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Board of Finance Minutes 4/21/2009
April 21, 2009 following Public Hearing
Old Saybrook Middle School Auditorium

  • CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 9:35 P.M. following the Public Hearing in the Old Saybrook Middle School Auditorium.
Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  John O’Brien
George Whelen                           
Robert Finch                            
David LaMay                             
Glenis Caouette         
Lee Sparaco

In Attendance
Michael Pace, First Selectman
William Peace, Selectman
Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Larry Bonin, Director of Public Works
Mario Gaboury, Chairman, Board of Education
Julie Pendleton, Director of Finance & Operations
Joseph Onofrio, Superintendent of Schools
Deputy Chief Michael Spera
Sandra Harder, Co-chair, Budget & Fiscal Committee, BOE
Brad Thorpe, Co-chair, Budget & Fiscal Committee, BOE
J.T. Dunn, Deputy Fire Chief
Christina Burnham, Chairman, Police Commission
Shiela Brown, Principal, Goodwin School

Chairman Fortuna asked for a motion to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of April 14, 2009.

Motion:  To approve the special meeting minutes of 4-14-09 as presented.

Moved:  G. Whelen                      Second: D. LaMay

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; S. Whelen;  D. LaMay;,  G. Caouette,  L. Sparaco

Abstained: R. Finch

Chairman Fortuna reported that the general consensus of the Board of Finance was to agree to give a 2% increase to the elected officials of the town to commence on the next pay period subsequent to Election Day.

Chairman Fortuna went on to say that the Board of Finance would be making the following changes to appropriations in the general government budget as follows:

  • Fire Boat apparatus: $7,379;
  • Ferry Road $30,000;
  • Political Subdivision:  An appropriation to the Historical Society of $1,085 to bring said line item appropriation up to $5,000;
Mr. Sparaco asked if these numbers were reflective of the amended General Government budget of $14,825,566 passed by the Selectman’s office, ie, that these changes were not to the original budget numbers. Mr. Fortuna indicated they were to be changes to the amended budget submitted at the second Public Hearing.

At this time, Chairman Fortuna asked for a motion to move the budget to Town Meeting and on to Referendum.

Motion:  To approve and recommend to Town Meeting then to Referendum the proposed General Government budget of $14,825,566 which reflects the 2% increase in personnel costs of the elected officials totaling $3,346, to be paid on the first pay period occurring after election day; a COSF appropriation for the Fire Department Boat apparatus in 09-10 of $77,379; a COSF appropriation for recreational facility specific to Ferry Road in the amount of $30,000; and a net increase to the Historical Society (Political Subdivision) of $1,085 bringing the total appropriation to $5,000.

Moved:  R. Finch                      Second: D. LaMay

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; S. Whelen; ; D. LaMay; R. Finch,  G. Caouette
L. Sparaco 6-0-0

       Chairman Fortuna then asked the Board for a motion on the Board of Education budget.

Motion:  To approve and recommend to Town Meeting then to Referendum the proposed Board of Education budget of $20,738,555.

Moved:  C. Fortuna                      Second: L. Sparaco

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; S. Whelen; ; D. LaMay; R. Finch,  G. Caouette
L. Sparaco 6-0-0

Chairman Fortuna noted that the total effective budget was $35,564,121.

Motion:  To adjourn.

Moved:  R. Finch                            Second: L. Sparaco

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; S. Whelen; ; D. LaMay; R. Finch,  G. Caouette
L. Sparaco 6-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,

Gerri Lewis, Clerk