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Board of Finance Minutes 4/17/12
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Board of Finance
                302 Main Street • Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
APRIL 17, 2012   6:00 P.M.
Old Saybrook Town Hall First Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street

CALL TO ORDER    Chairman LaMay called the special meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                   
Grant Westerson, V. Chairman
Barry O’Nell
John O’Brien
Tom Stevenson
Brad Thorpe
Derrik Kennedy

In Attendance
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
Steve Gernhart, Selectman
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
Michael Rafferty, Principal Middle School
Oliver Barton, Principal High School
Sheila Brown, Principal Goodwin School
Julie Pendleton, Director of Operations & Finance
Joseph Onofrio, Superintendent of Schools
Larry Bonin, Director Public Works
Vicky Duffy, Director Parks & Recreation
Michelle Van Epps, Director Acton Library
Michael Evangelisti, Director WPCA
Michael Spera, Chief of Police
John T. Dunn, Fire Chief
Christina Burnham, Chairman Police Commission
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Chairman LaMay led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment:    Ms. Sullivan, Budget & Fiscal Committee BOE thanked the Board of Finance for having them and for collaborating with the BOE on their budget.

At this time, Chairman LaMay instructed the Board to ask questions regarding the Board of Education budget.

Mr. O’Brien inquired under benefits and salaries; he noticed that under transportation there was an 18% increase.  Ms. Pendleton noted that there are now 18 Special Ed students and the transportation is based on schedules; where the students are being transported to and if additional vans are needed.  They share with other towns if at all possible.

Mr. O’Brien inquired as to $10K increase for travel to conferences.  Ms. Pendleton noted that this was for professional development which was frozen for the past 2 years.

Mr. O’Brien also inquired as to Tuition; public and private.  Ms. Pendleton informed the board that this was due to additional placements in special ed.  There are many changes and costs have doubled in two years.

Mr. O’Brien inquired re the increase in equipment.  Ms. Pendleton noted that this was for a roof top unit; doors and other various items in all three schools.

Mr. Westerson inquired re the healthcare updates.  Ms. Pendleton noted that they are looking at the plans and will lock-in when they receive the “final numbers.”  She noted that you also have to look at the “networks” to see if they are compatible.

Mr. O’Brien asked Mr. Pendleton was has NOT been done in the current year (capital budget).  Ms. Pendleton replied the classroom blinds at Goodwin School; roof top unit (which needed to be ordered, so freeze was partially lifted); motors & fans; Library upgrade; refurbish bleachers.

Mr. Stevenson inquired regarding the vehicles parked at the Board of Ed building.  He asked if BOE ever thought about a “lean-to” or something for the vehicles.  Ms. Pendleton noted that there was no space to construct anything.

Mr. Stevenson inquired re the stripe & seal for the parking lot and asked in what order it was done.  Ms. Pendleton replied seal and then spray.

Mr. Stevenson noticed that the “dues & fees” were down.  Ms. Pendleton noted that not every member participates every year in organizations. Mr. Stevenson also inquired as to how many cell phones there were and asked if portable radios were thought about.  Ms. Pendleton noted that not only are the batteries costly, not dependable and it wouldn’t be safe if there was an emergency and the batteries were dead.  Users of the phones pay for personal calls if any.  BOE tries to encourage holders of cell phones to have their own personal cell phone in addition to the school phone.  Very few holders have only 1 cell hone and pay the monthly fee and for their own personal calls.  The holders of the cell phones are Administration; playground personnel; tech people; head maintenance; nurses.

Mr. LaMay inquired re health care as to Ms. Pendleton’s confidence level of her budgeted amount vs. where she thinks the actual numbers will come in.  She felt that it would be close.

Ms. Pendleton noted that there would be a savings with the natural gas of $75-100K depending on the chimney(s) work involved for natural gas.  She reported that belonging to the CCM (Connecticut Conference of Municipalities) Consortium they have saved on electricity and now natural gas.  She noted that they can lock-in for 4 years.

Mr. Stevenson noticed the counseling line item.  He wanted to know if the school used the  assets from the town such as Youth & Family Services or do they bring in outside contractors.  Superintendent Onofrio noted that they have done both.  He noted that is depends on how specialized the situation is.  

Mr. O’Nell asked if there were any programs that could streamline the budget to save costs in anyway.  Superintendent Onofrio noted that the government is proposing to regionalize services.  This is the biggest thing at the state level currently, the regionalizing of services.  Mr. O’Nell was glad to hear this and noted that this was a positive direction and he inquired about the teaching process.  Ms. Pendleton said that they share vans for transportation and it would be great if they could share staff.  Programs would have to be looked at.  Principal Barton of the high school noted that an analysis to this effect will begin next year.

Mr. LaMay noted that the High School seems to already offer a number of honors and AP courses, yet many students may not be at the honors or AP level so what is available for those students and/or what might be added for those students’ benefits.  Ms. Pendleton reported that course offerings are limited.  There are teachers who have dual certifications.  Sometimes there is not enough staff to offer trades; fields that could be connected through science.  Mr. Barton noted that it would be nice to be able to offer courses such as HVAC; construction trades; recreation & tourism, music & art.  Mr. LaMay asked if other schools offer what we don’t.  Ms. Pendleton noted that to share staff as there is a certain amount of time for a class, logistically it would be very challenging.

Mr. Onofrio noted that in talks with Clinton and Westbrook superintendents they would need to be on the exact same schedule.  The superintendents meet once per month.  They also talk about special ed opportunities.

Mr. O’Brien asked what percentage of students goes to 4-year college.  Mr. Barton noted that about 65% go to a 4 year college and a total of 80% go to a secondary education.

Principal Rafferty of the Middle School told the Board of Finance that the Middle School lost 2 good programs:  Tech Ed., and Family and Consumer Science.

Selectman Fortuna noted that Rolls Royce has approached the Middle and High Schools wanting to teach Marine Robotics.

Motion:  To adjourn at 6:47 p.m.

Moved: D. Kennedy                                  Second: B. Thorpe

Discussion:  None

Approved:  7-0-0


Chairman LaMay called the regular meeting of the board of finance to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the board in the pledge of allegiance.

Selectman Fortuna reported that he went to Public Safety Day.  He noted that there was a concussion class and Life Star was there as well.  


Motion:  To approve the minutes of April 3, 2012 as presented.

Moved: D. Kennedy                                  Second: B. Thorpe

Discussion:  None

Approved:  7-0-0

Motion:  To approve the minutes of April 10, 2012.

Moved: B. O’Nell                                  Second: B. Thorpe

Discussion:  Mr. O’Nell noted that he was not in favor of the motion on the Board of Education.

Approved:  7-0-0

Tax Collector, Barry Maynard, reported on the Suspense List for the Grand List year 2006.  This included Personal Property; Motor Vehicle; Motor Vehicle Supplemental; for a total of $18,142.06.  He noted that the auditors look for this in their annual review of Tax Collector records.  

Motion:  To accept the Suspense Report as presented.

Moved: D. LaMay                                Second: G. Westerson

Discussion:  None

Approved:  7-0-0

Ms. Lewis distributed to the board the Clean Water Fund Agreement which included Phase I of 403 properties; audit requirements; special assessment portion; SunGard Phoenix software.  She explained each item in the document.  The SunGard software proposal totaled $32,772.00.  

Mr. O’Nell asked if before coming out to do work at a site, if the person could be notified.  Ms. Lewis noted that the WPCA will be sending out notices.  There were several questions about the software.  Ms. Pendleton noted that the school uses this software and believe that the module that is needed is already in place.  She will call SunGard and communicate with WPCA.  Ms. Lewis noted that the licensing is the major portion of the cost.

There was a discussion about using monies from the Sewer Avoidance Fund which has 1.3mm in that fund.  It was noted that the up-front licensing fee will cost $18-19K.

Mr. Evangelisti thanked the board of finance and noted that he needed to get operational as soon as possible.

Mr. O’Brien noted that the Sewer Avoidance Fund line item should be transparent.

Mr. Stevenson inquired about using different software.  He asked Fire Chief Dunn and Chief Spera what they used for software in their budgeting.  They noted that they use Quick Books.  Ms. Pendleton noted that they use Quick Books for Food Services.

Selectman Fortuna suggested that the BOF have a meeting with WPCA during the summer and he would invite Dennis Greci from the Clean Water Fund, DEEP.  Mr. Evangelisti noted that his in-house staff is self sustaining and that they can share staff.

Selectman Fortuna handed out the updated budget and noted that he took out the co-pays in the insurance line; added labor & personnel $20K (legal & personnel issues).  He noted that some employees have elected to take insurance.  He also told the board that he hasn’t decided on where to cut “Political Subdivisions.”  To date the mil rate is around .60.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fortuna.  Mr. Fortuna also added that the Elderly Benefit Committee met and approved to give $75K tax relief to qualified seniors.

At this time Mr. LaMay asked the board if they had anything further.

Motion:  To cut the Board of Ed budget by $100K.

Moved: B. Thorpe                                  Second: D. Kennedy

Discussion:  Mr. LaMay asked Ms. Pendleton what she would do.  She noted that the conversion of fuel was a savings and then would look at programs and staff.

Approved:  7-0-0

At this time, Mr. LaMay commented that with regard to Political Subdivisons, he felt that the cut of $7,500 really would not substantially change the overall budget and that the political subdivisions all work with very small numbers to begin with, and they do a lot with the small amounts they receive.

Motion:  To reinstate the $7,500.00 to Political Subdivisions.

Moved: D. LaMay                                Second: B. O’Nell

Discussion:  Mr. Kennedy didn’t agree with cutting “line items” but rather from the bottom line of the general government budget and leave it to the Selectmen to make the cuts where they see fit.  Mr. Fortuna did not agree and noted that it wasn’t done this way in the past.  

Approved:  B. O’Nell; G. Westerson; J. O’Brien; D. LaMay
Opposed:  D. Kennedy; B. Thorpe; T. Stevenson
Motion passed.

Motion:  To reduce the Fire Department budget by $3K.

Moved: T. Stevenson                                  Second:  None

Motion fails.

Motion:  To reduce the general government budget $150K

Moved: B. Thorpe                                  Second: D. Kennedy

Discussion:  Selectman Fortuna asked how would you like it cut and was not in agreement with just “cutting the bottom line.”  A long discussion ensued.  Mr. Kennedy noted that many people were not comfortable with the level of taxation.  Mr. Thorpe agreed.  Mr. LaMay asked Mr. Fortuna if he knew whether or not this proposed mil rate increase was in line with or on average with previous years’ increases.  Mr. Fortuna noted that he had the numbers going back to 1967 and felt that the proposed increase was an average increase.

Approved: B. Thorpe; D. Kennedy; T. Stevenson
Opposed: D. LaMay; G. Westerson; B. O’Nell; J. O’Brien
Motion did not pass.

Motion:  To reduce the general government budget by $100K.

Moved: D. Kennedy                                  Second: B. Thorpe

Discussion:  None

Approved B. Thorpe; D. Kennedy; T. Stevenson

Opposed: D. LaMay; G. Westerson; B. O’Nell; J. O’Brien

Motion did not pass.

At this time, Chairman LaMay asked if there were any other adjustments, and hearing none made the following motion:

Motion:  To move this budget as amended to public hearing on April 19, 2012.

Moved: D. LaMay                               Second: J. O’Brien


Approved:  7-0-0

Motion:  To adjourn at 9:22 p.m.

Moved: D. Kennedy                            Second: G. Westerson


Approved:  7-0-0

Please note that a recording of this meeting is on disc.  You may request a copy from the Town Clerk.

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk