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Board of Finance Public Hearing Minutes 4/27/2010
Board of Finance
APRIL 27, 2010 at 7:30 P.M.
Old Saybrook High School

  • CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the second Public Hearing to order at 7:30 p.m.
Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  George Whelen, Vice Chairman
John O’Brien                            
Lee Sparaco
David LaMay
Grant Westerson
Barry O’Nell

Michael Pace, First Selectman
Bill Peace, Selectman
Carol Manning, Selectman
Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Oliver Barrett, Principal, HS
Tara Winch, Ass’t. Principal
Sheila Brown, Principal, Goodwin School
Mike Rafferty, Principal, Middle School
Carol Alvaro, Pupil Placement Director
Joseph Onofrio, Superintendent of Schools
Mario Gaboury, Chairman, Board of Education
Julie Pendleton, Business Manager, OS Public Schools
Brad Thorpe, Co-Chair, Budget & Finance Committee, BOE
Larry Bonin, Public Works Director
Michael Spera, Chief of Police
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

In attendance were approximately 75 people in the audience.

Chairman Fortuna opened the meeting with comments and then presented the recommended B of F budget.

1st Selectman Pace was introduced and gave a brief overview of the General Government budget. Superintendant Joseph Onofrio was then introduced and he gave a brief introduction to the B of E budget.
Several questions and comments were raised by several people in the audience with regard to the following:
  • Revaluation
  • Town model should a major storm hit the Connecticut shoreline
  • The police budget and police station condition and relocation
  • The increased number of town employees since the year 2000 and the continued increase in the budget
  • Middle School Roof;
  • HVAC at Middle School;
  • Continuous increases of 4% percent in the overall budget being unsustainable and calling for a zero increase budget
  • Use of gas cards; ability to monitor employee vehicle usage
  • Low tax rate; great schools
The Public Hearing adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk