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Charter Revision Minutes 04 10 2013
April 10, 2013   6:30 P.M.
2nd Floor Conference Room
Old Saybrook Town Hall

Members Present:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Absent Members:
David Royston, V. Chairman~~~~~                        William Childress, Chairman ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Carol Manning, Secretary/Treasurer ~~~~
John DeCristoforo
Judy Ganswindt
Don Hunt
Sal Aresco
Jan Murray
David LaMay (6:55 p.m.)~

In Attendance:
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Barbara Maynard, Past Selectman
Gerri Lewis, Clerk
Call To Order:~
Mr. Royston, Acting Chairman, called the Charter Revision Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Before the minutes were approved, Mr. Fortuna noted for the record that following Mr. Royston’s comment,
Mr. Fortuna said that towns with like populations such as Essex, Westbrook and Old Lyme have 3 selectmen
on their boards of selectmen.
Approval of Minutes: The Charter Revision Commission meeting of February 13 , 2013.
A motion to approve the Charter Revision Commission minutes of February 13, 2013 as amended by the inclusion
of Mr. Fortuna’s comment.~
Comments from the Public:
Review of Recommendations to Charter to be made to date:  
Mr. Royston noted this item to be produced by Chairman Childress will be deferred to the May meeting.

Discussion:  Chapters 8 and 9 of the Charter:
Mr. Royston commented that he was charged with drafting a section for “contracts.”  He submitted two drafts
of new Section 6, Multi-year contracts and Section 7, Emergency contracts of Chapter 8 of the Charter, one with
explanatory comments..  

A discussion ensued with regard to multi-year contracts, i.e. non-union employee contracts; personal services contracts;
goods and services contracts.  In Mr. Royston’s explanatory notes of the draft to Section 6, Multi-year contracts,
he notes,   “This is to separate multi-year contracts from emergency expenditures which would be made in one
fiscal year.  Old  Section 6, now Section 8, is a “catch-all” provision which should still end the Section.”

Under the new draft Section 6, Multi-year contracts, Mr. Royston explains in his notes that “…this is the language
which differentiates this type contract from those that are in the budget each year and thus are approved by the
Board of Finance and Town Meeting.
A definition of “monetary obligation” is provided which includes benefits and extras. The estimation decision is
made by the Board of finance.”

Mr. Fortuna questioned the ultimate purpose of this draft of multi-year contracts.  It was decided and it was the general
consensus of the commission to make the following motion:

A motion was made by Mr. DeCristoforo and seconded by Ms. Murray that the acting chairman would have a
draft prepared for Town Counsel that multi-year non-union employee contracts and multi-year personal services
contracts be subject for approval by the Board of Finance.  MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

Mr. Royston noted that he would work with Mr. Cronin, Town Counsel.  After a short discussion the following
motion was made:

A motion by Ms. Manning and seconded by Mr. DeCristoforo that the acting chairman be instructed to have the
draft also include in the charter a provision that an ordinance regulating multi-year contracts for goods and
services be adopted.  
Approve: 4
Oppose:   4

Section 7: Emergency Contracts:
After some discussion, it was decided to leave this section, to see if it is perhaps addressed in an ordinance or
state statute.  The following motion was made:

A motion was made by Ms. Manning and seconded by Mr. LaMay that the commission investigate the statutory
requirements, and the charter and ordinance provisions relating to emergency expenditures and review at the next

Chapter 8; Sections 1&2:
Mr. Fortuna handed out to the commission a draft on these two section.
 After discussion, it appeared that the ultimate purpose of the draft submitted by Mr. Fortuna was 1. To assure that
the Selectmen receive the Board of Ed budget in time for the Selectmen to react to it in finalizing the General Government
Budget, and 2. To assure that the Budget Meeting, particularly if it went to Referendum, be able to be concluded in
early May. The timing and need for a second Public Hearing on the Budget was discussed.

It was the consensus that these matters should be addressed and further consideration would be deferred to a
future meeting..  

A motion to adjourn at 8:21 p.m. was made by Mr. DeCristoforo and seconded by Ms. Murray.

Respectfully submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk