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March 20, 2012 Minutes
3312012_90603_0.jpg        TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
         Board of Finance
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
MARCH 20, 2012   7:00 P.M.
Old Saybrook Town Hall First Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street

CALL TO ORDER    Chairman LaMay called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                   Barry O’Nell
Grant Westerson, V. Chairman
John O’Brien
Tom Stevenson
Brad Thorpe (in at 7:30 p.m.)
Derrik Kennedy

In Attendance
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
Scott Giegerich, Selectman
Larry Bonin, Director Public Works
Michelle Van Epps
Christina Burnham, Chairman Police Commission
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Chairman LaMay led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment:
Chairman LaMay called on Mr. Rubin who wished to speak.  Mr. Rubin noted that he was at the Public Hearing on the budget.  He saw that there were gap shortages in the budget and one of them was for heating assistance.  As a leader of HEAT, Mr. Rubin  said that there were 186 families in need that have applied for assistance.  He asked the board to please take a look at the budget to see if they could find $40k for this worthy cause.

Mr. Fortuna noted that the money budgeted for social services also included food and energy assistance that were taken into consideration.

Mr. LaMay called upon Mr. Duhig who wanted to be heard as well.  Mr. Duhig felt that the BOF didn’t have any interest in the budget because at the very least, the board should keep it flat.  He noted that there are people who cannot afford to pay higher taxes, especially the elderly.  Mr. Fortuna interjected and told Mr. Duhig that his point was well taken and told him that the primary driver in this budget was the health insurance.  He also noted that this upcoming year’s contract has contractual raises.  Mr. Fortuna invited Mr. Duhig to come in and speak with him.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Duhig for his comments.  

At this time, Mr. LaMay drew the board’s attention to the minutes.

Motion:  To approve the special meeting minutes of March 6, 2012

Moved: G. Westerson                                  Second: J. O’Brien

Discussion:  None

Approved:  6-0-0

Motion:  To approve the regular meeting minutes of March 6, 2012

Moved: G. Westerson                                  Second: D. LaMay

Discussion:  None

Approved:  6-0-0

Motion:  To approve the meeting minutes of February 21, 2012

Moved: G. Westerson                                  Second: D. Kennedy

Discussion:  Mr. Stevenson questioned the accuracy of paragraph 5, pg. 3.  Also pg. 2, paragraph 5: delete “grants & donations.”

Motion:  To approve the meeting minutes of February 21, 2012 as amended.
Moved:   G. Westerson                           Second: D. Kennedy

Approved:  6-0-0

The minutes of March 15, 2012 were tabled because there was no quorum until 8:15 p.m.
Acton Library Budget:
Mr. LaMay called upon Ms. Van Epps, Director of the Action Library.  Ms. Van Epps noted that there were changes in Personnel.  The biggest change in the Library budget, she said, was the capital improvement piece.  She noted that the library joined a consortium last year which gave them buying power.  The library now belongs to LION, which is library online.

Mr. LaMay asked if Ms. Van Epps anticipated a reduction in staff hours.  The answer was no.  He also asked if materials and/or books purchasing would go down, to which Ms. Van Epps replied that perhaps they wouldn’t need to buy as many, but generally the answer is no.  Mr. LaMay inquired about E-Book Lending and if we were late joining LION.  Ms. Van Epps noted that they were a partial member anyway because they joined a consortium last year.  A long discussion ensued.  Mr. LaMay asked how many people are not Old Saybrook residents that come to the library.  Ms. Van Epps reported there are high numbers in the summer, but much lower in the winter.

Mr. Westerson inquired as to a problem with shrinkage.  Ms. Van Epps replied in the affirmative and that they didn’t have any security.  Mr. Fortuna interjected and told the board that they were looking into this problem.  Ms. Van Epps noted that they’ve had to keep the DVD’s behind the counter.

Mr. Stevenson inquired as to whether or not the library produced revenue.  Ms. Van Epps said that they collected fines.  He also noted that the electricity was high.  Ms. Van Epps noted that the fluorescent lighting was very costly and not very efficient.  Mr. Bonin said there was some kind of problem with the generation of electricity with the fluorescent lighting.  It was also noted that the elevators are a problem in that they often aren’t working properly.  Mr. Bonin noted that the same problem occurred at the town hall as well.

Mr. O’Brien inquired of the “substitute position.”  Ms. Van Epps explained how that worked with her personnel.  

Mr. Thorpe asked about the square footage of the carpet and how often it was cleaned, which is quarterly.  He suggested thinking about a security system immediately.

Mr. Kennedy inquired as to the cost each year of LION.  Ms. Van Epps reported that the cost is the same every year and includes computer replacement and repairs.  

Mr. LaMay thanked Ms. Van Epps for coming in to discuss her budget with the board.

Public Works Budget:
Mr. LaMay, at this time, called on Mr. Bonin, Director of Public Works to discuss his budget.  Mr. Bonin passed out a narrative and a copy of his budget for the board’s convenience.  Included in this document was the department’s mission statement; program narrative; fiscal year 2011-12 projects/accomplishments; fiscal year 2012-13 goals/objectives; 2012-13 budget expenditure detail; a narrative and additional budget information on snow removal; capital improvement 2012-13 paving requests.  Also was a program narrative; fiscal year 2011-12 projects/accomplishments; fiscal year 2012-13 goals/objectives; and 2012-13 budget expenditure detail for the Transfer Station.

Mr. Bonin noted that the money in the capital budget for roads is for paving.  The $100K for road maintenance is used for pot holes; drainage problems; replace seed & grass; fix aprons; rubber crack sealing.  Mr. Bonin noted that his crew is catching up with getting their work done now as they were cleaning-up after Hurricane Irene for 3 months.  

Mr. Bonin touched on the following:
  • Street lights in the median on Main Street;
  • Storm Water testing – DEEP & EPA mandated; catch basin cleaning;
  • Road endings; vandalism of benches in scenic overlook; maintenance of shrubs;
  • Transfer Station; Essex tipping fees; Revenue is $115K/yr.;
  • Heavy equipment that was taken to auction; Mr. Stevenson took pictures of equipment while on his tour of the town garage; auctioneer gets 10%;
  • Mr. Thorpe inquired about building near the town garage; this led to discussion of Aquifers;
A brief discussion followed.  Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Bonin.

Board of Education Report:  None

Treasurer’s Report:  None

Selectman’s Report:
Mr. Fortuna began by saying that he did not have good news for the board.  He passed out a page from the budget, Bonded Indebtedness.  There was a mistake in the previous budget.  The now projected mill rate is .68.  Mr. Fortuna explained that if health insurance comes in lower for general government and board of education budgets, this projected number will go down.

Mr. LaMay inquired about traffic/street lights.  Mr. Fortuna noted that he had gotten a call about LED street lights.

Mr. Fortuna reported that Saybrook West, the elderly housing on Sheffield Street was doing upgrades and he was asked if the town would apply for a Small Cities Grant.  Mr. Fortuna said the town will apply and was speaking with Larry Wagner, the gentleman who helps the town with the grant said it will be extremely competitive this year.

Mr. Fortuna reported that he went to a WPCA meeting.  He suggested that it would be good for the board of finance to have a joint meeting with WPCA board and department during the summer perhaps.  Mr. LaMay agreed.

Mr. LaMay asked if there were any questions for Mr. Fortuna.  Mr. LaMay asked if there would be anything else added to this budget.  Mr. Fortuna thought that the board should look at funding/building up the catastrophic reserve account every year for future heart & hypertension claims.  He noted that this could be part of the town budget or police budget.  

At this time, Mr. Thorpe brought up town events, such as parades and the like.  He wanted to know who pays for it.  Ms. Burnham, Chairman of the Police Commission, explained that the Chief approves the route and time.  Due to reductions in the budget, the police department will charge for the event if the entity requesting coverage is not in town.

Mr. LaMay noted that the board of finance is having the police commission to a meeting on April 3rd.

Mr. O’Brien commented that in the case of the KHCAC, for example, if a line item is a certain amount, and there is income from a third party, such as the trustees in this case, he felt that should be revealed in the budget.

Comments from the Chair:
Mr. LaMay asked Ms. Lewis if she could change the time of the next Public Hearing from 7:30 to 7:00.  Ms. Lewis said she would take care of it for the ad in the Harbor News.  Mr. LaMay impressed upon the board that they will be voting on the mill rate after the second Public Hearing and that their presence is requested.

Again, Mr. LaMay asked the board if they wanted to see any other department heads.  He noted that there are 2 regular meetings between now and the 2nd and final public hearing.  He noted that the board could have special meetings as well.

Mr. LaMay referred back to Mr. Rubin’s request for money for HEAT/Social Services.  He thought they could increase this number.  He mentioned the cost of the Fire Marshal’s vehicle.  Mr. Fortuna interjected and noted that he needed money for the re-val as well.

Motion:  To adjourn the regular meeting at 9:21 p.m.

Moved: G. Westerson                                  Second: D. Kennedy

Discussion:  None

Approved:  6-0-0

Please note that a recording of this meeting is on disc.  You may request a copy from the Town Clerk.

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk