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Economic Development Commission Minutes 2/12/2009
EDC Minutes Thursday, February 12, 2009

Present: Chairman Joe Santangelo, Dave Cole, Jim Keating, Mark McGuire and Wilma Asch           
  Absent: Ken Capano, Bruce Greenfield, Howard Huelsman, Charlie Polka and Todd Roberts

I.      Chairman Joe Santangelo called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM in the EDC Office in Town Hall.
II.     On a motion (Cole/McGuire) the Minutes of January 8, 2009 were accepted.

III.    Committee Reports:      None

IV.     Old Business

a)      Business Development Update -  Chairman Joe Santangelo and Alternate Commissioner Charlie Polka met with members of the Chamber of Commerce and Joe also with members of the Main Street Business Association to seek opportunities for our organizations to work together to promote business development in Old Saybrook.  While business attraction is interesting to those organizations their primary focus is business retention and the promotion of existing (mostly retail) business in town through a number of events. They also promote Old Saybrook as a great place to live.  After discussion the EDC consensus is that if an appropriate forum can be established EDC may be in a position to support the other two organizations but our primary focus should be attraction of new businesses to Old Saybrook. Our mission is to create jobs and to rebalance the tax burden in town.  The Mullin report taught us that the proper grand list balance for a town like ours would be about 70% residential. In 2000 it was 70%. The October 2008 assessment has us at 81%.  Homeowners carry far too high a share of the tax burden in Old Saybrook.

V.      New Business:                                                                                           
a)      A discussion of EDC’s plans to create jobs and to rebalance the tax burden in town continued.  Commissioner Cole pointed out that we had collectively determined that our primary focus should be the Marina District with emphasis on the Boston Post Road from Pat’s Kountry Kitchen to the     I-95 entrance at Ferry Road.  Several action steps were outlined.
i)      Chairman Santangelo pointed out that we need a map, detailed descriptions of the properties  involved, specifics on which properties are formally listed for sale, and some expert advice about the best uses for the properties.
(1)     Executive Director Asch will gather the available data in Town Hall and determine which properties are for sale and at what prices.
(2)     Commissioner Keating will distribute the Powerpoint Presentation created by Bob MacDonald and will contact Commissioner Capano for suggestions of an “expert”.
(3)     Chairman Santangelo will seek State of Connecticut resources to assist us.
ii)     We expect to find that we must approach Planning and Zoning about changes to attract   business development in the area.
iii)    We will want to create marketing materials, brochures and/or web presentations.
iv)     This discussion will continue at out March Meeting.
VI.     Comments from the Chairman: Chairman Santangelo’s comments were generally made made in the normal course of the meeting.  He did point out that Jack Charles Polka, son of alternate Commissioner Charlie Polka was born on February 5th 2009. Our Congratulations!                                                                                                                                              
VII.    Executive Director’s Report – a written report was distributed.                                                                                                                                                  
VIII.    On a motion made and passed (McGuire/Cole) Chairman Santangelo adjourned the meeting at 8:45PM.

Respectfully submitted,

James D. Keating