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Board of Finance Minutes 12/1/2009
Board of Finance

DECEMBER 1, 2009 at 7:00 P.M.

I.   CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the joint meeting of the Board of Finance and Board of Education to order at 7:05 p.m.
Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  
George Whelen, Vice Chairman                    
David LaMay                                             
John O’Brien                            
Lee Sparaco
Grant Westerson
Barry O’Nell

Michael Pace, First Selectman
Carol Manning, Selectman
Robert Fish, Treasurer
Joseph Onofrio, Superintendent
Sheila Brown, Principal, Goodwin School
Julie Pendleton, Director of Finance & Operations
Mario Gaboury, Chair, BOE
Brad Thorpe, Chair, Budget & Fiscal Committee
Gerri Lewis, Clerk


MINUTES:  Mr. Fortuna asked for a motion on the minutes of the November 17, 2009 meeting.

Motion:  To approve the minutes of February 17, 2009 as presented.

Moved:  G. Whelen                                     Second:  L. Sparaco

Discussion:  Mr. O’Brien asked that the following be added to the 2nd paragraph of the Treasurer’s Report: “Mr. O’Brien asked if the BOF voted to establish encumbrances.  The answer was no.”
Motion:  To approve the minutes of February 17, 2009 as amended.

Moved:  G. Westerson                                     Second:  L. Sparaco

Approved:   C. Fortuna; D. LaMay; G. Whelen; J. O’Brien; G. Westerson; L. Sparaco; 6-0-0


Chairman Fortuna welcomed the BOE and their members to the joint meeting and noted that the Board of Finance looked forward to working with them.  He then called upon Superintendent Onofrio to begin.

Superintendent Onofrio began by saying that he and the BOE felt that dialogue between the two boards was very important.  He reported on the Board of Ed’s philosophy and pledge to do the best of their ability, foster creative thinking, and noted that it required a tremendous amount of diligence.  He added that their work was not for the “faint of heart.”  He explained and discussed the demographics of durgs (locations) of schools and the framework of what their process is.  

Mr. O’Nell entered at 7:24 p.m.

Ms. Pendleton reported that the BOE has been working with the BOS, looking ahead to constitute what becomes priority and what is important.  She discussed the following:
  • Looking at a 5 year plan for supplies;
  • Looking at state mandated initiatives; getting more difficult to look ahead several years;
  • Didn’t expect State to freeze funds; already facing 150K deficit this year; shortfall this year will have to be accounted for next year;
  • Looking at difficult time ahead with just salaries alone of 16.8M; still have to maintain benefits;
  • Electric was re-negotiated to save 10K; ending existing natural gas contract; conservative increase for transportation;
  • Capital Maintenance plan continues to slowly move forward; middle school roof and Goodwin School windows are just two long term big ticket items.
  • Ms. Pendleton reported that she and Superintendent Onofrio met with Selectman Pace and economic predictions will be very challenging; budget only what is obligated; no contingency accounts;
  • Increase of additional Special Ed students and decrease in State funding;
Mr. O’Brien asked what the cost was for placement of Special Ed students.  A discussion followed regarding costs and the exceptionality of the student. It varies. Ms. Alvaro, Director of Special Ed., reported that some students don’t get reimbursed from the State.  She noted that 3 students were placed elsewhere by their parents at 60K per student, 180K which Old Saybrook is responsible for.  Ms. Alvaro also noted that costs could be 7-8K for evaluations out of district.  It was noted that the State has now changed their laws and asking for training for life beyond school for ages 18-21.

  • Every state agency is lean; placements are very specialized; state encourages regionalization;
  • Sarah & Vista are two transition placement agencies; burden for payment is on the town;
Superintendent Onofrio handed out a student enrollment table.  The projected enrollment is from the state.  State does not project Kindergarten.  Special Ed is 12% of the enrollment.  Mr. Fortuna asked where the reductions were made from the 50K cut from the budget.  Ms. Pendleton could not recall off hand.

  • Ms. Pendleton continued to say the Capital Improvements Budget pretty much stayed in tact after the referendum;
  • Under Capital Expenditures, Mr. LaMay asked if routine maintenance falls into this category; answer is yes, projects 50K or less or projects done in phases fall into this category;
  • New column will be “Capital Projects;” these will be outside operational projects such as roof; generators; track resurfacing; windows;
  • Questions followed:  class sizes: Goodwin 17-18; 4th & 5th grade: 21; 6th,7th,8th:24; high school class sizes are 26-27; specialized classes, such as woodworking, for safety purposes 16-18;
  • Health Insurance: dental portion carved out - now self insure; working on the Rx piece for self insure; liability insurance stayed the same;
  • Teachers Contract is 3 years; now in second yr; entire compensation package looking at 4.9% increase;
  • Mr. Sparaco inquired re the Irrigation System.  The system is in.
  • Mr. Sutman reported that they are exploring to phase out actual text books at the middle school and high school level and use online text;
  • Ms. Baker commented that what the OS school system provides is very important in addition to students having access to teachers and vice versa.
At this time Mr. Fortuna noted that the liaisons from the Board of Finance will continue to be Dave LaMay and John O’Brien.  He felt that the meeting was very productive and  thanked the Board of Ed for joining in the meeting and for their input.  

Motion:  To adjourn at 8:36 p.m.

Moved:  G. Whelen                                       Second:  D. LaMay

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; G. Whelen; B. O’Nell; D. LaMay; J. O’Brien; G. Westerson; L. Sparaco 7-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk