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CC Minutes 01/09/2007
Town of Old Saybrook
Conservation Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Land Use Conference Room
Old Saybrook Town Hall

Members in Attendance: Jerry Brophy (Acting Chairman), Charlie Cobb, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman
Members Absent: Bob Fish, Kim Gallagher, Pat Ingellis

Approval of Minutes
MOTION to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of December 12, 2006.
MOVED by Charlie Cobb.  SECONDED by Mike Kelley.  IN FAVOR: Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman.

Commission Membership and Organization
Jerry Brophy asked for nominations for election of officers.
MOTION to maintain current officer positions. (Bob Fish – Chairman, Jerry Brophy – Vice Chairman, Kim Gallagher – Wetlands Rep.)
MOVED by Charlie Cobb.  SECONDED by Robert Siegelman.  IN FAVOR: Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman.

Request for Comment on Neely Resubdivision
Jerry Brophy briefed the Commission on the Neely Resubdivision proposal.  The location is right after the railroad tracks in between the Amtrak property and Interstate 95.  Presently the road leads to four (4) current houses.  The proposal calls for 9 lots on 1,030 feet of road on a total of 14.62 acres of which 1.25 acres is slated for open space.  The Commission discussed the fact that the proposed open space does not tie into other open spaces and feels that its rural character would most likely not be maintained.  Therefore, the Commission recommends that a fee in lieu of open space would be suitable and the developer is encouraged to distribute the proposed open space to the other lot owners.

MOTION to recommend that Bob Fish draft a letter based on the above recommendations.
MOVED by Charlie Cobb.  SECONDED by Mike Kelley.  IN FAVOR: Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman.

Request for Comment on Revised Inland Wetlands Map
MOTION to table this topic to the next regularly scheduled meeting due to Kim Gallagher’s absence.
MOVED by Charlie Cobb.  SECONDED by Mike Kelley.  IN FAVOR: Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman.

Commission Projects
Natural History Tour – Mike Kelley discussed his ideas and concerns regarding a format for the Natural History Tour.  He stated to the Commission that he thought it was important to decide a format before proceeding so that the content could be tailored to the appropriate format.  Charlie Cobb volunteered to collect possible sample maps that may have already been done by other agencies, commissions, boards, etc. and share them with the group at the next meeting.
Further discussion ensued and Commission members present agreed to eliminate Harvey’s Beach, Barley Hill Overlook, and Oyster River Overlook from the tour due to parking concerns. Mike Kelley said he would go onto the DEP website to gather any information they may have concerning the proposed stops of the tour and distribute them to everyone.
The Commission members present decided to schedule a special meeting for Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at 4:00 p.m., Land Use Conference Room, Old Saybrook Town Hall, 302 Main Street to discuss and move this project along further.

Outreach and Education – Robert Siegelman stated that there has been no further progress due to school vacation/holiday.

Stewardship Plan – Charlie Cobb stated that the encroachment forms were brought to Ray Allen’s attention and we are awaiting word on how and if this is going to be enforced.  Mr. Cobb intends to speak with Mr. Allen about the progress of this and the Commission suggests Bob Fish follow up with Mr. Allen as well.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:05pm. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 7:30pm., Land Use Conference Room, Old Saybrook Town Hall, 302 Main Street.
MOVED by Mike Kelley.  SECONDED by Charlie Cobb.  IN FAVOR: Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman.

Respectfully Submitted,

Melanie Dautrich
Conservation Commission Clerk