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Agenda 4/10/2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008                                                                                    EDC Office
7:30 P.M.                                                                                                             Town Hall

I.      Call to Order
II.     March 13, 2008 meeting was not held due to lack of a quorum.
III.    Christine Nelson, Town Planner re: State Plan of Conservation and Development
IV.     Committee Reports
V.      Old Business
A.      Old Saybrook Economic Development Tools, Commissioner Santangelo
B.      Other
VI.     New Business
A.      Facility Operations Agreement, Chairman Keating
B.      Report of Nominating Committee, Commissioner Cole & Commissioner Greenfield
C.      Election of Officers
D.      O.S. Events Article due May 16th for June 27th publication
E.      Other
VII.    Comments from the Chairman
VIII.   Executive Director’s Report
IX.     Action Steps
X.      Adjourn