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EDC 011206.Minutes

Minutes of January 12, 2006

Present: David Cole, Bruce Greenfield, Jim Keating, Frank Reichart, Todd Roberts and Wilma Asch.

I.   The meeting at Town Hall was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by Chairman Keating.
      II.   On motion made and seconded (Cole/Reichart) the minutes of 12/15/05 were accepted.

     III.  Committee Reports
     A. Yale Urban Design - Todd Roberts stated that since there has not been a meeting, there was nothing new to report.

     B.  Head of Main Street - Unconfirmed completion date is September.

     C.  Inland/Wetlands - Public hearing meetings continue and deliberation by the Commission will not begin until February.

     D.  Zoning - Nothing significant to report.

     IV. Old Business
     Chairman Keating reported that a draft of the Plan of Conservation & Development has been reviewed by the Board of Selectmen and that approval has been given for Middlesex Community College to use a town hall conference room at designated times for training.

    V.  New Business
    A.  The 2006-07 EDC budget submission was approved by the commissioners.
    B.   Todd Roberts reported on the availability of Main Street retail space.
    C.   Chairman Keating gave a review of the recent meeting regarding suggested improvements to North Main Street.

    VI.  Comments from the Chairman
           -   Reminded everyone of the upcoming Land Use meeting and the 2/1 Planning Commission public              hearing on the Plan of Conservation & Development.
           -   The Chaiorman and Wilma will but together a business plan for the theater.
           -   Discussed a possible multi-commission project re: parking issues/resolutions.

    Chairman Keating adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.

    Respecfully submitted.

    Frank A. Reichart