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Board of Finance Minutes 6/21/2011
Board of Finance

JUNE 21, 2011   5:30 P.M.
First Floor Conference Room
Old Saybrook Town Hall

CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 5:30 P.M.
Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  John O’Brien
Grant Westerson                         Sonny Whelen                    
David LaMay
Lee Sparaco                                     
Barry O’Nell

In Attendance
Michael Pace, First Selectman
Carol Manning, Selectwoman
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Police Chief Michael Spera
Christina Burnham, Chair, Police Commission
Michael Cronin, Town Attorney

First Selectman Pace gave a brief report. He noted that two unions have settled: Supervisor’s Local #818 and General Government Local #1303-278. The only union not settled is the Police Department. A decision on that is expected in November.

Mr. Pace noted he has a “waterfall” bonding model for a police station in the $5.5 m. range, which was the charge given by the B of S to the Building Committee.

The next item on the agenda concerned Police Officer Rankin and the mechanism to fund his heart & hypertension claim. On the advice of counsel, it was determined that Executive Session was not necessary. Motions that were made to put the B of F into Executive Session were withdrawn.

Mr. Pace explained that there is an upfront piece of $49,060.00 due now and another piece that will be paid weekly commencing July 1, 2011 at $892/week (this piece totals $39,069.00). Total to be paid is $88,129.00. Mr. Pace recommended that the upfront piece be paid from the Police Budget Supplemental line item for Contract Settlement, which currently has $54,639.00 in it. Mr. Westerson recommended that we use all of this line item towards the entire claim. With regard to what would be left on the claim, $33,490.00, the Chair suggested we look to the Catastrophic Illness Reserve Fund, which will have 10k in it next year. The remainder of the claim can be run in the red from that account. The First Selectman and Treasurer agreed with this proposal.

The Police Chief wished to be heard. He did not like the suggestion of taking the $54,639.00 from the potential contract settlement because if the arbitrators do give the police a raise retroactively in 10-11 or in 11-12, he needs money to pay the officers. The First Selectman suggested he manage his budget accordingly. Mr. O’Nell suggested that perhaps the Chief should hold off on hiring a new officer. The Chief felt this was not appropriate as the new officer in included in the Town Budget that overwhelmingly passed at referendum.

The Chief suggested the monies come from the Town’s undesignated fund balance, which could be reimbursed from any Police Department/Town surplus. The First Selectman vehemently opposed this. Town Attorney Cronin suggested the funds can come from wherever the B of F decrees as it is a legal settlement and will not need to be approved at Town Meeting. The Chief inquired of Town Attorney Cronin if the arbitrators’ ruling would also be considered a legal claim/settlement and therefore also not subject to Town meeting. Attorney Cronin indicated it would be. With that the matter was settled.

MOTION: To pay the heart and hypertension claim of Officer Rankin as follows: $49,060 immediately from the Police Budget Supplemental Line item-Contract Settlement, to encumber the remainder of those funds until exhausted in the 11-12 fiscal year to commence payment on the weekly claim due ($892/wk x 55) and then to exhaust the Catastrophic Illness Reserve (10k) and run that item in the negative $23,490 until said claim is fully paid.

Moved:   B.  O’Nell                           Second:  G.  Westerson

Approved:  5-0-0

Motion:  To adjourn at 6:15 p.m.

Moved:  G. Westerson                           Second: B. O’Nell

Discussion:  None

Approved:  5-0

Respectfully Submitted,
Carl Fortuna, Jr.