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Board of Finance Minutes 4/20/2010
Board of Finance

APRIL 20, 2010 at 7:30 P.M.
Old Saybrook Town Hall
Conference Room
302 Main Street

  • CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:31 p.m.
Attendant Members                                                                                  Absent Members                       
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  
George Whelen, Vice Chairman
John O’Brien                            
Lee Sparaco
Grant Westerson
Barry O’Nell
David LaMay

Michael Pace, First Selectman
Bill Peace, Selectman
Carol Manning, Selectman
Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Oliver Barrett, Principal, HS
Tara Winch, Ass’t. Principal
Sheila Brown, Principal, Goodwin School
Mike Rafferty, Principal, Middle School
Carol Alvaro, Pupil Placement Director
Joseph Onofrio, Superintendent of Schools
Mario Gaboury, Chairman, Board of Education
Julie Pendleton, Business Manager, OS Public Schools
Brad Thorpe, Co-Chair, Budget & Finance Committee, BOE
Larry Bonin, Public Works Director
Michael Spera, Chief of Police
Gerri Lewis, Clerk



Motion:  To approve the April 13, 2010 special meeting minutes as presented.

Moved: G. Westerson                                    Second:  Lee Sparaco

Discussion:  Mr. O’Brien asked that his question be a part of the 4/13/10 minutes; which was, “did an engineer look at the PD cellar floor.”  Mr. Pace answered no, but the Building Committee and Health District felt that the building was in very bad shape and severely damaged.  The cost for floor elevation would be $120K alone.  If the floor was elevated, that would affect the ceiling height which would trigger all kinds of violation issues.  Mr. Pace noted that all due diligence was done.

Motion:  To approve the April 13, 2010 special meeting minutes as amended.

Moved:    C. Fortuna                              Second:  L. Sparaco

Approved:  C. Fortuna; B. O’Nell; J. O’Brien; G. Westerson; G. Whelen; L. Sparaco      
Abstain:  D. LaMay     6-1-0

Selectman Pace discussed the general government budget and noted that certain dollars were added to the budget: $130K broken down as follows:  $55K for legal settlement (claims); $25K additional legal line item in budget; and $50K for PD relocation move.

Mr. Pace reported that $5K were in the budget for the Historical Society for the 375th Anniversary celebration.  Mrs. Maynard told Mr. Pace that they only needed $2K, so Mr. Pace put the $3K toward Social Services budget and added 3 more hrs. per week for personnel.  This was just moving money around.  Mr. Pace reported that they were re-bidding the health insurance but didn’t have anything to report.

Mr. Sparaco noted that there was $1K in the Registrars of Voters budget for “overtime” and noted that elected officials do not get “overtime”. Mr. Pace agreed.  

Motion:  To remove the $1K for overtime from the Registrars budget.

Moved:   L. Sparaco                   Second:  C. Fortuna

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; B. O’Nell; J. O’Brien; G. Westerson; G. Whelen; L. Sparaco; D. LaMay  7-0-0

Mr. Pace reported that his board authorized him to go into a lease agreement for the PD.  Mr. Sparaco agreed with Mr. Pace that relocation monies should be in the COSF as it could be tracked easily.  It was asked what the $50K for relocation was for.  Mr. Pace reported that it would cost $30K to move the “911” equipment and $20K for an approximate 7 month lease.

At this time Chairman Fortuna called upon Ms. Pendleton if she had anything to report.  Ms. Pendleton replied that the BOE was in attendance to answer questions but touched on the following:
  • Can’t fix the heat;
  • Everything in budget this year is frozen;
  • Will not lift freeze;
  • Will only receive 75% of Special Ed reimbursement from the State;
  • They are fortunate to have talented maintenance employees who can keep up with minor repairs in-house;
Mr. O’Nell inquired re the hvac unit in new budget.  Ms. Pendleton noted for Mr. O’Nell to remember that BOE came to BOF after budget was submitted to say HVAC was broken.  Somethi ng in the budget will not get addressed so that the heating/cooling system can be replaced.  This will be $60K out of the new budget.

Mr. O’Brien asked why the Middle School has more teachers than the High School, and
the high school has more students.   Ms. Pendleton explained that there is a very different structure level between the schools.  She noted spoke on “grade level” teacher vs. “classroom” teacher.  A long discussion ensued during which various members of the education department spoke.  Ms. Brown from the Goodwin School spoke about the “early elementary students are the most diverse” and how 1 teacher can teach students within a group up to their potential;  Mr. Rafferty from the Middle School spoke about “sections,” and class size according to rotation.   Mr. Rafferty also noted that they felt that the special ed students should be in their own home town school.

Mr. Westerson inquired re out of district special ed students.  There are none at the Middle School but there is at the High School.  

Ms. Brown reported that families from other towns and states come in to interview her school so to speak, because Saybrook has a highly respected and praised school district.

Mr. Sparaco inquired re the non-certified staff and the increase in the budget.  Mr. Pendleton noted that the special ed paraprofessional staff gets paid less and adding a para can be more cost effective than sending the special ed students out of town. Mr. O’Nell inquired re the difference to which Ms. Pendleton replied $15K-$20 for transportation plus $100K classroom.  Two paraprofessionals were hired this year mid year and that is now reflected in the 10-11 budgetr

Mr. O’Brien inquired re the $62K for technology personnel.  Ms. Pendleton noted that this was for 3 schools and the turn around time for the computers is 5-7 years when it should be less.   A discussion ensued with regard to the HVAC unit for the Middle School.  Mr. Pace noted that if there is a savings on Health Insurance, that money could go toward the unit for the Middle School.


Mr. Fish noted that the BOF had the March, 2010 monthly report from the last meeting.  There were no questions.

Mr. Fish spoke on the Kostin Ruffkess & Company, LLC Annual Financial Report and the Federal report and State report.  He noted that the recommendation from last year that the Treasurer’s office should hire an accountant has changed this year.  The audit management recommendations didn’t recommend the hiring of an accountant this year.  A short discussion ensued.  Some members of the BOF noted that they weren’t prepared to discuss these reports.  Mr. Fish reported that most of the management’s recommendations have been addressed.  

Mr. Fortuna asked re an RFP for auditors.  It was decided that it is probably too late. Mr. Fish noted that the appointment of an auditor has to be settled and sent to the State by June 1, 2010.  Mr. Pace said it was too late to go out to bid and so it was the general consensus of the Board that Mr. Fortuna would contact Kostin Ruffkess & Co to see if they would give the town a one year extension for services.

Mr. Fortuna noted that the second Public Hearing would be April 27, 2010.  The BOF will attend the hearing proposing the general government and BOE budgets.

Motion:  To present the proposed budget of $36,834,567.00 to the Public Hearing on April 27, 2010.

Moved:   C. Fortuna                                                 Second:  G. Westerson

Discussion:  Mr. Sparaco suggested that the budgets be voted on separately. Motion withdrawn.

Motion:  To present the proposed general government budget of $15,271,584.00 to the Public Hearing on April 27, 2010.

Moved:   C. Fortuna                                                 Second:  G. Westerson

Approved:  C. Fortuna; G. Westerson; G. Whelen; L. Sparaco; D. LaMay  
Disapprove: B. O’Nell;  J. O’Brien

Mr. Pace asked for guidance from the BOF members who voted against the general government budget.  Mr. O’Brien commented that he would like to see 1 less police officer and 1 less public works personnel.  Mr. Pace felt that this would put the town’s public safety in jeopardy.

Motion:  To present the proposed Board of Education budget of $21,562,983.00 to the Public Hearing on April 27, 2010.

Moved:   C. Fortuna                                                 Second:  G. Westerson

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; G. Westerson; G. Whelen; L. Sparaco; D. LaMay  
B. O’Nell;  J. O’Brien

Mr. Pace noted that he told the BOF at the last meeting that he would have a Pro Forma for a new PD at this meeting and he would like to present it if the BOF would like to see it.  Mr. Pace gave a brief presentation; total debt $2.7 million; discussing the WPCC monies; grant monies of 1.1 million from the Clean Water Fund, which is guaranteed from the State because Old Saybrook is the model for this grant and a priority for the funds. The debt model demonstrated the Town’s ability to keep overall bonding below 3 million even with wastewater avoidance and a new police department.

Mr. Pace noted that he is looking at a 20 year bonds for the PD at 4.2 %.

There being no further business, Mr. Fortuna asked for a motion to adjourn.

Motion:  To adjourn at 9:02 P.M.

Moved:   G. Westerson                   Second:  L. Sparaco

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; B. O’Nell; J. O’Brien; G. Westerson; G. Whelen; L. Sparaco; D. LaMay  7-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk