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CC Minutes 04/10/2007
Town of Old Saybrook
Conservation Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Land Use Conference Room
Old Saybrook Town Hall

Members in Attendance: Bob Fish, Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Kim Gallagher, Pat Ingellis, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman
Staff: Christine Nelson
Visitor: Judy Preston

Approval of Minutes
MOTION to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of March 13, 2007.
MOVED by Jerry Brophy.  SECONDED by Robert Siegelman.  IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Kim Gallagher, Pat Ingellis, Robert Siegelman.
OPPOSED: None. ABSTAINING: Mike Kelley. APPROVED: 6-0-1.

The Ground-Truthing Project, with Judy Preston
Ms. Judy Preston made a presentation to Commission members regarding the Tidewater Institute’s CT River Riparian Buffer Mapping Project.  The project inventoried existing riparian buffer conditions along the CT River from the mouth of the river up to Haddam and East Haddam.  Ms. Preston stated that 46% to 47% of the riparian buffer is in excellent condition. The other parcels are experiencing increasing development pressure.  Every effort is being made to work with parcel owners to educate them about the importance of riparian buffers.  Ms. Preston is also visiting and speaking with commissions from other area towns about this project.  
The two goals of the project are one, to create a regional open space map in order to enhance open greenways, and two, get people from area towns involved and talk about similar issues and opportunities.

There will be a meeting on Monday, April 30, 2007 at the Pavilion in Old Saybrook from 7:00 to 8:30p.m. on this topic.  Ms. Preston will also speak more about this at the quarterly land use meeting on April 24, 2007.  

Natural History Tour
Mike Kelley briefed the Commission on where the status of this project stands.  The 12 sites/stops of the tour have been decided.  Next steps include editing of the text and format.  Mike suggested everyone look through the existing text and email him comments before the next meeting on this topic.  It was decided that a special meeting take place at 6:00p.m. on Tuesday, May 8, 2007 in the Land Use Conference Room, Old Saybrook Town Hall.

The Fishway System
Bob Fish stated that there is no further progress with the new fishway system (Crystal Lake) but he will be in contact with Steve Gephardt.  Charlie Cobb stated that monitoring of the Chalker Millpond fishway ladders has begun.  Robert Siegelman is helping with the monitoring of the Ingham Pond fishway as well.  Charlie Cobb has also asked for monitoring help from the Land Trust.

Land Stewardship, MOU Meeting
Parks & Recreation agreed to talk about regulations concerning better stewardship enforcement on all town properties.  They are also working on trail maps for great Cedars East.

Land Use Updates
Bob Fish mentioned that Charlie Cobb, Mike Kelley, and himself will be speaking on behalf of the Conservation Commission at the Quarterly Land Use Meeting on April 24, 2007 at 7:00p.m.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:20p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, May 8, 2007, 7:30p.m., Land Use Conference Room, Old Saybrook Town Hall, 302 Main Street.
MOVED by Kim Gallagher.  SECONDED by Mike Kelley. IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Kim Gallagher, Mike Kelley, Pat Ingellis, Robert Siegelman.

Respectfully Submitted,

Melanie Dautrich
Conservation Commission Clerk