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BOF 10-16-12 Joint Meeting Minutes
            302 Main Street
                Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

BOE Attendant Members:
Mario Gaboury, Chairman
Karen Brodeur
Eileen Baker (arrived 6:10 p.m.)
Donna Dunn
Kelley Kennedy
Holly King
Heston Sutman, Interim Superintendent of Schools
Julie Pendleton, Finance and Operations Director
BOF Attendant Members                                   
David LaMay, Chairman                   
Grant Westerson, V. Chairman            
Barry O’Nell
Tom Stevenson
Brad Thorpe
Derrik Kennedy
John O’Brien

In Attendance
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman (arrived at 6:45 p.m.)
Scott Giegerich, Selectman
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Lisa Carver, Finance Director
Gerri Lewis, Clerk


Call to Order:
The Old Saybrook Board of Education met in Regular Session jointly with The Board of Finance on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at the Board of Education Office, 50 Sheffield Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475.

Chairman Gaboury called the meeting to order a 6:08 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

After a brief introduction by Chairman LaMay, and Chairman Gaboury, the Board of Finance and Board of Education began discussion of the education budget.

An overview of the current education budget was presented noting that the personnel budgets are on target with projections.  This is the first year of implementing a new health insurance cost initiative that is directly responsible for keeping these costs contained. Initially four towns were interested in a health insurance consortium initiated by LEARN including Old Saybrook Board of Education.

Recently five more towns have opted to participate in this consortium for self-insurance. The pool has become large enough for this to be cost effective, saving considerable dollars on administrative fees. The long-term projections for the consortium are to streamline the number of insurance plans offered using two or three carriers in order to effectively maximize costs. The district is currently self-insured for dental and prescription drugs.

Special Education expenses are the third highest cost in the education budget. They have had additional placements needed this year. To cover these unanticipated costs current budget line items have been frozen.  The Old Saybrook Public Schools participates in a number of consortium agreements for utilities. Contracts are in place to take advantage of lower rates for these utility services, some of which are multi-year commitments.

During the summer break some program changes dictated internal reallocation of space. The first of three solar panels are being installed at the middle school to heat hot water. These panels will also compliment the clean energy/going green curriculum initiatives. The funding for this project was provided by a federal grant. Goodwin School windows continue to require replacement.

The Budget and Fiscal Committee has met and determined parameters for the staff to address when submitting their 2013-2014 budget proposals to administration. The committee unanimously agreed that all department/program budgets should be level- funded with the exception of contracted salaries, existing service contracts, utilities and insurance; staffing should be consistent based on class sizes and enrollments; technology initiatives and maintenance plans would be maintained.

The list of new state/federal mandates is extensive and meeting these requirements will also have a financial impact on the budget.  Mandated transportation requirements were discussed. While it may appear that a school bus is not operating at full capacity, it may be that it is at the beginning of the pickup or end of a run. Previously, they have tried reconfiguring the bus runs based on estimated actual occupancy, but reducing the number of buses makes each of the runs lengthier which requires more time to complete, and delays the start of the run for school #2 which is compounded and increases the delay for school #3. Before and after school activities also impact bus ridership and many parents may simply elect to drive their children to school on a given day.

Selectman Fortuna discussed the proposed Town Charter revisions. He has proposed that the Board of Selectmen have an opportunity for an advisory review of the Board of Education budget and moving the annual town meeting to the first Monday in May. It was suggested that current reporting of bonding payments for school buildings be consistent with other bonding debt within the town budget.

The joint meeting adjourned at 7:01 p.m.


BOF Attendant Members                                   
David LaMay, Chairman                   
Grant Westerson, V. Chairman            
Barry O’Nell
Tom Stevenson
Brad Thorpe
Derrik Kennedy
John O’Brien

In Attendance
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
Scott Giegerich, Selectman
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Lisa Carver, Finance Director
Larry Bonin, Public Works Director
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Chairman LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m.

  • Roll Call
All in attendance

  • Public Comment

III. Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of October 2, 2012 as presented was made by Mr. Westerson, seconded by Mr. Kennedy and it was so VOTED unanimously.

  • Finance Director’s Report
Ms. Carver reported that she, Chairman LaMay, and Chief Spera met with First Niagara Bank with regard to financing police vehicles.  She noted that she, First Selectman Fortuna and Chief Spera continue to work on this issue.

Ms. Carver reported on the Purchase Order system, which is a module on the Sungard System used at the town hall and the schools.  Bigger vendors are being entered into this system.

Ms. Carver reported that she is doing an analysis on energy costs.  Bidding will go through CCM (Connecticut Conference of Municipalities).  Mr. Stevenson inquired as to energy usage.
  • Selectman’s Report
Selectman Fortuna discussed briefly the following:
  • I-95 Paving Project;
  • Harvey’s Beach;
  • Doing business with First Niagara Bank re police vehicles;
  • Annual Report almost finished;
  • Dispatcher negotiations; putting together the final piece;
  • Library; AFSME Union;
  • Flood maps meeting; Middle School, 10/23/12; 7:00 p.m.;
  • Looking at new site for OSPD;
  • IHZ grant $20K; (for ball field on Ferry Road);
  At this time, Chairman LaMay asked for a motion to add Mr. Bonin to the agenda.

A motion to add Mr. Bonin to the agenda was made by Mr. Kennedy and seconded by Mr. Westerson and it was so VOTED unanimously.

Mr. Bonin informed the BOE that he put together a bid package for the  new town garage.  He noted that Public Works would be doing all of the site work including the concrete work.  Doug Eldridge came in with a bid of $98,400.00.  There were bidders from Pennsylvania and North Stonington.  It was noted that in 2010-2011 approximately $100K was appropriated for this project.  Mr. Westerson asked if we could get money from “clean water” fund.  Mr. Bonin noted that there was a  list of criteria so that was not possible.  

Mr. Bonin noted that the building would be approximately $47K and approximately $37K was needed for the concrete rebar.  It was noted that the transfer station is on an “aquifer” and Mr. O’Nell inquired about this.  Mr. Fortuna reported that our town engineer, Geoff Jacobson was working on the project.  Mr. Kennedy suggested a timeline would be appropriate. A discussion was had about the extra money needed for the project and it was noted that one potential source was the Kohl’s development.  Mr. Fish suggested that the BOF authorize $36,500.00 for the project.

A motion to authorize $36,500 toward this project was made by Mr. Thorpe, seconded by Mr. Westerson;

Discussion: Mr. Fortuna reported that he would email the engineer’s project list to the BOF.  He is looking at a town meeting in possibly November.  Mr. Stevenson pointed out do we want to authorize a ceiling of $40K?

Mr. Thorpe amended the motion to authorize a ceiling of $40K toward the project and it was seconded by Mr. Westerson.  The motion was so VOTED unanimously.

VI.  Comments From The Chair
Mr. LaMay noted that he met with First Niagara and they have a great financing program.  The idea is still in the financing stage.  He has asked Ms. Carver to be the point person.  He noted that this is not a leasing program.

Mr. LaMay noted that there will not be a meeting on November, 6th, Election Day.  He reminded the BOF that the Pension Board will be coming in for the November 20th meeting.

Mr. Thorpe inquired re the Charter Revision Commission and the layout of the budget line items.

VII. Adjournment
A motion to adjourn at 8:18 p.m. was made by Mr. Thorpe and seconded by Mr. O’Nell and it was so VOTED unanimously.

Respectfully submitted:
Gerri Lewis, Clerk