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Economic Development Commission Minutes 07/13/2017

July 13, 2017
2nd Floor Conference Room, Old Saybrook Town Hall
7:30 pm

Chairman Carol Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

Members present: Carol Conklin, James Keating, John DeCristoforo, Joseph Arcari, Sandra Roberts, Matthew Pugliese, David Cole
Members absent: Elisabeth Swenson, Bruce Greenfield
Staff: Susan Beckman, Economic Development Director, Meryl Moskowitz, Recording Clerk
IV.       GUEST - Peg Shepard, H&R Block
Peg Shepard, owner of the Old Saybrook H&R Block franchise discussed her experience as a business owner, the challenges she faces to promote her business, to compete in the internet age, and to recruit employees. She has owned the business since 1986. Education and training is a top concern; all her employees are licensed by the I.R.S., and her office serves 3000 local families. It is the largest independent H&R Block franchise and P. Shepard represents New England owners to the company.

P. Shepard expressed concerns about sign regulations, stating people often tell her “I didn't know you were here.” She believes signs are important to draw people in, and would like to see a solution that permits ample signage while avoiding mess and clutter. She would also like to see improved communication from the Town to businesses regarding zoning regulations.

P. Shepard observed that foot traffic is substantially down, that people aren't strolling anymore, and that what might help the business landscape is community-building and the draw of activities. She stated that she misses the bowling alley and movie theater, which attracted people.

Approval of Minutes: June 8, 2017

MOTION to approve the regular meeting Minutes of June 8, 2017; MADE by D. Cole; SECONDED by J. DeCristoforo; VOTING IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. Keating, J. DeCristoforo, S. Roberts, M. Pugliese, D. Cole, J. Arcari; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 7-0-0.

B.  Correspondence & Announcements
Commissioners unanimously approved $100 sponsorship of the Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce Arts & Crafts Festival.

Signs. E. Swenson and S. Beckmen are planning to meet with Saybrook Point Inn to discuss a new way-finding sign at Saybrook Point. C. Conklin sees a need for more signage in town to point people to such places as the Point, beaches, and mini golf. M. Pugliese stated that signage needs to be viewed in a comprehensive way. C. Conklin asked for clarification of which businesses are on the sign and the policy about private versus public businesses on the way-finding sign.

Commissioners decided against granting a request for contributions from the Ambulance Association.

MOTION to approve $100 sponsorship of the Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce Arts & Crafts Festival, MADE by J. Keating; SECONDED by J. Arcari; VOTING IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. Keating, J. DeCristoforo, S. Roberts, M. Pugliese, D. Cole, J. Arcari; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 7-0-0.

A.   The Preserve
E. Swenson submitted a written report: the regular meeting of The Preserve was canceled; there was a meeting about trail marking.

B.   Benches  
 S. Beckman reported that five benches have been placed.

A.   Town-wide Promotion – Wednesdays in Old Saybrook.
C. Conklin distributed flyers throughout town. Denali has added hikes on Wednesday morning, known as Wilderness Wednesday hikes. Artists have come to town on Wednesday, and four businesses have offered to serve as locations for artists.

B.   Mariner’s Way BAR Planning Project
The final public meeting was held June 20. Approximately 30 residents, business, and property owners attended.  Civic Moxie provided results of the market feasibility study to date demonstrating how the market realities impact potential development concepts, and presented streetscape improvement options. Participants were asked to share their thoughts with CivicMoxie team members in more detail. The BAR Advisory Committee will look at recommendations of Civic Moxie, and decide which direction to take.

M. Pugliese offered that perhaps distribution centers should be considered for Mariner's Way, as it  seems like a sustainable business, ties in with the internet economy, and with the future direction of the economy.  A brief discussion followed about desirability of a distribution center and if it meshes with an activity-oriented and pedestrian-friendly place. S. Beckman stated that the market study shows area is a fit for a distribution center because of the proximity to highways and transportation.

C.   Marketing Plan
                   Next month an update is expected from Rich Szierka.

                 D.   Recognition of Long-Term Businesses/Spirit of Saybrook
            A preliminary list of possible nominees was considered.

E.    Arts & Culture
A request to support an area Arts Group with a $50 donation so they can join the Shoreline Arts Alliance was denied; the request may be revisited when the group is formally organized.  
A request was received from Lyme Academy to hold a reception for their students who will be renting apartments at Post & Main. The Commission will look at tying a reception to an appropriate event.

A.    EDC Commission Election of Officers

MOTION to approve the current slate of EDC officers for 2017: Carol Conklin, Chair; Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chair; John DeCristoforo, Secretary/Treasurer; MADE by D. Cole; SECONDED by J. Keating; VOTING IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. Keating, J. DeCristoforo, S. Roberts, M. Pugliese, D. Cole, J. Arcari; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 7-0-0.




MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:20pm until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Economic Development Commission on August 17, 2017 at 302 Main Street, Town Hall, 2nd Floor conference room; MADE by J. DeCristoforo, SECONDED by D. Cole; VOTING IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. Keating, J. DeCristoforo, S. Roberts, M. Pugliese, D. Cole, J. Arcari; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 7-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Meryl Moskowitz
Recording Clerk