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Conservation Commission Minutes 09/09/2009
Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 8, 2009 @ 7:30 p.m.
Land Use Conference Room
302 Main Street
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Members in Attendance:  Bob Fish, Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Pat Ingellis, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman.

Absent: Kim Gallagher

Staff in Attendance:  Maura Farbotka, Recording Clerk

Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: to approve the minutes of July 14, 2009 as presented.   
MOVED: by C. Cobb; SECONDED: by M. Kelley; IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Pat Ingellis, and Mike Kelley; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

R. Siegelman arrived @ 7:34 p.m.

Rockfall Foundation Meeting in Old Saybrook:
Chairman Fish discussed the upcoming Rockfall Foundation Meeting to be held in Old Saybrook on September 19, 2009.  The meeting will include a presentation of some of our recent accomplishments and a hike into Great Cedars, including a stop at the new Fishway.

Review of Proposed “Gateway Conservation Zone” Amendments to Zoning Regulations:
B. Fish reported that at an upcoming Zoning Commission Meeting, proposed amendments to the Old Saybrook Zoning Regulations will be presented.  Section 9, Definitions, and Section 58, Ct. River Gateway Conservation Zone, will be addressed, specifically to clarify language. It was noted the proposed amendments would make enforcement of these regulations easier, with no change to their intent.  There were suggestions that specific education of homeowners in this zone could also make enforcement more effective.   
B. Fish advised the commission that he would write a letter to the Zoning Commission in favor of the proposed amendments.

Open Space Boundary Marking/Trails:
P. Ingellis is moving forward with the boundary markings with an Eagle Scout.  He hopes to start within the next week or two.  The volunteer Scout will complete his portion with other scouts assisting, and Pat Ingellis will complete the remainder.  Pat indicated he has several people interested in assisting to complete this project.

Heritage Tour Innovation:
M. Kelley discussed his ideas for new updates to the Natural Heritage Tour Brochure.  Possible additions to the map included marking bike routes, walking areas, and kayak trails.  B. Fish showed the Commission a new large map, which indicates all of the walking trails at Great Cedars East and West and Clark Community Park that could be referenced in the brochure.  M. Kelley suggested making the symbols larger on the map.  He also stressed he wants to include as much information as possible while being careful not to make the brochure too busy.  Another suggestion was made to list other brochures of interest on the side.  Mike will continue to work on ideas and will discuss them at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Great Cedars Stewardship:
B. Fish reported that ATVs are now in use by the OSPD for patrolling in the open space areas, and they have already had a positive impact on the stewardship of Great Cedars and the Town Park area.  The ATVs have also been used by the police in assisting an injured person and finding a lost hiker.

Regional Activities / Eco-tourism:
B. Fish and Town Planner Christine Nelson will be attending the upcoming meeting to be hosted by the Regional Planning Agency, which will include all area Land Trusts and Conservation Commissions.  

Other Updates:
C. Cobb reported that the Oyster River Coalition is continuing to explore the restoration of oysters in the Oyster River with the help of Tim Visel.  He was optimistic with recent progress, and will continue to follow it.

MOTION: to adjourn the meeting at 8:35.m. until the next Regular Meeting on Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall in the Land Use Conference Room.  
MOVED: by C. Cobb; SECONDED: by M. Kelley; IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Pat Ingellis, Mike Kelley, and Robert Siegelman; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 6-0-0.

Respectively submitted,

Maura Farbotka, Recording Clerk