicide Course.   He will speak with Ms. Pendleton and get back to the board.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Stevenson for his comments.

Finance Director Report:
Ms. Carver reported on the following:
  • Continue to spend time on a more detailed budget; on contractual items;
  • Met with Department Heads;
  • Thanked Mr. Maynard again for being very helpful with this process;
  • Working with Chief Spera on FEMA submissions;
  • P-cards; starting to complete forms and vendor lists; BOE is doing this as well;
  • Will have proposed PD vehicle financing in January;
  • Continue to work on Pavilion insurance claims; mini golf not covered under FEMA but under general liability;
Mr. Thorpe suggested relocating the water heater.  Mr. Westerson agreed and noted that heating & air conditioning could be located on the roof.  Mr. Thorpe and Mr. Westerson commented that they were looking ahead into the future.

Mr. LaMay thanked Ms. Carver.

Treasurer’s Report:     
Mr. Fish noted that the General Government portion was almost 3% less than last year.  He noted that Revenues were coming in better than last year at this time.  Mr. Fish noted that the overall report looked quite good.  Ms. Carver reported on the HMC overage.  She noted that the Sales & Use Tax and the Ferry Dock engineering payment was taken from the wrong accounting line.  Mr. Fish reported to the board that the audit was close to being complete.  Mr. Stevenson asked if the Town Report came out of the BOF budget.  Mr. Fortuna answered in the affirmative.

Mr. Kennedy inquired of Mr. Fortuna if The Kate will have the same issues as last year.  Mr. Fortuna noted that The Kate budget was chronically underfunded and noted that this was discussed at a previous meeting.  He will talk more about this at a future meeting.  Mr. Westerson inquired of the expenses of the Fire Department.  Mr. Fish noted that the billings go through the regular billing account department.  He noted that the majority of the expenses are supplies.  

Mr. Fortuna noted that the auditors are doing an IT audit for the first time.

Mr. Thorpe inquired re Acct.4901 (Retiree Health Insurance Acct).  Is there a reason why it is at 77%?  Ms. Carver will check on that.  Mr. Thorpe inquired re catastrophic.  Mr. Fortuna said we would be slightly over but that it would max out eventually.  He noted that he and Ms. Carver have been discussing that there are several line items in the budget that need to go up steadily and slowly.

Mr Stevenson commented on CL&P and the burned out street lights.  Should we have a liaison come to a meeting to talk about this.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fish for his report.

Selectman’s Report:
Mr. Fortuna reported on the following:
  • Mr. Fortuna noted that there is still clean-up going on from Storm Sandy;
  • Worse damage from Storm Sandy was Cornfield Point; bluffs and road endings;
  • Bellaire Street: Seawall is leaning;
  • Working on FEMA reimbursement;
  • Mr. Fortuna noted that there is a definite thaw in economic activity east of Rte. 1.  He has received calls from interested real estate agents;
  • Kohls and Big Y have committed;
  • Re 36 Lynde Street; Police Station; ATT has filed with PURA to get permission to sell the building;
  • Phase I is complete; there is asbestos in the building; waiting for space needs report;
  • Sod is in on Ferry Road;
  • Mr. Fortuna met with Middlesex Community College;
  • Mr. Fortuna met with CL&P re purchase of street lights; our lights are at least 10 years old; life span of lights is 25 yrs.;
  • Health Insurance: Mr. Fortuna spoke with Brown & Brown; waiting for numbers; possibility of joining consortium with BOE;
  • Mr. Fortuna talked about doing a “green-up” day;
  • Mr. Westerson inquired if we were still waiting on reimbursement from Irene.  It was noted by Mr. Spera that we will be getting our check in a month or so;
Mr. Thorpe reported that he heard that Westbrook already got their check for Irene.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fortuna.

Comments from the Chair:  None
BOF Meeting Schedule 2013:
Mr. LaMay asked for a motion on the 2013 schedule.

Motion:  To adopt the 2013 meeting schedule of the Board of Finance.

Moved: D. Kennedy                                Second: G. Westerson

Discussion: None

Approved:  6-0-0

Please note that a recording of this meeting in its entirety is on disc.  You may request a copy from the Town Clerk.

At this time Mr. LaMay asked for a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of land acquisition.

Motion:  To enter Executive Session at 7:48 p.m. for the purpose of land acquisition

Moved: D. Kennedy                                Second: B. Thorpe

Discussion: None

Approved:  6-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk