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05-05-09 minutes

582009_90954_0.png        TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Board of Finance
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
May 5, 2009 at 7:30 P.M.

CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:32 P.M.
Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  
George Whelen                           
Robert Finch                            
David LaMay                             
Glenis Caouette         
Lee Sparaco
John O’Brien

In Attendance
William Peace, Selectman
Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Julie Pendleton, Director of Finance & Operations
Deputy Chief Michael Spera
Brad Thorpe, Co-chair, Budget & Fiscal Committee, BOE
J.T. Dunn, Deputy Fire Chief
Roland Laine, Executive Assistant
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Several of the public asked regarding the ball fields on Ferry Road, the Capital Outlay Sinking Fund and the availability of the Auditor’s Management Letter.


 To approve the minutes of 4-21-09 as presented.

Moved:  L. Sparaco                      Second: R. Finch

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; S. Whelen;  D. LaMay;  G. Caouette;  L. Sparaco;  R. Finch;

Abstained:  J. O’Brien


At this time Mr. Fortuna called upon Tax Collector, Barry Maynard.  Mr. Maynard reported on the Suspense List for Grand List year 2003.  It read the following:
·       Personal Property:                $ 8,011.47
·       Motor Vehicle:                         7,608.37
·       Motor Vehicle Supplement:      576.53
·       Total:                                     $16,196.21

Mr. Maynard explained that the auditors look for this process during the annual review of tax collector records.  He noted that these accounts still remain “collectible” and will be whenever possible.  A list of creditors was attached.  Mr. O’Brien asked regarding the real estate.  Mr. Maynard noted that the creditors were on the list for non payment of personal property and motor vehicles, and not real property.

Motion:  To approve the Suspense List report for the Grand List year 2003.

Moved:  L. Sparaco                      Second: D. LaMay

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; S. Whelen;  D. LaMay;,  G. Caouette,  L. Sparaco;  R. Finch; J. O’Brien


Ms. Pendleton reported that the BOE was still working on finalizing the budget.  They were looking at options, scheduling and other things they could do to accommodate the $50K reduction in their budget.  Mr. Sparaco asked regarding the $350K deficit.  Ms. Pendleton reported that they were anticipating $300K from the State for placements that exceeded the pupil placement cost.  Ms. Pendleton feels that they will break even in the end.  She reported that she heard from Anthem.  It continues to go in a positive direction.  Mr. Fortuna asked what the projected percentage increase was for next year.  Ms. Pendleton anticipated about a 2 or 3% increase for budgetary reasons.  She noted that the trend was 10 – 12% range.  Mr. LaMay asked regarding the current length of the teachers’ contract, to which Ms. Pendleton replied that this contract is in place for 2 more years.

At this time, Mr. Fortuna introduced Mr. Pavel Wilson, Chairman of the WPCA and Mr. Don Lucas, coordinator WPCA.  He asked the BOF for a motion for them to be added to the agenda.

Motion:  To add Mr. Wilson & Mr. Lucas to the agenda, to report on budgetary issues (deficits) within the Sewer Avoidance Fund.

Moved:  C. Fortuna                      Second: J. O’Brien

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; S. Whelen;  D. LaMay;  G. Caouette,  L. Sparaco;  R. Finch; J. O’Brien

Mr. Wilson thanked the Board of Finance for their willingness to add them to the agenda.  He educated the board with regard to the DEP working with the WPCA.  The WPCA is charged with working with the Health District and DEP and the implementation of the Wastewater Program Standards in the town.  Mr. Wilson found that the town maps were antiquated and had to be brought up to par.  They worked with the DEP and Health District with the help of attorneys.  The WPCA already spent $118K (8k more than what was budgeted) and will probably need another $110K by the end of the fiscal year. He reported, however, that they will be receiving money from the Clean Water Fund in the amount of $309K, possibly in this fiscal year, which will be deposited into the Sewer Avoidance Fund.  Mr. Wilson also commended Ms. Marshall for pursuing and receiving these reimbursement funds.


Treasurer Fish handed out the State and Federal Single Audit to the BOF.  He reported that in the auditor’s management letter, it is noted that the Town did not have sufficient personnel with GASB training for financial reporting.  The final recommendation, however, was: “None.” Treasurer Fish did note that perhaps that is something the Town should be looking into.

Mr. Fish called the Board’s attention to the balance sheet of the financial statement and the first column (“General”), where the cash funds were listed and noted that this is where the unappropriated fund balance was located (“100 funds”).

The second column was “Capital Projects”….he noted that these were the “300” funds which housed the 3 capital projects, Communications; Schools; and the Hepburn Theater.

Mr. Fish noted that the 3rd column was the “Capital Non-recurring items such as: COSF and Sewer Fund.  He reported that the 4th column was government funds consisting of mostly grant funds from the State, aggregated within the balance sheet.

Mr. Fish reviewed several of the “Recommendations to Management June 30, 2008”. He noted that these were the same “recommendations to management” that were made last year. Specifically, Mr. Fish noted that “Capital Assets Recordkeeping” has been completed, that the “General Ledger” recommendation will likely be in place by the end of the ’09-’10 fiscal year, and that the “Capital Projects” recommendation is completed. He hopes that all the recommendations as they concern the treasurer will be complete by June 30, 2010.

In response to a question, Mr. Fish reported that the money in the General Fund was in a sweep account which generates interest and then that interest is put back into the general fund account, and is not credited to the individual accounts.  He also reported that the auditors recommended some internal controls with the standard and non-standard journal entries.  Mr. Sparaco asked if someone from the BOF should be looking at this as another set of eyes.  Mr. Fish said it was a matter of convenience and that he chose the First Selectman to do this, as he was just downstairs in the same building and felt this would be more efficient. However, he stated that if a B of F member would like to be part of this, he would be OK with that.

At this time, Mr. Fish introduced Roland Laine, who spoke about Computer System Security & Disaster Prevention. Mr. Laine gave a summary of the Town back-up system and said he would look into on line back up system.

Mr. Laine reported that the town did not have a policy & procedures manual and that he worked with an outside vendor.  He explained that no one server does everything.  He reported that we do have a contract for a 4 hour onsite parts & technician and a verbal agreement with the Saybrook Police Department as their systems are compatible.  He noted that the back-up tapes were housed in the vault in the Town Clerk’s office.  

Mr. Dunn reported that the fire department’s server backed up to an offsite server.  Mr. Laine noted that he was looking into an offsite backup server site.

Mr. Fortuna, in the interest of time, told Mr. Fish that the BOF would continue with the auditor’s management report at another meeting as they had a lot to look over presently.

Mr. Fish went over the General Fund Operating Budgets, expenditures; revenues, and special education excess costs as well as pointing out the expenditures attached to the report.  He noted that Mr. Maynard was doing an excellent job in collecting the taxes and that the town was in good shape for this fiscal year.

At this time Mr. Fortuna noted the Opening of the Fishways on May 18, 2009 at 6:00 P.M.  Mr. Fish noted that this was the completion of the whole fishway system and that this was a major milestone for the plan of conservation and development for the town.  Mr. Fish noted that he worked with Steve Gebhardt, DEP and that there were alewives already in the fishways.

It was asked if any of the Treasurer’s documents could be gotten at the Town Clerk’s Office.  Ms. Manning thanked Bob Fish for all of his input and hard work.

Motion:  To adjourn at 9:05 p.m.

Moved:  L. Sparaco                            Second: R. Finch

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; S. Whelen; ; D. LaMay; R. Finch,  G. Caouette
L. Sparaco; J. O’Brien

Respectfully Submitted,

Gerri Lewis, Clerk