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Economic Development Commission Minutes 01/12/2017
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Last Updated: 2017/1/13
January 12, 2017
2nd Floor Conference Room, Old Saybrook Town Hall
7:30 pm

Chair C. Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:36pm.

Members present: Carol Conklin, Elizabeth Swenson, John DeCristoforo, David Cole
Members absent: James Keating, Joseph Arcari, Bruce Greenfield, Sandra Roberts, Matthew Pugliese
Staff: Susan Beckman, Economic Development Director

Town resident Tom Stevenson commented on concerns regarding new signage for Saybrook Point.  He is not in favor because the signs and lighting at Saybrook Point have not been maintained even after a number of efforts by him to bring attention to the need for upkeep.

Town resident Tina Rupp was introduced.  She is interested in getting involved with the Town in general and wanted to learn more about the EDC.

Approval of Minutes

MOTION to approve the minutes of December 8, 2016; MADE by D. Cole, SECONDED by J. DeCristoforo; VOTED IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. DeCristoforo, D. Cole, B. Greenfield OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.
B.  Correspondence & Announcements

MOTION to approve expenditure of $100 to support the OS Chamber of Commerce Chili Fest; MADE by J. DeCristoforo, SECONDED by B. Greenfield; VOTED IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. DeCristoforo, D. Cole, B. Greenfield OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.
An invoice for $100 was received by Kim Meadows for painting the Community Piano and is in the process of being paid.  The EDC approved this expenditure in the fall of 2016.

Ben & Jerry’s is moving through the permitting process and received approval from CRAHD.

Dock and Dine is modifying their plans and need modifications of their permits.  They are moving through the process to get approval for the modifications. C. Conklin suggested a story on their impending reopening in the local paper.  S. Beckman will talk with C. Costa to get in contact with Mr. Kadama and gauge his interest and appropriate timing for a story.

E. Swenson joined the meeting at 7:55pm.

C Conklin asked the Commission to amend future agenda to include “Comments from the Chair”.
MOTION to amend future agenda to include “Comments from the Chair”; MADE D. Cole, SECONDED by J. DeCristoforo; VOTED IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. DeCristoforo, D. Cole, B. Greenfield, E Swenson OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

A. 2017-2018 Budget and BOF Update – J Keating, C Conklin and S Beckman attended the Jan 3 BOF meeting to provide an update on EDC activities, challenges and goals.  Although the budget was kept flat for the coming fiscal year, the EDC will approach the BOS with a proposal for funding to develop a marketing plan to recruit businesses and increase tourism in the off-season.  
B. A letter will be sent to John Ellis to follow-up on his request for funding made at the Dec 2016 meeting.

A. Town-wide Promotion – C Conklin and S Beckman are meeting with Jayne Whittles of Chalk Mercantile to review promotion opportunities for businesses/property along Route 1.  E Swenson asked about a plan for Route 1 that consolidated curb cuts and created smaller more walkable sections  connecting the small shopping centers (the Fromage center to the Saybrook Seafood center for example).  S Beckman will get a copy of the Route 1 Plan developed by the COG for review by the EDC.  They will also meet with the Chamber in February to begin discussions about the Wednesdays in Old Saybrook promotion for the summer. The Historical Society will have events marking the 250th anniversary of the William Hart House through 2017 which will be incorporated into Town-wide promotions.
B. Mariner’s Way BAR Planning Project  - the consultants, CivicMoxie, will be putting together concepts for streetscape plans, architecture and potential businesses that would be feasible and were indicated as desired by residents, property owners and other businesses.  Another public meeting will be in late February to get feedback on the concepts that are presented.  
C. Marketing Plan – S Beckman and Chamber representatives met with the State of CT Office of Tourism to explore opportunities but due to budget cuts, the Office of Tourism is stripped down to maintaining their website and social media for marketing.  Old Saybrook will use the website to its fullest extent, but it is clear that the Town will need to do its own marketing for tourism and may have opportunities to work with the Madison Chamber to promote the Shoreline.  S Beckman will work with the Chamber to provide a tour to the Office of Tourism staff so they are better aware of all OS has to offer and can promote it.  S Beckman will also be meeting with a marketing person later in January to discuss goals and identify potential avenues for free publicity in advance of developing a full marketing plan.
D. Recognition of Long-Term Businesses/Spirit of Saybrook – S Beckman will recirculate the list of businesses that have been in Town since 1977 and before for all to review.  Commissioners can make recommendations for awardees in 2017.  The Spirit of Saybrook was last awarded to the Esty Family in 2015.  The Spirit of Saybrook is not given every year; it is awarded when Commissioners feel it is warranted.
E. Arts & Culture – S Beckman invited Commissioners to join a meeting on January 17 at 2pm with artists in Town to begin to discuss art and public art as a means of enhancing the community and increasing interest in visiting.  The meeting will be at Ashlawn Coffee.  S Beckman will meet Bob at the Art Emporeum and ask for input.  S Beckman will contact the Shoreline Arts Alliance regarding public art and how they go about planning and placing it.  S Beckman will contact Steve and Lauren Cryan, artists in OS.


A. Saybrook Point Wayfinding Sign (Mini Golf, Park, Boardwalk, Dock’n’Dine)
Town Planner, Christine Nelson, would like to develop a sign that indicates all of the interests of visitors to Saybrook Point.  She would like to use the welcome signs as the model and has asked Computer Signs to help design a concept.  The EDC supports the idea but wants to ensure that there is a maintenance plan with a department/office identified as being responsible for maintenance.

B. C Conklin feels there could be better communication between the EDC and Zoning Commissions and will draft a memo with a proposal to improve how the Commissions work together.

        VII.    STAFF REPORT
                A written staff report was distributed.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:05pm until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Economic Development Commission which will be held on Thursday, February 9, 2017, at 7:30 p.m., Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room; MADE by D. Cole; SECONDED by E. Swenson; VOTED IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. DeCristoforo, D. Cole, E. Swenson, B. Greenfield OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

        Susan W. Beckman
        Acting Recording Clerk