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Economic Development Commission Minutes 06/14/2018
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Last Updated: 2018/6/18

June 14, 2018
2nd Floor Conference Room, Old Saybrook Town Hall
7:30 pm

The Chairman Matthew Pugliese called the meeting to order at 7:35p.m.

Members present: Matthew Pugliese, Elizabeth Swenson, David Cole, Judy Ganswindt. All members were seated.
Members absent: ~James Keating, John DeCristoforo, Carol Conklin, Joseph Arcari, Sandra Roberts
Staff: Susan Beckman, Economic Development Director; ~Meryl Moskowitz, Recording Clerk


IV.     GUEST – none

                A.      Approval of Minutes: May 10, 2018

MOTION to approve the regular meeting Minutes of May 10, 2018 as presented; MADE by D. Cole; SECONDED by J. Ganswindt; VOTING IN FAVOR: ~M. Pugliese, E. Swenson, D. Cole, J. Ganswindt; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 4-0-0.

        B.      Correspondence & Announcements

Economic Development Director Susan Beckman requested support of the Chamber of Commerce's 55th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival, as a “friend” sponsor of $100.

MOTION to approve expenditure of $100.00 for a “friend” sponsor of the Chamber of Commerce's Arts & Crafts Festival, MADE by J. Ganswindt; SECONDED by D. Cole; VOTING IN FAVOR: ~M. Pugliese, E. Swenson, D. Cole, J. Ganswindt; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 4-0-0.

A. EDC Goals and Strategies 2018-19
The Chairman Matt Pugliese outlined priorities for the coming year: 1. marketing to recruit businesses and increase tourism in the off season including quantifying marketing efforts; 2. update of the EDC section of the Plan of Conservation & Development; and 3. promote Mariner's Way

B. Marketing Plan FY19 – Rich Scierka

Rich Scierka of Scierka-Lang reviewed a proposed marketing strategy, explaining the allocation of $15,000 that was approved by the Board of Finance for marketing.. The plan was distributed and many ideas were generated, which R. Scierka will consider incorporating into the plan. ~Some of the goals are: 1. social media and targeted advertising. 2. marketing calendar. 3. focus on attracting business, with a business open house 4. public relations, for example sending out media advisories to CT Tourism.

Members suggested reaching out to the State to notify them, identifying business sectors, such as commercial realtors, to invite. E. Swenson discussed talking with King Arthur owner for possible insights to development of Mariner's Way.

R. Scierka is to deliver the next marketing report in September and asked members for input as to what data they would like reported.

Members discussed the budget and authorizing S. Beckman to have the ability to make expenditures above $250.00 without approval by the commission, as it relates to expenditures defined in the marketing budget. It was agreed that video is a priority and funds should be spent for a Fall segment on Better CT. The video would be to promote Mariner's Way and for general marketing.

MOTION to approve the 2018-19 marketing budget, and to approve the spending by S. Beckman of line items over $250.00, as specified in the budget; MADE by E. Swenson; SECONDED by J. Ganswindt; VOTING IN FAVOR: ~M. Pugliese, E. Swenson, D. Cole, J. Ganswindt; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 4-0-0.

MOTION to move $471.00 from the Advertising line item into the Special Marketing Fund, and pay $2,350.00 for a Fall Better CT segment; MADE by E. Swenson; SECONDED by J. Ganswindt; VOTING IN FAVOR: ~M. Pugliese, E. Swenson, D. Cole, J. Ganswindt; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 4-0-0.


A.      EDC PoCD Update
M. Pugliese reported that the working group meets tomorrow, June 15, and is consolidating information gathered from other commissions into a powerpoint presentation.

B.      Mariner's Way BAR Planning Projections
S. Beckman reported that the Committee met the end of May, and is looking at the possibility of a TIF district (tax increment financing). M. Pugliese suggested having joint commission meetings to explain TIF.

C       Marketing Plan - discussed under Old Business

D.      Recognition of Long Term Businesses – no report

E.      Arts & Culture
S. Beckman reported that the Board of Selectmen signed off on having art displayed in the hallways of Town Hall, and there may be a grant to purchase the hanging display system.

E. Swenson gave an update on Sustainable CT, as well as an update from The Preserve committee.


        IX. Comments from the Chair
M. Pugliese informed members he will be unable to attend the July and August meetings.

        X.              ADJOURNMENT

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Economic Development Commission which will be held on Thursday, July 12, 2018, at 7:30 p.m., Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room; MADE by D. Cole; SECONDED by J. Gansdwindt; VOTING IN FAVOR: ~M. Pugliese, E. Swenson, D. Cole, J. Ganswindt; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 4-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Meryl Moskowitz
Recording Clerk