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BOF 10-2-12 Minutes
OCTOBER 2, 2012   7:00 P.M.
Old Saybrook Town Hall First Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street

CALL TO ORDER    Chairman LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                   
Grant Westerson, V. Chairman            
Barry O’Nell
Tom Stevenson
Brad Thorpe
Derrik Kennedy
John O’Brien

In Attendance
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
Scott Giegerich, Selectman
Steve Gernhardt, Selectman
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
Lisa Carver, Finance Director
Michael Spera, Chief of Police
Christina Burnham, Chairman Police Commission

Chairman LaMay led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment:    None

Approval of Minutes: 9/16/12:

Chairman LaMay asked for a motion on the minutes.

Motion:  To approve the minutes of September 16, 2012 as presented.

Moved:  G. Westerson                         Second: B. O’Nell

Discussion:  Mr. Thorpe noted that Chief Spera asked the Board what they wanted to see in his budget.  

Motion:  To approve the minutes of  September 16, 2012 as amended.

Moved: G. Westerson                         Second:  B. O’Nell

Approved:  7-0-0

Finance Director Report:

Ms. Carver handed out an article from the Hartford Courant with regard to the lease-purchase for police cruisers in the town of Wethersfield.  She noted that she was going to contact the town of Wethersfield for details and that she was working with Chief Spera on researching lease options.

Mr. Fortuna noted that he met with representatives at First Niagara Bank.  Mr. LaMay  reported that he is scheduled to meet with Mr. Fortuna and First Niagara with regard to their municipal financing program.  

Mr. O’Brien inquired if the lease for vehicles lasted 5 – 6 years.

Ms. Carver reported to the Board that she attended a Gov. Finance Officers Association meeting and attended breakout sessions on Healthcare Self Funding, Pension Design and Risk Management.  She noted that the auditors have been making good progress.

At this time Mr. Fish reported that during the expansion of the Acton Library, there was an endowment of $680K restricted at the time for the benefit of the library.  It is deposited in US Trust.  Ms. Carver reported that they will be meeting with one of the trustees.

Ms. Carver handed out to the Board a draft of a budget for the board’s comments.  Mr. Kennedy comments that it may be a little busy and suggested it be consolidated.  Mr. LaMay noted that account numbers were not needed.  Mr. O’Brien inquired about the contractual numbers and would like to see that line item broken out.  Mr. Westerson suggested the possibility of having contractual broken out if over $5K.  A discussion ensued with regard to “contractual.”  Ms. Carver thanked the Board and noted that she would give these suggestions some thought.  She reported that the draft still needed fine tuning and that she was going to sit down with the department heads so that they can prepare for budget talks in the 13-14 year.  

Mr. LaMay thanked Ms. Carver.  

Board of Education Report:
Ms. Pendleton gave the Board an overview of the following:
  • There are 2 out of district placements; 1 DCF placement of which Old Saybrook gets the bill; 1 student placed residentially;
  • There were 8 marriages so insurance increased $80K;
  • Benefits: 1st quarter projection looks OK;
  • Insurance Consortium with LEARN; 4 districts participating; insurance plan modeled after a plan in Pennsylvania; immediate savings of 10% up front on admin fees;
  • Turn over in staffing; will report next time;
  • In looking ahead, already freezes in place;
  • Storage Building; (shed with electricity for equipment storage;)
  • Automotive garage; plans on hold;
  • Special Ed: 4 students will be graduating;
Mr. Thorpe inquired about enrollment.  Ms. Pendleton reported that the high school is fairly constant as well as the middle school.  Mr. Kennedy inquired that if staffing was under budget, would that money be used for something else.  Ms. Pendleton noted that there is a minimum budget requirement.  She also reported that there was a meeting this night of the paraprofessionals and administrators contract.

Mr. LaMay thanked Ms. Pendleton.

Treasurer’s report:    
Treasurer fish handed out and discussed the General Fund Statements of Revenues and Expenditures, Actual versus Budget, for the Town of Old Saybrook for the year ended September 30, 2012.   He noted that the first quarter for the year is normal.  The revenue side continues to do very well and he reported that the taxes were coming in well. Mr. Fish also presented to the Board the general fund expenditures.  After questions with regard to a few items, Mr. Fish reported that #4210: Probate Court money will be transferred to an off budget account; #4286: insurance line. CIRMA; he explained that liability and WC is paid up front; #4285: Engineers; may be underfunded; #4275: Harbor Management Commission; Ferry Road Dock (payment to Engineers).

He noted that the auditors were moving ahead and noted that they will be able to get the financial statements done before December.  He noted that out of the $45K budget, we have spent $21,900.  He presented to the Board for payment a bill for $8,500.00.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fish for his report.

Selectman’s Report:
Mr. Fortuna reported on the following:
  • Social Services:  Elaine Seaforth will be spending 8 – 10 hours per weeks to help that department out;
  • Police Building Committee:  Met last night; space needs to be studied; will choose architect; next meeting will be at Police Station;
  • Dispatchers still in negotiations; contract goes back to 2010-2011;
  • Library workers voted to join AFSME awhile back but never did; Mr. Fortuna and Ms. Carver met with union representative;
  • Signed contract for P-card (charge card) with BOE as well;  will cut down on vouchers and have better merchant control;
  • Purchase Order system soon;
Mr. Stevenson inquired about the littering signs on the Causeway; Mr. LaMay noted that in walking over Causeway, you had to step over poles, coolers and that it was generally a mess;  Mr. Fortuna reported that the “No Littering” signs went up.

Mr. Stevenson inquired re the Flood Maps.  Mr. Fortuna reported that there will be a town meeting at the middle school, hopefully, on October 23rd to adopt the flood maps.

Liaison Reports:
Mr. O’Brien reported that he met with Larry Bonin; he noted Mr. Bonin’s needs and said he would meet with him again.  Mr. O’Nell reported that he went to the Police Commission meeting and noted that the SRO officers are not in the schools as much as they were.  He reported that there would be another special meeting on October 8th on Crime Investigations.  Mr. Westerson spoke with Gratia Lewis in WPCA.  They may come to us in the Spring for a part time personnel person.

Mr. Giegerich reported on Park & Rec.  The field across from the attainable housing complex is going to be sodded and graded.  They are looking into costs.

Chief Spera reminded the Board that Chairman Burnham has invited the Board to attend their meeting on October 8th.

Mr. LaMay thanked everyone.

Comments from the Chair:  
Mr. LaMay made note of the liaisons from the Board which are the following:
Police Commission:  Barry O’Nell and Brad Thorpe;
Board of Ed:  Tom Stevenson and Dave LaMay
Public Works:  John O’Brien
Planning: Derrik Kennedy
WPCA: Grant Westerson

Chairman LaMay commented that Board members could attend any of the other board meetings and to make monthly contact with the department heads and report back at a future meeting.

Please note that a recording of this meeting in its entirety is on disc.  You may request a copy from the Town Clerk.

Motion:  To adjourn at 9: 21 p.m.

Moved: B. Thorpe                                Second: B. O’Nell

Discussion: None

Approved:  7-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk