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Economic Development Commission Minutes 12/03/2015
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Size: 162K
Last Updated: 2015/12/4

December 3, 2015

Chairman Carol Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

Members present: Carol Conklin, Jim Keating, John DeCristoforo, David Cole, Elizabeth Swenson, Joseph Arcari, Sandra Roberts at 7:17pm, Matthew Pugliese at 7:40pm.
Members absent: Bruce Greenfield
Staff: Susan Beckman, Economic Development Director, Chris Costa, Zoning Enforcement Officer, Meryl Moskowitz, Recording Clerk
Attorney Eliza with Branse & Willis

A. Mariner’s Way
     1. Proposed Zoning Changes – Discussion of feedback and potential changes to proposed petitions

C. Conklin opened the meeting for discussion to review comments from the public pertaining to the three petitions.

For the proposed MW Overlay Zone, the EDC had an in depth discussion about draft text for general retail or retail with a percentage dedicated to marine/recreation uses with an increased building cap size of 170,000 s.f.~ The Commission took into consideration extensive comments from the outreach meetings that the Town should not dictate what a retailer sells and concerns from residents about adding a large format “big box” retail store, traffic and other possible problems associated with this use.~The Commission came to a consensus to remove retail as a proposed use and move forward to create the framework for the overlay MW Overlay Zone. The retail discussion could become a focus of the petition and derail the MW Overlay Zone petition.~ The Commission discussed how a retail tenant could always apply to the Zoning Commission to amend the regulations to allow for general retail.~ CVS on Boston Post Road petitioned and was allowed a drive up pharmacy, Eastpointe petitioned for multi-family housing and all were successful.~

MOTION to approve the petition for the Mariner’s Way Overlay with the removal of retail as a use; MADE by C. Conklin, SECONDED by E. Swenson; VOTED IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. DeCristoforo, J. Keating, S. Roberts, E. Swenson, J. Arcari; M. Pugliese.  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: D. Cole; APPROVED: 8-0-0.

Discussion of the proposed petition change to B3 was debated and specific comments from the public reviewed. Commission members weighed the different options as well as the benefits and costs of changing B4 to B3 and the benefits and costs of keeping the zones as is. The Commission considered lot sizes, conforming and non-conforming uses, and what uses would be added or eliminated by changing the designated areas to B3. The Commission discussed concerns voiced by business owners in the existing B4 zone about becoming non-conforming if the B3 change is implemented. Although they can continue to operate as non-conforming uses, they were concerned that the more restrictive business uses in the B3 zone would limit the value of their business and/or property if they wanted to sell in the future.  There was a discussion about which zone would yield the greater tax base revenue. Members looked at existing residences and which properties would become conforming and discussed pros and cons of conforming and non-conforming.  Zoning Enforcement Officer C. Costa reviewed uses on the five industrial properties affected by the B3 change.  The Commission decided making the change to B3 in accordance with the Mariner’s Way Plan was appropriate for the future development of the area.  The Commission decided to move forward with the proposal as it is.  

MOTION to approve the petition for a zoning map change to B3 as it was presented; MADE by C. Conklin, SECONDED by E. Swenson; VOTED IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. DeCristoforo, J. Keating, S. Roberts, E. Swenson, J. Arcari; M. Pugliese.  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: D. Cole; APPROVED: 7-0-1.

Attorney E. Heins reviewed the text change for the Pedestrian Node proposed petition, explaining that she had received a suggested clarification from Attorney David Royston and that she agrees with his proposed clarification. Commission members agreed that the Pedestrian Node Change for the Ferry Point area should be moved forward as a petition to the Zoning Commission with the text clarification.  

MOTION to approve the petition for the Pedestrian Node text change with the suggested clarifying language; MADE by J. DeCristoforo, SECONDED by J. Keating; VOTED IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. DeCristoforo, J. Keating, S. Roberts, E. Swenson, J. Arcari, D. Cole; M. Pugliese.  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 7-0-0.

The Commission discussed the process for petitioning the Zoning Commission for the zoning text and map changes.  C. Costa said the petitions can be prepared by staff with a progress report at the next regularly scheduled meeting on December 10, 2015.

MOTION to have Land Use office staff proceed with preparing the applications for Zoning Commission of the approved petitions; MADE by J. DeCristoforo, SECONDED by J. Keating; VOTED IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. DeCristoforo, J. Keating, S. Roberts, E. Swenson, J. Arcari, D. Cole; M. Pugliese.  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 8-0-0.

MOTION: To adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. until the next Regular Meeting of the Economic Development Commission on December 10, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Economic Development Office; MADE: by C. Conklin SECONDED: by J. Keating VOTED IN FAVOR: C. Conklin, J. DeCristoforo, D. Cole, J. Keating, S. Roberts, E. Swenson, J. Arcari, M. Pugliese; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED 8-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,
Meryl Moskowitz
Recording Clerk