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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/04/2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 8:00 a.m.
2nd Floor Conference Room
Town Hall, 302 Main Street

Chairman, Robert Fish, called the regular meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.

Members Present 
Robert Fish, Chairman
Pat Ingellis
Bruce Sherwin

Members Present from Partner-Groups
        Janice Holland, Old Saybrook Land Trust
Land Use Department Staff Present
        Christine Nelson, Town Planner
Sandy Prisloe, Environmental Planner
Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk

R. Fish asked members what needed to be done next to get the web site up and running successfully.

B. Sherwin suggested asking partner groups if they would like to submit content to the web site.

There was discussion about the banner on the web site. It was suggested that the graphic should be changed because the banner does not convey the strength of sustainability, and that perhaps a notable tree could be used instead such as an Atlantic White Cedar or a Centennial Elm.

J. Holland said she thought there should be fewer tabs. She brought in a sample of a sustainable web site from the UK that she thought was a good example to share with the group. The web site is

There was discussion about the grouping of the 12 priorities and whether they   
should be across the top or on the side with the drop down menu.

S. Prisloe suggested that there be a focused evaluation of the web site page by page for everyone who’s been involved to make sure there’s a consensus. He said perhaps this could be done at the next meeting before too much is put up on the web site so it doesn’t all have to be reorganized.

C. Nelson added that the format needs to be more defined and it should be consistent. She also noted that for each of the priorities both the global context and the local context should be included.

S. Prisloe shared the idea of forwarding a “green tip” on a semi-regular basis regarding sustainability issues such as water or energy conservation, etc. These tips would help promote sustainability and would invite people to check back to the web site. Also, it would introduce things happening in Old Saybrook such as the rain garden and rain barrel initiatives. People can subscribe to the web site for automatic delivery of these tips and other news.

C. Nelson brought up Erica’s e-list as an example of a successful e-blast that is building excitement about where we live and what’s going on in our area. There’s a “forward to a friend” tab so people can pass it on. C. Nelson said she’s going to forward it to the members of this group.

B. Sherwin explained that an e-mail manager could manage this list, but he also talked about the importance of putting something together that looks good and that would entice people to visit the web site. He said there has to be a lot of color, visuals, articles, etc. S. Prisloe suggested the group obtain software to help do this. C. Nelson suggested that in the future, perhaps the group should consider bringing on a professional web site person so the group can focus on content.

R. Fish suggested contacting Becky Coffey at some point so she can come to a meeting and write an article for the “Harbor News” to get the information about the web site out to the public.

R. Fish shared an article he received from Judy Preston about an upcoming event in which towns interested in sustainability are working together. He suggested connecting with them. J. Holland said she’d be interesting in attending the event. C. Nelson added that Rockfall does something similar.

R. Fish said Karen Carlone, a biology teacher at OSHS, contacted him offering to have the kids in her class do some water testing for the town. He said he’d like them to be a part of this effort.

C. Nelson said the town has a permit from the DEEP to discharge storm water into certain outfall discharge points. Spots that represent different land uses must be tested and the results submitted periodically. She said this would be a good area for the high school students to help with. There are very specific parameters that must be followed for this type of water testing. C. Nelson said that it would be helpful to involve Dave Campbell or Geoff Jacobson. C. Nelson said if the water testing was ongoing, there could be statistics on the web site.

Everyone agreed that for the next meeting, which will be on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 8:00 a.m., 2nd Floor Conference Room, Town Hall, members should look at the web site and critique it. C. Nelson said the agenda should be more specific. She asked what members thought the agenda should have on it, and what was suggested was content, features, and critique of the present status of the web site.

B. Sherwin said everyone should have their feedback ready to go, and their changes ready to implement, so they can be voted on.

C. Nelson said the evening Conservation Commission meetings should be distinguished from the content of the morning Conservation Commission Outreach Committee meetings. Morning meetings are partner meetings and evening meetings are about the Conservation Commission’s goals for the web site as well as other Conservation Commission business.

C. Nelson suggested that in the future it would be a good idea for the group to invite a partner to the meeting to speak.

The following is a list of topics and who is in charge of them: R. Fish economy and energy; S. Prisloe, environment; B. Sherwin waste management and education; W. Smith, food; C. Nelson identity and culture and shelter; K. Gallagher health.

C. Nelson handed out an article about the 12 sections of  Markham’s sustainability priorities. B. Sherwin suggested the sub topics be free-form, and that the content be short enough so it will be easily readable and easy to navigate.

The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Noyes