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February 21st Minutes
3202012_100053_0.jpg        TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
         Board of Finance
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
FEBRUARY 21, 2012   7:00 P.M.
Old Saybrook Town Hall
302 Main Street

CALL TO ORDER    Chairman LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all rose for the Pledge of Allegiance.

BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay                             Barry O’Nell
Grant Westerson
John O’Brien
Tom Stevenson
Brad Thorpe
Derrik Kennedy

In Attendance
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Michael Spera, Chief of Police
Christina Burnham, Chairman Police Commission
Scott Giegerich, Selectman
John Dunn, Fire Chief
Gerri Lewis, Clerk


MINUTES  February 7, 2012:

Motion:  To approve minutes as presented.

Moved:  D. Kennedy                           Second: G. Westerson

Discussion:  None

Approved:  6-0-0



Chief Spera thanked the Board of Finance for this opportunity.~ He offered to have a workshop with the Board which would include a Power Point Presentation that would be 2-3 hours in length. Chief Spera noted that an explanation of operations could not be done in a short period of time.

Chairman LaMay thanked Chief Spera for coming and asked him to give a brief overview of operations in the OSPD budget.~~ He also~ brought up the article in The Day with regard to dispatchers.~ Mr. LaMay asked Chief Spera to speak to that as well.

~Briefly, Chief Spera reported that he is responsible for~ “traditional” policing, i.e., protecting, serving, 911 calls,~and there is the “non-traditional” policing that he is responsible for such as child safety; animal control; marine patrol; and he is also responsible for the resource officers that are placed in the schools.~ Additionally, there is the emergency communications system which is housed under police services.~ Dispatched, to name a few, are fire emergency crews,~ EMTs,~ Public Works crews.~ Last year the department took several thousand phone calls.~

Chief Spera noted that in an effort to reduce costs, drastic measures were taken.~ He noted that this is the fourth year in a row that capital purchases will not be made in many critical categories.~ This includes replacing aging police vehicles.~ Currently half of the OSPD’s fleet has more than 80K miles with five vehicles having in excess of 100K miles.~ He pointed out that tax dollars are being spent rebuilding aging vehicles rather than purchasing new vehicles with extended warranties, to reduce vehicle maintenance costs.

Chief Spera noted that this budget also reflects the one time use of the Traffic Safety Fund to provide funding to police municipal events.~ This is an off budget municipal account which is derived from grants and donations.

Chief Spera continued to note that the proposed budget he was presenting for 2012-2013 represented an overall increase of 7.61% or $253,256 dollars.~~ This increase is due to settlement of labor contracts, which include the compounding of 2 years worth of raises and step raises.~ In addition, the increase in health insurance costs also contributes to this increase.~ He noted that every other budget category has been reduced.

A question was brought up by the board referencing regionalizing 911 dispatching.~ Chief Spera reported to the board, to note some background, that the state Department of Public Safety Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications hired a consulting firm, L.R.

Kimball to investigate the concept’s feasibility.~ He reported briefly on the history of The Kimball Report.  The Board was very interested in learning about the regionalization of dispatchers and Chief Spera felt that if this was the direction that the conversation was going in, fire and public safety needed to be included.~ He suggested calling in the Fire Chief.~ Chief Dunn was contacted and came to the meeting along with Mr. Rochette.

Chief Dunn and Mr. Rochette entered the meeting at approximately 7:25 p.m.~~

Chief Dunn noted that he explains this every year.~ Chief Dunn noted that he worked for Valley Shore for 10 years.~~ For several years he was a state dispatch instructor and this is his 26th year as a fire fighter.~ He noted that he was well versed on the topic of regionalization. Chief Dunn reported that Old Saybrook is different than Deep River,  Essex and Chester.~~ We have a full time police department.~ They have constables so there is~no requirement to have their own dispatch center.~ Old Saybrook has a full time police department and a full time fire department,~so it needs a full fledged emergency communications center.

Chief Dunn discussed this topic at length. He noted that the costs to share with other towns don’t make operational sense.~ Old Saybrook now has a CAD system.~ Our system is better than what a regional system would offer.~   Mr. Rochette noted that Old Saybrook has a robust EMS system and is far advanced over Valley Shore.  There is no delay in response time.~

Mr. Westerson inquired as to the cost of regionalization and would it be the BOS to make the decision.~ Chief Dunn noted that there is a formula for the cost to each town.~ This would incorporate the grand list; emergency calls; non-emergency calls and this, among other things, would determine what each town would pay.

Mr. O’Brien asked if the state was making it mandatory for towns to join a regional dispatch center.~ Mr. Spera noted that Governor Rell did not support a regionalization.~ Chief Dunn noted that it was a very long way off and it would cost an exhorbitant amount of money.  It was noted that the state does favor regionalization. A long discussion ensued.

At this time, Mr. Kennedy inquired of the OSPD vehicles.~ Chief Spera handed out a document that listed all of the vehicles, their mileage and engine hours.~ It was noted that a vehicle on the list was out of service.  Chief Spera noted that on any given day there are 2-3 vehicles that are out of service.  The discussion went on to include number of patrolmen, new vehicles and personnel.

Mr. Thorpe inquired under “operating budget spreadsheets” that the sub totals for police
staff didn’t add up.~ Chief Spera noted that Mr. Thorpe should contact Mr. Laine in the

Selectman’s Office as to how the spreadsheet is laid out.~ Mr. Thorpe noted that he felt
uncomfortable with this budget as presented, and could not make a decision based upon what he saw on this page.~ He also agreed that a workshop between~ Police Commission and BOF would be welcome.~ Chief Spera was pleased to comply.

A short discussion followed and Mr. LaMay inquired regarding the shifts of the officers.~ Chief Spera explained how the different shifts worked and noted that before receiving overtime, the officers had to work 42 hours.~ He also noted that officers were paid straight time for municipal events, no matter how long they lasted.

Chief Spera also reported on heart & hypertension which is a municipal policy for the police department as well as the fire department.~ All municipalities have this policy.  A short discussion followed.

Chairman LaMay thanked Chief Spera and Chief Dunn.~

Treasurer’s Report:  None

Selectman’s Report:
Mr. Giegerich reported that the BOS were having budget workshops and the General Government budget would be ready for submission to the BOF on March 1, 2012.

Comments from the Chair:
Mr. LaMay and the board decided that the first public hearing on the budgets would be March 15, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.  Ms. Lewis was asked to secure the Middle School.

Mr. LaMay called on Ms. LaPlace for comments as she wished to speak.  Ms. LaPlace thought it might be worth considering the North Cove Outfitters building to house the OSPD.  Mr. LaMay thanked her for her comments.

Motion:  To adjourn at 9:11 p.m.

Moved:  D. LaMay                           Second: T. Stevenson

Discussion:  None

Approved:  6-0-0

Please note that a recording of this meeting is on disc.  You may request a copy from the Town Clerk.

Respectfully submitted, Gerri Lewis, Clerk