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Special Meeting Minutes 03-24-09

422009_72202_0.png        TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Board of Finance
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
MARCH 24, 2009 at 6:45 P.M.
I.      CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the March 24, 2009 Special Meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 6:50 p.m.
Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  Lee Sparaco
George Whelen, V. Chairman                      
David LaMay                             
John O’Brien
Robert Finch
Glenis G. Caouette                      

Michael Pace, First Selectman
William Peace, Selectman
Velma Thomas, Selectman
Robert Fish, Treasurer
Barry E. Maynard, Tax Collector
Larry Bonin, Director, Public Works
Michael Spera, Deputy Chief of Police
Joseph Onofrio, Superintendent of Schools
Julie Pendleton, Director of Finance & Operations
Mario Gaboury, Chairman, BOE
Sandra Harder & Brad Thorpe, Co-Chairs, Budget & Fiscal Committee, BOE
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Mr. Fortuna thanked the Board of Finance and the Board of Education for attending the special meeting.

Mr. Fortuna inquired of Superintendent Onofrio the position of CEA with regard to the teacher contracts.  Mr. Onofrio reported that, as far as he knows, they were advised not to open their contracts, and that no other cities have done so that he is aware of.

At this time Mr. Fortuna asked Ms. Pendleton if there were any changes in the BOE budget.  Ms. Pendleton reported that there was none.  She continued to discuss private school and public tuition placement of special ed students outside of our district, which Old Saybrook is responsible for the cost.  Reimbursement from the State for agency placement is $300K this year.  Ms. Pendleton explained that wages and benefits in the amount of $16,833,000.00 is 80% of the BOE total budget.  There was an increase from last year of $715K which is wages and insurance costs. Ms. Pendleton noted that there were no retirements at this point.  She reported that all utilities were locked in for ’09 -’10.  

Ms. Harder reported that the BOE budget was reduced by approximately $281K from the Superintendent’s proposed budget and that their Federal Title Grants had been reduced.  Mr. O’Brien asked for a breakdown of the $281K.

The following questions were discussed re the BOE budget:
·       Goodwin School Windows and whether the Town would receive reimbursement from the State for energy conservation on said job.
·       Irrigation status; ball fields
·       Heating issues; units are 40 yrs. Old at Goodwin
·       5-year Capital Improvement Plan
·       Bus contract negotiations still occurring
·       Reduction of heating costs at high school on a per square foot basis
·       $291K decrease in budget; Ms. Pendleton will get line item list to Mr. O’Brien
·       Possible second Public Hearing on April 21, 2009

At this time, 7:30 p.m., the Board of Ed went on to their own meeting and the Board of Finance continued to meet with the Board of Selectmen.

Selectman Pace discussed the following:
·       Health District; $10K hit for Old Saybrook due to reduction in funding by the State
·       Possible Regionalization of Probate Judges
·       Elderly Tax Relief
·       Capital Outlay Sinking Fund 5 year plan
·       Selectman talking with Union re new contracts
·       Selectman offered no increase to elected officials
·       Supervisors contractual agreements
·       Economy and recycling/trash: Tipping fees are down

Selectman Peace reported that he met with the town Planner and Traffic Authority with regard to removing lights that were not needed in town.  Approximately 2 dozen lights were removed.

There was a discussion regarding the Fire Boat.  Mr. Dunn from the Fire Department answered questions from the Board.  Treasurer Fish again explained his proposal for payment of the same.  He reported that a loan from the bank of $240K would be at 4% interest.  His proposal was to borrow the money from the Capital Outlay Sinking fund to be paid back over 3 years at approximately $80K per year. The Chair will get an opinion from Atty Cronin as to whether the fund transfer for the boat must be recommended to Town meeting by the B of F.

Treasurer Fish noted that he will be reviewing the fiscal year (already into the third quarter) expenditure and revenue projections for the next fiscal year and discussing millage at the next regular meeting of the board of finance.  

 There were questions with regard to the Police Department.  Deputy Chief Spera answered questions from the Board about what further reductions to his dept. would mean.

At this time Chairman Fortuna presented to the Board letters from Sarah Becker, Town Clerk and Barry Maynard, Tax Collector concerning the lack of a 2% increase in their salaries.

Mr. Pace reported that this budget is part of a 10 year financial plan.  He noted that this budget was very lean without cutting staff, deliverables or programs.  He went on to say that this budget is down 1.47% from last year, which in real dollars is $227K, with the debt service down $78K.  He noted that this budget also reflected the town’s needs going forward

Chairman Fortuna thanked everyone for attending and asked for a motion to adjourn.

Motion:  To adjourn at 8:34 P.M.

Moved:  R. Finch                               Second:  D. LaMay

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; R. Finch; D. LaMay; J. O’Brien; G. Whelen; G. Caouette

Respectfully Submitted,

Gerri Lewis, Clerk