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BOF Minutes January 17, 2012

1312012_100601_0.jpg        TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
         Board of Finance
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
JANUARY 17, 2012  5:35 P.M.
Board of Education Office
Sheffield Street

CALL TO ORDER    BOE Chairman Mario Gaboury called the joint meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay                             
Grant Westerson
John O’Brien
Barry O’Nell
Tom Stevenson
Brad Thorpe
Derrik Kennedy

BOE Attendanct Members
Mario Gaboury
Joanne Sullivan
Karen Brodeur
Eileen Baker
George Chang
Holly King
Kelley Kennedy
Vito Savino

Joseph Onofrio, Superintendent of Schools
Heston Sutman, Dir. Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Carol Alvaro, Co-Director, Student Support Services
Kathleen Bai, Co-Director, Student Support Services
Julie Pendleton, Director of Finance & Operations
Oliver Barton, Principal, OSHS
Tara Winch, Assoc. Principal, OSHS
Michael Rafferty, Principal, OSMS
Mandy Ryan, Assoc. Principal, OSMS
Sheila Brown, Principal, Goodwin School
Scott Giegerich, Selectman
Gerri Lewis, Clerk (exited at 6:47 p.m.)

Chairman Gaboury called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. and led the Pledge of
Allegiance.  Chairman Gaboury made note of the fact that our school district was recognized for being a Healthy Food District.  He noted that the BOE has a catering service that is self sufficient and is not run with public dollars.

After a brief introduction by Chairman LaMay, Chairman Gaboury, and Superintendent Onofrio, the Board of Finance and Board of Education began discussion of the school budget.

As Ms. Pendleton pointed out in her Power Point presentation, the significant
changes in the Superintendent’s proposed budget for 2012-2013 are the result of salaries
and benefits, transportation and travel, special education tuition, fuel and utilities, capital
& capital maintenance, and technology. A long discussion ensued.  The Board of Finance had several questions covering enrollment trends, number of students budgeted for out of district, technology, equipment, programs and state mandates.

The budget proposed by the administrators to the Superintendent totaled $22,950,007 or a 5.67% increase over the 2011-2012 budget.  The Superintendent reduced that proposal and presented a $22,747,0007 budget or a 4.46 % increase to the Board of Education for their consideration.

Superintendent Onofrio noted that planning and expectations for the 2012-2013 budget are developed in consideration of school operating needs required to maintain the excellence of our schools and continue to meet state requirements while also addressing the financial constraints this economy presents.

Chairman LaMay asked if there were any known, future demands on the education system in general, or within the district specifically, such as state or national mandates that are expected to increase costs.

Director Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment, Heston Sutman:   There are now higher expectations on the American teacher, therefore a larger amount of Professional Development will be needed and that “re-tooling” can be expensive.

Middle School Associate Principal, Mandy Ryan:  For teachers, there is a higher level of accountability – it’s no longer about what the teacher is teaching, it’s now about what the learner is learning.

Middle School Principal, Michael Rafferty:   There is more pressure on teachers to differentiate.  The students have the latest technologies at home and have come to expect and depend on the schools to have the same.

High School Principal, Oliver Barton:   At the High School level, the students’ needs are addressed.  Administrators and faculty have to make sure that the “bar” is not lowered, as students are now competing among a global population and they need the skills to compete.  Dr. George Chang reiterated there is a need to educate at a level consistent with the level of global competition.  

Kelly Kennedy said that the BOE budget was now at the level of absolute need and asked if the BOF had any expectations regarding the 2012 / 2013 BOE budget.  Chairman LaMay stated that it is still early in the budget process and that there would be more meetings prior to the March presentation by the Board of Selectmen.  At this time, the BOF had no expectations because, as a Board, it had not yet been discussed, adding that the BOF is looking forward to seeing the budgets and analysis from all departments.

Tom Stevenson asked if it is possible to increase the number of hours students attend school and, if so, at what cost.  Chairman Gaboury noted that this was a very complex issue with the amount of people involved, i.e. The State of CT, faculty and staff, Collective Bargaining units, etc.

Grant Westerson asked how many days students are required to attend school.  Julie Pendleton said that, by law, students are required to attend 180 days and have 900 hours of instruction.  There are an additional six days built into the calendar for the Faculty’s Professional Development. No Saturdays.

Heston Sutman closed by saying that within the scope of global competition, education, schools and curriculums can no longer be compared on an “apples to apples” basis.  Internationally, schools are fragmented.  Students are tested at early ages and the highest achieving students are given the opportunity of higher education.  In the U.S., everyone has the opportunity to be educated.

BOE Chairman Gaboury thanked the BOF for the joint meeting and felt it was productive. BOF Chairman LaMay agreed and added that he finds the joint meetings to be very informative.

Meeting adjourned @ 7:05 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk
David LaMay, Chairman