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01-06-09 minutes

1122009_54701_0.png        TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Board of Finance
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
JANUARY 6, 2009 at 7:30 P.M.

I.      CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the January 6, 2009 regular meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:31 p.m.

Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  
Lee Sparaco                             George Whelen, Vice Chairman
David LaMay                             Robert Finch            
Glenis G. Caouette
John O’Brien                            

Michael Pace, First Selectman
William Peace, Selectman
Robert Fish, Treasurer
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC:    Mr. Goduti had an inquiry from the Harbor Commission.  Mr. Fortuna directed him to Attorney Cronin.  

MINUTES:  Mr. Fortuna asked for a motion on the minutes of the December 16, 2008 meeting.

Motion:  To approve the minutes December 16, 2008 as presented.

Moved:  Mr. Fortuna                                   Second:  Mr. Sparaco

Discussion:  Mr. LaMay inquired under “Selectman” report if the figure of “… well over 100K” was correct.  It was agreed that it was.

Approved:   C. Fortuna; L. Sparaco; G. Caouette; D. LaMay

Abstained:  Mr. O’Brien   4-0-1


        SELECTMAN’S REPORT:  Selectman Pace reported on the following:

·       Approximately $8K was spent from budget on the roads after the last 2 storms; right now we have enough sand and salt;
·       New, chipped stone roads are working well;
·       Budget process:  Mr. Pace sent letter in December, 2008 to all department heads asking for “0” increase in their budgets; will be meeting with them beginning January, 2009;
·       BOE working very hard on their budget; Selectman Pace will be meeting with BOE;
·       Selectman Pace’s goal is to keep town initiatives moving ahead even in this economic climate; model is in place and on target; issue is State revenues way down.  Other cities are looking to impose their own taxes.
·       Town has manageable debt; machinery is paid for and goal is to bring in the budget as close to “0” as possible;
·       Talking with Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield to save money on health insurance;
·       Talking with CL&P as their prices may be coming down;
·       Pre-bought fuel with BOE last year for new year;
·       Supervisor’s Union has been negotiated; 2 other unions left to be negotiated;
·       KHCAC moving along slowly; There is a delay with CL&P in hooking up the generator due to the storms up north in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
·       New fire truck was used at the Saybrook Point Inn fire; very impressive and all inclusive;
·       Estuary Transit District has a new director; transportation still provided to elderly without cuts; there is a continuity of services now;

Mr. Fortuna inquired re Max’s Place.  Mr. Pace hasn’t heard anything.  It was noted that the Bed & Breakfast on Main Street is going forward.  Mr. Fortuna also inquired re the Health District.  Mr. Pace reported that the savings are and will be continuing.

Mr. Fortuna commented that he would like the Board to consider having the Public Hearing on the budget earlier this year, so that the public could have more time to look at it and ask questions.  Mr. Pace commented that the budget should be understood by the BOF before the Public Hearing.  Mr. Sparaco  reported that years ago, the BOS would present the budget to the BOF and the various departments would come in before the Public Hearing so that they could have a dialogue with the BOF.

Mr. LaMay inquired of Mr. Pace if he saw any major projects 2 or 3 years out.  Mr. Pace noted that he didn’t, but because of the problem with State revenues, he is working on  a 2-year budget.  Both Mr. Pace and Mr. Sparaco agreed that the reval numbers were very important to the budget process.  Mr. O’Brien inquired re the Grand List.  Mr. Fish commented that it was up by 1/3.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Mr. Fish handed out the “Annual Financial Report” for the year ended June 30, 2008.  He asked the BOF to read the letter addressed to them by the auditors.  He asked that when they’ve gone thru and read the report, to let him know if the BOF wanted to invite Kostin, Ruffkess & Co. LLC to a BOF meeting.  Mr. Fish also brought to the attention of the BOF, the “unappropriated fund balance” on page 16.  He commented that this figure was just as predicted, b but perhaps on the low side at the moment.

Mr. LaMay inquired re the length of the auditor contract.  It was thought to be a 3 year contract but Mr. Fish would check to be sure and let the BOF know.

Mr. Fish then discussed his monthly report year ending December 31, 2008.  Mr. Fish noted that at the end of December, the taxes for the January payment were collected in the amount of 2.5 million.

Mr. Maynard reiterated that the December collections were quite strong and people came in before the end of the year to pay their January tax payments.  He reported that while still sensitive to the public in light of the economy, letters have gone out re tax debt of 3 years or more.

Mr. Fish reported that one of the checks from the State of Connecticut for an equipment grant was up $25K, and that the checks for 2008 were coming in from the State as promised.  He reported that interest on investments are down.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  It was noted that having the department heads in before a Public Hearing on the budget would be a good idea.

Motion:  To add Executive Session to the Agenda to discuss pending g legal issues.

Moved:  D. LaMay                                     Second:  J. O’Brien

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; L. Sparaco; G. Caouette; D. LaMay; J. O’Brien  5-0-0

Motion:  To enter into Executive Session at 8:31 to discuss pending legal issues.

Moved:  L. Sparaco                                    Second:  J. O’Brien

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; L. Sparaco; G. Caouette; D. LaMay; J. O’Brien  5-0-0

The Board went into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation.  Mike Pace, Bill Peace and Treasurer Fish were invited to stay for Executive Session. At 8:45 p.m. Mr. Sparaco moved the board out of Executive Session,  seconded by Mr. LaMay.  Approved: 5-0-0. In Executive Session, no motions were made and no votes were taken.

Motion:  To adjourn at 8:46 p.m.

Moved:  L. Sparaco                                       Second:  C. Fortuna

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; L. Sparaco; G. Caouette; D. LaMay; J. O’Brien 5-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,

Gerri Lewis, Clerk