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Conservation Commission Outreach Committee Minutes 05/01/2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 8:00 a.m.
2nd Floor Conference Room
Town Hall, 302 Main Street

Chairman, Bruce Sherwin, called the special meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.

Members Present 
Robert Fish
Bruce Sherwin

Partner Group Members Present
Sara Keaney, Old Saybrook Land Trust
Ann Gamble, Old Saybrook Land Trust
Sue Consoli, Youth and Family Services

Land Use Department Staff Present
Sandy Prisloe, Environmental Planner
Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk

Partner and Correspondent Updates

R. Fish asked B. Sherwin if he was satisfied with the information he sent to him on fishways. R. Fish was pleased with the way the article was put onto the web site, and he hopes the article will encourage people to visit the fishways at the Town Park.

The Old Saybrook Land Trust recently had a meeting where they discussed ticks, and a possible upcoming tick infestation. R. Fish would like to add an article about this on the Sustainable Saybrook website.

There was discussion about Sustainable Saybrook providing links to local news articles. A. Gamble specifically mentioned a recent article in “The Harbor News” entitled “Goodwin Goes Green.” B. Sherwin said he’d be happy to do provide the links, but he wants to clarify what the legal implications are. A. Gamble said she would check with “The Harbor News” editor and bring that information to the next Sustainable Saybrook meeting.

S. Prisloe said he would like to write about composting in the next Sustainability tip.
S. Consoli suggested looking for tips on the UConn Agricultural web site.

The “Front Page”

B. Sherwin created a page with announcements on it. Those announcements are automatically fed to the front page. The announcements page will retain those articles forever. He doesn’t want to move content around on the web site because people may link to only one page.

S. Keaney suggested everyone view “The Front Page” on his or her computer before the next Sustainable Saybrook meeting.

S. Prisloe is putting together a list of factoids about Old Saybrook for the Sustainable Saybrook web site in a “Did you know?” format that would change regularly. He asked B. Sherwin to let him know how this can be done. B. Sherwin said he would look further into this for the next meeting.

Promotional materials update – bookmarks and flyers

B. Sherwin showed the group some sample bookmarks he printed out. He used the logo from Ann’s graphic arts contact. He put a QR code on the front of the bookmark, and Sustainable Saybrook’s mission statement on the back. The group liked the bookmark, and said they’d like to see it in color.

B. Sherwin showed the group another logo he liked from Raleigh, NC. It’s their Sustainable Raleigh logo made up of 3 interlocking, stylized, open rings.

The group decided to hold off on making a final decision on the logo until more members of the group are present. A. Gamble offered to send prospective logos to all members of the group via e-mail before the next Sustainable Saybrook meeting.

The group discussed a Sustainable Saybrook flyer that would be distributed at local coffee shops around town, and hung on bulletin boards of local businesses. B. Sherwin will be generating that flyer which will be a bigger version of the bookmark.

A. Gamble would like to have a board at The Farmers’ Market with a larger QR code that people could scan while at the market.

S. Consoli suggested giving Sustainable Saybrook bookmarks to Acton Library and to the school libraries to distribute.

S. Consoli asked if the group could request that “The Harbor News” commit to holding a space for Sustainable Saybrook each week for news, announcements, information about Sustainable Saybrook meetings, sustainability tips, etc. A. Gamble suggested printing a question in “The Harbor News”, and people would have to go to the Sustainability Web site to find the answer. A. Gamble offered to talk with “The Harbor News” editor.

Promotional event schedule and staffing & Calendar updates

There was discussion about organizing a community clean up and figuring which community groups could be involved such as the local scout troops, youth groups, community families, etc.

B. Sherwin encouraged group members to send him items for the calendar. He’s been putting items on the web site for different groups in town.

S. Consoli said she would send calendar items regarding employment workshops run by Youth & Family Services.

B. Sherwin asked S. Consoli if she had spoken to any of the high school students about regularly updating the Sustainable Saybrook Facebook page. She said H. McNeil works with the youth, and she will talk with her to see if she has any suggestions.

B. Sherwin will be presenting information about Sustainable Saybrook to the Economic Development Commission at 8:00 P.M. on May 10, 2012 in the Economic Development Office, and to the Chamber of Commerce at 8:00 A.M. on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at the Chamber of Commerce building on Main Street. He hopes to be scheduling a presentation for the Old Saybrook Garden Club soon.

The next special meeting of the Conservation Commission’s Outreach Committee Sustainable Saybrook, will be Tuesday, May 15, 2012, Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room at 8:00 A.M.

        The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:00 A.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Noyes
Recording Clerk