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10-21-08 Minutes
1142008_30907_0.png        TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Board of Finance
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

                                                 REGULAR MEETING
                                            OCTOBER 21, 2008 at 7:30 P.M.
                                            PASBESHAUKE PAVILION

I.      CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the October 21, 2008 regular meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:32 p.m.

Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  
George Whelen, Vice Chairman
Robert Finch
Lee Sparaco                             
David LaMay                                             
John O’Brien
Glenis G. Caouette
John O’Brien

Michael Pace, First Selectman
William Peace, Selectman
Robert Fish, Treasurer
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC:  A question was asked regarding interest on the Harbor Management Commission funds and why said interest is posted to the General Fund.  Treasurer Fish suggested that there be a separate agenda item at a future meeting so that the issue can be properly aired. The chairman indicated he would speak with Town Counsel on this issue.

A question was also raised as to the operating agreement between the KHCAC Board of Trustees and the Town.  It was suggested that this is more of a policy issue dealing with the B of S rather than a B of F issue.

MINUTES:  Mr. Fortuna asked for a motion on the minutes of September 2, 2008.

Motion:  To approve the minutes of September 2, 2008 as presented.

Moved:  L. Sparaco                                   Second:  G. Whelen

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; L. Sparaco; R. Finch; G. Caouette; D. LaMay; G. Whelen

Abstained:  J. O’Brien   6-0-1

        SELECTMAN’S REPORT:  Selectman Pace reported on the following projects;
·       Drainage issues on Maple Avenue and Barnes Road have been addressed;
·       Indian Town Bridge: Fixed road at Public Access due to erosion at high tide;
·       Followed through with recommendation of Planning Commission re sidewalk programs; one being N. Main Street;
·       Working with DOT to find more parking spaces at Train Station;
·       New resurfacing of road on upper Main Street;
·       North Cove will be dredged;
·       Founders Park: phragmites are being mowed by the State;
·       Fire Dept. and Police Dept. re emergency water vehicles: there is a place to store on N. Cove water property;
·       Senior Center:  got grant for new addition;
·       Estuary Transit District needs money; a Town Assessment Distribution list was passed out to the BOF; Based on a percentage of the total distribution by towns which is $50,000, Old Saybrook’s portion is $13,750.  Chairman Fortuna asked that Selectman Pace get a packet to the Board of Finance for future discussion.

Selectman Peace reported on Founders Park.  He noted that there was a deficit of $19,900.00 and requested approval of the BOF for $20,000.  Mr. Sparaco questioned the spending of funds that were not budgeted for the Park. A discussion ensued which ended with the B of F requesting a written request for these funds as well as an explanation of the overage.

Mr. Sparaco asked regarding the how the town’s pension fund has been holding up..  Selectman Pace reported that we have a conservative portfolio and is in good shape.  He noted that OS didn’t take the hit like other towns.

Mr. Pace also reported on the Preserve.  He spoke to the Attorney General about the property. However, Lehman is in bankruptcy and therefore there will likely be no action any time soon.

Chairman Fortuna inquired regarding Oil and its affect on the town.  Selectman Pace reported that the BOS along with the BOE locked in a price so no positive effect.

BOARD OF ED REPORT:  Ms. Pendleton reported that at this point in time, the BOE anticipates a deficit of $350,000, due to utilities and unanticipated special education expenditures and large class sizes at the high school due to enrollment increases.  She noted that there are freezes placed on supplies, materials and capital items.  Freezes have been placed on all hiring and overtime.
Ms. Pendleton reported that BOE has secured gas, and fuel oil for the season which has contributed to approximately $130,000 of the overall deficit.  They have put the irrigation system out to bid and have awarded it to the low bidder.  The project will run approximately $110,000 to complete.  This includes a new electrical service, conduit, storage tank, electrical work, pump house, excavation and concrete and excavation materials.

Ms. Pendleton reported that the Administrator’s contract has been ratified by the administrator’s union and the BOE.  She also reported that they implemented an HSA Plan, with the BOE funding a portion of this plan.  This overall compensation package with all components totals a 3.5% increase each year for a three year term, and will go into effect July 1, 2009.  She also reported that the Custodian Contract negotiation will be soon. Ms. Pendleton noted that a copy of the proposed budget calendar and budget development handbook are included in the hand-out to the Board of Finance.  Ms. Pendleton requested a joint meeting with the Board of Finance.  Chairman Fortuna said we would have the joint meeting workshop on 11/18/08, 6:30 p.m. at the Middle School Library.

Mr. O’Brien inquired regarding total enrollment and class size:  Ms. Pendleton reported approximately 1,658, which is up 38 students.  11 classes are over 30, but several are at 27 and the goal of the BOE is to keep class room size under 30.

Mr. Sparaco requested a breakdown of overages, i.e., utilities and special ed.

Mr. LaMay reported that he attended all of the Administrators Contract negotiations except the last session and applauded the BOE for their hard work and savings to the Town of Old Saybrook.  He said it was a win win situation.

Chairman Fortuna commented that on behalf of the Board of Finance he wanted to thank Mr. LaMay for attending  these negotiations on his own time.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer Fish handed out the Monthly Report ending September 30, 2008.  Expenditures and Revenues were discussed.  A discussion ensued regarding the fund expenditures year to date. A question was raised re the Capital Outlay Sinking Fund and whether or not it was part of the operating budget, to which Treasurer Fish replied in the negative. He was asked if it earns interest. Treasurer Fish explained that the COSF was all 1 bank account.  It is in a Sweep Account which does earn interest.  Mr. Fortuna asked if the auditors had an opinion to on whether interest on particular depart accounts should stay within the department.Mr. Fish replied that the auditors have no problem with the way interest is currently earned and accounted for.

The BOF requested that the BOS, and all departments therein, keep the BOF advised if they know they are going over budget.

Several line items were discussed such as software (which was purchased, not leased), WPCA,  and theDog Fund. A Labor and Personnel overrun has to go to Town Meeting.  Mr. Fortuna noted that it was a good report and told Treasurer Fish the BOF appreciated all of the work Treasurer Fish put into all of his reports.  Mr. Fortuna asked about the new auditors and Mr. Fish noted that he was very pleased with them. They are giving us monthly invoices with payment at 6 months and last payment is paid after receipt of the finished product.

At this time, Chairman Fortuna made a motion as follows:

Motion:  Move to recommend budget item overrun under “Labor and Personnel” to annual Town Meeting.

Moved:  C. Fortuna                                Second:  

Discussion:  Mr. Sparaco noted that this item had to be added to the Agenda first.


Motion Withdrawn:  C. Fortuna

Motion:  Move to add to agenda, recommend budget item “Labor and Personnel” to annual Town Meeting.

Moved:  L. Sparaco                                        Second:  R. Finch

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; L. Sparaco; R. Finch; G. Caouette; D. LaMay; G. Whelen   J. O’Brien  7-0-0

Motion:  Move to recommend to Town Meeting, $47,616 for “Labor and Personnel” overrun to be taken out of unexpended surplus.

Moved:  L. Sparaco                                Second:  D. LaMay

Discussion:  None

Approved: C. Fortuna; L. Sparaco; R. Finch; G. Caouette; D. LaMay; G. Whelen; J. O’Brien   7-0-0

Chairman Fortuna opened up a discussion regarding Founders Park.  Mr. Sparaco suggested that the BOS give a written request to the BOF indicating how much this project ran over and what the money was spent on.  This documentation will be emailed to Chairman  Fortuna.

CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE:  Chairman Fortuna read correspondence re additional clerk’s hours at the WPCA dated August 30, 2008.  
PUBLIC COMMENT: Ms. Castagno asked re: Surplus monies.  Mr. Fish reported that all surplus undesignated monies go to the unappropriated fund balance.  

Motion:  To adjourn at 9:36 p.m.

Moved:  L. Sparaco                                       Second:  R. Finch

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; L. Sparaco; R. Finch; G. Caouette; D. LaMay; G. Whelen   J. O’Brien    7-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,

Gerri Lewis, Clerk